
As a premier research institution, HIPRC investigators have published hundreds of articles in peer-reviewed journals, books, and publications on injury prevention research.

Publications are listed to March 2014. For older publications, contact

HIPRC Research Sort By Selection Or Search By Keyword

Title Authors Journal Date Section1 Section2
Intimate Partner Violence-Related Emergency Department and Hospital Visits in California Following the ICD-10-CM Transition, 2016-2018 Adhia, A., Rebbe, R., Lane Eastman, A., Foust, R., & Putnam-Hornstein, E. Journal of interpersonal violence November 9th, 2023 Intimate Partner Violence
School Handgun Carrying Among Youth Growing Up in Rural Communities Dalve, K., Ellyson, A. M., Gause, E. L., Lyons, V. H., Schleimer, J. P., Kuklinski, M. R., Oesterle, S., Briney, J. S., Weybright, E. H., & Rowhani-Rahbar, A. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine November 9th, 2023 Youth Violence
Older adults and planning for firearm safety: A qualitative study of healthcare providers Prater, L. C., Simonetti, J. A., Knoepke, C. E., Polzer, E. R., Nearing, K. A., Lee, T., & Betz, M. E. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society November 9th, 2023 Firearm Violence
Long-term health-related quality of life and independence among older survivors of serious injury Pollack, L. R., Liao, J., Powelson, E. B., Gause, E., Robinson, B. R. H., Vavilala, M. S., Engelberg, R. A., Reed, M. J., Arbabi, S., & O'Connell, K. M. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery November 9th, 2023 Cross-Cutting Injury Prevention
A patient-centered nurse-supported primary care-based collaborative care program to treat opioid use disorder and depression: Design and protocol for the MI-CARE randomized controlled trial DeBar, L. L., Bushey, M. A., Kroenke, K., Bobb, J. F., Schoenbaum, M., Thompson, E. E., Justice, M., Zatzick, D., Hamilton, L. K., McMullen, C. K., Hallgren, K. A., Benes, L. L., Forman, D. P., Caldeiro, R. M., Brown, R. P., Campbell, N. L., Anderson, M. L., Son, S., Haggstrom, D. A., Whiteside, L., … Bradley, K. A. Contemporary clinical trials November 9th, 2023 Opioid Overdose
A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Real-time Risk of Intraoperative Hypotension in Traumatic Brain Injury Feld, S. I., Hippe, D. S., Miljacic, L., Polissar, N. L., Newman, S. F., Nair, B. G., & Vavilala, M. S. Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Effect of RISE Bundle implementation on school adoption of a student-centered return-to-learn program in Washington state Avery, A., Takagi-Stewart, J., Qiu, Q., Philipson, E. B., Moore, M., Kroshus, E., Weiner, B. J., Graves, J. M., Glang, A., Jinguji, T., Coppel, D. B., Sidhu, M., & Vavilala, M. S NeuroRehabilitation November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Determinants of motorcycle helmet availability and cost in retail outlets: outcomes of a market survey in northern Ghana Adjei, B. N., Nakua, E. K., Donkor, P., Amissah, J., Gyaase, D., Enuameh, Y., & Mock, C. BMC public health November 9th, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Development of a Measure of Parent Concussion Management Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Kroshus, E., Steiner, M. K., Lowry, S. J., Lion, K. C., Klein, E. J., Strelitz, B., Chrisman, S. P. D., & Rivara, F. P. Journal of neurotrauma November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Care coordination between rural primary care and telemedicine to expand medication treatment for opioid use disorder: Results from a single-arm, multisite feasibility study Hser, Y. I., Mooney, L. J., Baldwin, L. M., Ober, A., Marsch, L. A., Sherman, S., Matthews, A., Clingan, S., Fei, Z., Zhu, Y., Dopp, A., Curtis, M. E., Osterhage, K. P., Hichborn, E. G., Lin, C., Black, M., Calhoun, S., Holtzer, C. C., Nesin, N., Bouchard, D., … Saxon, A. J. The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association November 9th, 2023 Opioid Overdose
The Role of the US Trauma Centers in Older Adult Fall Prevention: A National Survey Allee, L., Faul, M., Guntipalli, P., Burke, P. A., Rao, S. R., Reed, D. N., Jr, Gross, R., Duncan, T. K., Palmieri, T. L., Cooper, Z., Bulger, E. M., Stewart, R. M., & Kuhls, D. A. The American surgeon November 9th, 2023 Older Adult Fall Prevention
