Postdoctoral Training

Every year, HIPRC welcomes postdoctoral trainees from a broad spectrum of injury-related disciplines looking to take the next step in their careers.

HIPRC’s postdoctoral training is designed to mentor trainees throughout specific injury prevention research projects. These opportunities are open to individuals with either M.D.s or Ph.D.s, both clinical and non-clinical, from a broad range of injury-related fields. Formal options include:

  • T 32 Pediatric Injury research Training Program – This two-year training program guides trainees to conduct rigorous research on ways to reduce the toll from injuries.
  • Student Interest Group – A networking and professional development group for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral trainees working in injury prevention or a related field. Students or trainees affiliated with any college or university are eligible to join.
  • International Visiting Scholars – We welcome postdoctoral investigators from around the world to join us in working on injury prevention research and developing their skills in this area.

If you are interested in working with us on a specific injury control topic or project as a postdoctoral trainee, contact us at

“The interdisciplinary research mentorship has allowed me to gain insights from multiple research and clinical perspectives. This exposes me to a broad range of research methodologies, as well as helping me make my own work accessible and meaningful beyond my clinical discipline.”

Dr. Molly Fuentes
Rehabilitation Medicine, Pediatric Injury Research & Training Program alumna