Utilization and Outcomes of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Following Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States Hatfield, J., Ohnuma, T., Soto, A. L., Komisarow, J. M., Vavilala, M. S., Laskowitz, D. T., James, M. L., Mathew, J. P., Hernandez, A. F., Goldstein, B. A., Treggiari, M., Raghunathan, K., & Krishnamoorthy, V. Journal of intensive care medicine November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Exploring Collaborative Care Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of Patients With and Without Violent Victimization Histories Hullenaar, K. L., Rivara, F. P., Wang, J., & Zatzick, D. F. Journal of interpersonal violence November 9th, 2023 Cross-Cutting Violence Prevention
Short Falls in Childhood Occasionally Cause Major Brain Injuries Because of Unusual Circumstances Feldman, K. W., Sokoloff, M., Otjen, J. P., Wright, J. N., Lee, A., Ebel, B., & Blair, A. B. Pediatric emergency care November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Access to trauma center care: A statewide system-based approach Medrano, N. W., Villarreal, C. L., Price, M. A., Bixby, P. J., Bulger, E. M., Eastridge, B. J., & MIMIC Study Group The journal of trauma and acute care surgery November 9th, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Lethal use of force surveillance: practical considerations for open-source database linkage Simckes, M., Willits, D., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., & Hajat, A. Journal of epidemiology and community health November 9th, 2023 OTHER
Intimate Partner Violence Circumstances for Fatal Violence in the US Kafka, J. M., Moracco, K. E., Graham, L. M., AbiNader, M. A., Fliss, M. D., & Rowhani-Rahbar, A. JAMA network open November 9th, 2023 Intimate Partner Violence
Strengthening Lay Advocacy for Trauma, Emergency, and Surgical Care Mock C. World journal of surgery November 9th, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Generating consensus on road safety issues and priorities in Ghana: A modified Delphi approach Mesic, A., Damsere-Derry, J., Gyedu, A., Mock, C., Larley, J., Opoku, I., Wuaku, D. H., Kitali, A., Osei-Ampofo, M., Donkor, P., & Stewart, B. Injury November 9th, 2023 OTHER
Telomere Length Associates With Symptom Severity After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults Martha, S. R., Tolentino, E. J., Bugajski, A. A., & Thompson, H. J. Neurotrauma reports November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Community-Level Social Vulnerability and Patterns of Adolescent Injury Kwon, E. G., Herrera-Escobar, J. P., Bulger, E. M., Rice-Townsend, S. E., & Nehra, D. Annals of surgery open : perspectives of surgical history, education, and clinical approaches November 9th, 2023 Cross-Cutting Injury Prevention
Cognitive Impairment and Driving Skills in Youth After Concussion Rivara, F. P., Ebel, B. E., Binjolkar, M., Wang, J., Hanron, A., Kroshus, E., Boyle, L. N., & Patrick, K. E. Journal of neurotrauma November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Suicide, Firearms, and Terminal Illness: A Latent Class Analysis Using Data From the National Violent Death Reporting System Prater, L. C., Ellyson, A. M., Shawon, R. A., Lyons, V. H., Cheung, A., Rivara, F., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., & Zatzick, D. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) November 9th, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Firearms Availability Among High-School Age Youth With Recent Depression or Suicidality Haasz, M., Myers, M. G., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., Zimmerman, M. A., Seewald, L., Sokol, R. L., Cunningham, R. M., & Carter, P. M. Pediatrics November 9th, 2023 Firearm Violence
Social Workers' Perspectives on Extreme Risk Protection Orders Conrick, K. M., Gause, E., Rivara, F. P., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., & Moore, M. Social worK November 9th, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Caregiver perspectives on a water safety toolkit for child supervision Morgan, E. R., Sakamoto, I., Ardelean, A., Diaz-Rohena, A., Falk, A., Starnes, C., Rivara, F. P., & Vavilala, M. Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals November 9th, 2023 Drowning/Submersion Injury
Neurological Pupillary Index and Disposition at Hospital Discharge following ICU Admission for Acute Brain Injury Lele, A. V., Wahlster, S., Khadka, S., Walters, A. M., Fong, C. T., Blissitt, P. A., Livesay, S. L., Jannotta, G. E., Gulek, B. G., Srinivasan, V., Rosenblatt, K., Souter, M. J., & Vavilala, M. S. Journal of clinical medicine November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Association of Brain Injury Biomarkers and Circulatory Shock Following Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A TRACK-TBI Study Toro, C., Jain, S., Sun, S., Temkin, N., Barber, J., Manley, G., Komisarow, J. M., Ohnuma, T., Foreman, B., Korley, F., James, M. L., Laskowitz, D., Vavilala, M. S., Hernandez, A., Mathew, J. P., Markowitz, A. J., Krishnamoorthy, V., & TRACK-TBI Investigators Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Randomised trial reveals opioids relieve acute back pain no better than placebo Sullivan, M. D., & Ballantyne, J. C. Lancet (London, England) November 9th, 2023 Opioid Overdose
Medication treatment for opioid use disorder among rural primary care patients Hser, Y. I., Zhu, Y., Baldwin, L. M., Mooney, L. J., & Saxon, A. J. The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association November 9th, 2023 Opioid Overdose
Language access research for community health: provider perspectives on language access techniques and the role of communication technology Gonzalez, C., Graves, J. M., Ramos, J., Vavilala, M. S., & Moore, M. Journal of communication in healthcare November 9th, 2023 OTHER
Cerebral Autoregulation-guided Management of Adult and Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Lele, A. V., & Vavilala, M. S. Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology November 9th, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Development and Evaluation of an Online Toolkit for Managers of 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Centers to Reduce Occupational Stress. Meischke, H., Rogers, M., Manchanda, S., Sears, J. M., Revere, D., Grewal, R., & Beaton, R. Health promotion practice March 23rd, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Testing the Impact of Protocolized Care of Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Without Intracranial Pressure Monitoring: The Imaging and Clinical Examination Protocol. Chesnut, R. M., Temkin, N., Videtta, W., Lujan, S., Petroni, G., Pridgeon, J., Dikmen, S., Chaddock, K., Hendrix, T., Barber, J., Machamer, J., Guadagnoli, N., Hendrickson, P., Alanis, V., La Fuente, G., Lavadenz, A., Merida, R., Lora, F. S., Romero, R., Pinillos, O., … Guerra, J. ( Neurosurgery March 1st, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Pain relief after topical capsaicin: does it result from nociceptor degeneration or regeneration? Curatolo M. Pain March 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Proceedings from the 2022 Consensus Conference to Implement Optimal Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Trauma. Haut, E. R., Byrne, J. P., Price, M. A., Bixby, P., Bulger, E. M., Lake, L., & Costantini, T. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery March 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Rural-Urban Variation in the Association of Adolescent Violence and Handgun Carrying in the United States, 2002-2019. Schleimer, J. P., Gause, E., Dalve, K., Ellyson, A., & Rowhani-Rahbar, A. JAMA network open February 23rd, 2023 Firearm Violence
Associations of home and neighborhood environments with children's physical activity in the U.S.-based Neighborhood Impact on Kids (NIK) longitudinal cohort study. Carver, A., Cerin, E., Akram, M., Sallis, J. F., Cain, K. L., Frank, L. D., Geremia, C. M., Conway, T. L., Glanz, K., & Saelens, B. E. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity February 23rd, 2023 Adverse Childhood Experiences
Lessons from the implementation of a trauma center-based program to support primary care providers in managing opioids and pain after trauma hospitalization. Baldwin, L. M., Katers, L. A., Sullivan, M. D., Gordon, D. B., James, A., Tauben, D. J., & Arbabi, S. Trauma surgery & acute care open February 1st, 2023 Opioid Overdose
A patient-centered nurse-supported primary care-based collaborative care program to treat opioid use disorder and depression: Design and protocol for the MI-CARE randomized controlled trial. DeBar, L. L., Bushey, M. A., Kroenke, K., Bobb, J. F., Schoenbaum, M., Thompson, E. E., Justice, M., Zatzick, D., Hamilton, L. K., McMullen, C. K., Hallgren, K. A., Benes, L. L., Forman, D. P., Caldeiro, R. M., Brown, R. P., Campbell, N. L., Anderson, M. L., Son, S., Haggstrom, D. A., Whiteside, L., … Bradley, K. A. Contemporary clinical trials February 1st, 2023 Opioid Overdose
Is central sensitization relevant in acute low back pain?. Curatolo M. European journal of pain (London, England) February 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Response to the comment by Van Boxem. Curatolo, M., & Jarvik, J. G. European journal of pain (London, England) February 1st, 2023 OTHER
Openness to church-based firearm safety interventions among Protestant Christian firearm owners. Conrick, K. M., Smith, M. B., Rooney, L., Morgan, E., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., & Moore, M. Public health February 1st, 2023 Firearm Violence
Mediating role of walking between perceived and objective walkability and cognitive function in older adults.  Kim, B., Barrington, W. E., Dobra, A., Rosenberg, D., Hurvitz, P., & Belza, B. Health & place January 23rd, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Higher Oxygenation Is Associated with Improved Survival in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury but Not Traumatic Shock. Davis, D. P., McKnight, B., Meier, E., Drennan, I. R., Newgard, C., Wang, H. E., Bulger, E., Schreiber, M., Austin, M., & Vaillancourt, C. Neurotrauma reports January 23rd, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Standardization of Trauma, General Surgical Morbidity and Mortality Conferences: Development and Dissemination of a "Toolkit" in Peru. Zavala Wong, G., Rodriguez Castro, M. J., Huaman Egoavil, E., Valderrama, R., Mock, C. N., Herrera-Matta, J. J., Aragon, G., Peterson, R., Jin, Y., & LaGrone, L. N. World journal of surgery January 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Interpersonal violence affecting the pediatric population: Patterns of injury and recidivism. Kwon, E. G., Wang, B. K., Iverson, K. R., O'Connell, K. M., Nehra, D., & Rice-Townsend, S. E. Journal of pediatric surgery January 1st, 2023 Cross-Cutting Violence Prevention
Student-Athlete Preferences for Sexual Violence Reporting: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Ellyson, A. M., Adhia, A., Kroshus, E., & Wright, D. R. The patient January 1st, 2023 Sexual Violence
Prevalence and Formal Reporting of Sexual Violence among Undergraduate Student-Athletes: A Multi-State Study. Adhia, A., Ellyson, A. M., & Kroshus, E. Journal of interpersonal violence January 1st, 2023 Sexual Violence
Intensity of physical therapy services: Association with work and health outcomes in injured workers with back pain in Washington State. Chin, B., Rundell, S. D., Sears, J. M., Fulton-Kehoe, D., Spector, J. T., & Franklin, G. M. American journal of industrial medicine January 1st, 2023 Occupational Injury
Optimizing Concussion Care Seeking: A Longitudinal Analysis of Recovery. Schmidt, J. D., Broglio, S. P., Knight, K., Leeds, D., Lynall, R. C., D'Lauro, C., Register-Mihalik, J., Kroshus, E., McCrea, M., McAllister, T. W., Kerr, Z. Y., CARE Consortium Investigators, Hoy, A., Kelly, L., Master, C., Ortega, J., Port, N., Campbell, C. D., USAF [retired], Svoboda, C. S. J., USA [retired], Putukian, M., … Lintner, L. The American journal of sports medicine January 1st, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Invited Commentary: We Must Do Better: How Hospitals Should Prepare and Respond to Mass Shootings in America. Haut, E. R., Sakran, J. V., Bulger, E. M., & Bebarta, V. S. Journal of the American College of Surgeons January 1st, 2023 Firearm Violence
Protective Factors Against Aggression and Antisocial Attitudes Among Probation Youth with Childhood Adversity Histories. Logan-Greene, P., Bishop, A. S., Kim, B. E., & Nurius, P. S. Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research January 1st, 2023 Adverse Childhood Experiences
Reproducibility and Scientific Integrity of Big Data Research in Urban Public Health and Digital Epidemiology: A Call to Action. Quiroga Gutierrez, A. C., Lindegger, D. J., Taji Heravi, A., Stojanov, T., Sykora, M., Elayan, S., Mooney, S. J., Naslund, J. A., Fadda, M., & Gruebner, O. International journal of environmental research and public health January 1st, 2023 OTHER
Prioritizing patient values for chronic pain care: a path out of the pain reduction regime?. Sullivan, M. D., Vowles, K. E., Powelson, E. B., Patel, K. V., & Reid, M. C. Family practice January 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Perceptions of Prehospital Care for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Among Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. Stadeli, K. M., Sonett, D., Conrick, K. M., Moore, M., Riesenberg, M., Bulger, E. M., Meischke, H., & Vavilala, M. S. JAMA network open January 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Intervention delivery for embedded pragmatic clinical trials: Development of a tool to measure complexity. Staman, K. L., Check, D. K., Zatzick, D., Mor, V., Fritz, J. M., Sluka, K., DeBar, L. L., Jarvik, J. G., Volandes, A., Coronado, G. D., Chambers, D. A., Weinfurt, K. P., & George, S. Z. Contemporary clinical trials January 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Predicting decompression surgery by applying multimodal deep learning to patients' structured and unstructured health data. Jujjavarapu, C., Suri, P., Pejaver, V., Friedly, J., Gold, L. S., Meier, E., Cohen, T., Mooney, S. D., Heagerty, P. J., & Jarvik, J. G. BMC medical informatics and decision making January 1st, 2023 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Polygenic risk for mental disorders as predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder after mild traumatic brain injury. Stein, M. B., Jain, S., Parodi, L., Choi, K. W., Maihofer, A. X., Nelson, L. D., Mukherjee, P., Sun, X., He, F., Okonkwo, D. O., Giacino, J. T., Korley, F. K., Vassar, M. J., Robertson, C. S., McCrea, M. A., Temkin, N., Markowitz, A. J., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Rosand, J., Manley, G. T., … TRACK-TBI Investigators Translational psychiatry January 1st, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Early management of isolated severe traumatic brain injury patients in a hospital without neurosurgical capabilities: a consensus and clinical recommendations of the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES). Picetti, E., Catena, F., Abu-Zidan, F., Ansaloni, L., Armonda, R. A., Bala, M., Balogh, Z. J., Bertuccio, A., Biffl, W. L., Bouzat, P., Buki, A., Cerasti, D., Chesnut, R. M., Citerio, G., Coccolini, F., Coimbra, R., Coniglio, C., Fainardi, E., Gupta, D., Gurney, J. M., … Robba, C. World journal of emergency surgery : WJES January 1st, 2023 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Evaluation of a Brief Foster Parent/ Case Worker Training to Support Relationship Building Skills and Acceptance of LGBTQ+ Youth in Care. Salazar, A. M., Barkan, S. E., Rankin, L. F., Woo, C. B., Rozekova, I., Fowler, N. E., Haggerty, K. P., Shogren, D., & Salzer, A. Journal of public child welfare January 1st, 2023 OTHER
Trends and Disparities in Inpatient Rehabilitation of Adolescents: The Effect of Demographics, Injury Characteristics, and Facility Type Topics in spinal cord injury rehabilitation Barnett HM, Patel HR, Fuentes MM, Bunnell AE. December 1st, 2022 Cross-Cutting Injury Prevention
Association of day-of-injury plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein concentration and six-month posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with mild traumatic brain injury Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Kulbe JR, Jain S, Nelson LD, Korley FK, Mukherjee P, Sun X, Okonkwo DO, Giacino JT, Vassar MJ, Robertson CS, McCrea MA, Wang KKW, Temkin N, Mac Donald CL, Taylor SR, Ferguson AR, Markowitz AJ, Diaz-Arrastia R, Manley GT, Stein MB; TRACK-TBI Investigators. December 1st, 2022 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Factors influencing willingness to intervene as bystanders among adult residents living in crash-prone areas in the Ashanti region of Ghana African journal of emergency medicine : Revue africaine de la medecine d'urgence Duut MS, Okyere P, Zakariah AN, Donkor P, Mock C. December 1st, 2022 Pedestrian Safety
Dizziness After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective TRACK-TBI Analysis of Risk Factors, Quality of Life, and Neurocognitive Effects Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology Chae R, Barber J, Temkin NR, Sharon JD; TRACK-TBI Investigators. December 1st, 2022 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Deep Learning Classification of Spinal Osteoporotic Compression Fractures on Radiographs using an Adaptation of the Genant Semiquantitative Criteria Academic radiology Dong Q, Luo G, Lane NE, Lui LY, Marshall LM, Kado DM, Cawthon P, Perry J, Johnston SK, Haynor D, Jarvik JG, Cross NM. December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Wellness and Coping of Physicians Who Worked in ICUs During the Pandemic: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional North American Survey Critical care medicine Burns KEA, Moss M, Lorens E, Jose EKA, Martin CM, Viglianti EM, Fox-Robichaud A, Mathews KS, Akgun K, Jain S, Gershengorn H, Mehta S, Han JE, Martin GS, Liebler JM, Stapleton RD, Trachuk P, Vranas KC, Chua A, Herridge MS, Tsang JLY, Biehl M, Burnham EL, Chen JT, Attia EF, Mohamed A, Harkins MS, Soriano SM, Maddux A, West JC, Badke AR, Bagshaw SM, Binnie A, Carlos WG, Çoruh B, Crothers K, D'Aragon F, Denson JL, Drover JW, Eschun G, Geagea A, Griesdale D, Hadler R, Hancock J, Hasmatali J, Kaul B, Kerlin MP, Kohn R, Kutsogiannis DJ, Matson SM, Morris PE, Paunovic B, Peltan ID, Piquette D, Pirzadeh M, Pulchan K, Schnapp LM, Sessler CN, Smith H, Sy E, Thirugnanam S, McDonald RK, McPherson KA, Kraft M, Spiegel M, Dodek PM; Diversity-Related Research Committee of the Women in Critical Care (WICC) Interest Group of the American Thoracic Society. December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in a Department of Pediatrics Pediatrics Slater AC, Thomas AA, Quan L, Bell S, Bradford MC, Walker-Harding L, Rosenberg AR. December 1st, 2022 Sexual Violence
Disparities in Adolescent Reported Drowning Prevention Strategies The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine Morgan ER, Hitchcock W, Sakamoto I, Stempski S, Rivara F, Vavilala M, Quan L. December 1st, 2022 Drowning/Submersion Injury
Epidemiology and outcomes of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome following pediatric trauma The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Killien EY, Zahlan JM, Lad H, Watson RS, Vavilala MS, Huijsmans RLN, Rivara FP. December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Early Vasopressor Utilization Strategies and Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Anesthesia and analgesia Toro C, Ohnuma T, Komisarow J, Vavilala MS, Laskowitz DT, James ML, Mathew JP, Hernandez AF, Goldstein BA, Sampson JH, Krishnamoorthy V. December 1st, 2022 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Syndesmosis Malposition Assessed on Weight-Bearing CT Is Common After Operative Fixation of Intra-articular Distal Tibia Plafond Fracture Journal of orthopaedic trauma Rooney P, Haller J, Kleweno C, Glass N, Davison J, Miller A, Anderson DD, Marsh JL, Willey M. December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Sexual Dysfunction in Women after Traumatic Pelvic Fracture Negatively Affects Quality of Life and Mental Health The journal of sexual medicine Gambrah HA, Hagedorn JC, Dmochowski RR, Johnsen NV. December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Soft Tissue Reconstruction for Upper Extremity Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections Annals of plastic surgery Yu JL, Crowe CS, Yesantharao P, Kennedy SA, Keys KA. December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Tailoring the perioperative surgical home for children in refugee families International anesthesiology clinics Kamath A, Gentry K, Dawson-Hahn E, Ross F, Chiem J, Patrao F, Greenberg S, Ibrahim A, Jimenez N. December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Trend in Loaded Handgun Carrying Among Adult Handgun Owners in the United States, 2015‒2019 American journal of public health Rowhani-Rahbar A, Gallagher A, Azrael D, Miller M. December 1st, 2022 Firearm Violence
Treatment with Opioids Is Not Associated with Poor Outcomes Among Older Adults with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Receiving Epidural Injections. Kolodge, G., Gold, L. S., Jarvik, J. G., Turner, J., Hansen, R., Heagerty, P. J., Suri, P., & Friedly, J. Spine December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Registry Data in Injury Research: Study Designs and Interpretation. Mooney, S. J., Rundle, A. G., & Morrison, C. N. (2022). Current epidemiology reports December 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Models for Implementing Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine With Referral for Ongoing Medication Treatment at Emergency Department Discharge in Diverse Academic Centers Annals of emergency medicine Whiteside LK, D'Onofrio G, Fiellin DA, Edelman EJ, Richardson L, O'Connor P, Rothman RE, Cowan E, Lyons MS, Fockele CE, Saheed M, Freiermuth C, Punches BE, Guo C, Martel S, Owens PH, Coupet E Jr, Hawk KF. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Ascertainment of vaccination status by self-report versus source documentation: Impact on measuring COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness Influenza and other respiratory viruses Stephenson M, Olson SM, Self WH, Ginde AA, Mohr NM, Gaglani M, Shapiro NI, Gibbs KW, Hager DN, Prekker ME, Gong MN, Steingrub JS, Peltan ID, Martin ET, Reddy R, Busse LW, Duggal A, Wilson JG, Qadir N, Mallow C, Kwon JH, Exline MC, Chappell JD, Lauring AS, Baughman A, Lindsell CJ, Hart KW, Lewis NM, Patel MM, Tenforde MW; IVY Network Investigators. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Earned Income Tax Credit and Youth Violence: Findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research Dalve K, Moe CA, Kovski N, Rivara FP, Mooney SJ, Hill HD, Rowhani-Rahbar A. November 1st, 2022 Youth Violence
The utility of a safety climate scale among workers with a work-related permanent impairment who have returned to work Work (Reading, Mass.) Huang YH, Sears JM, He Y, Courtney TK, Rega E, Kelly A. November 1st, 2022 Occupational Injury
Factors Contributing to and Reducing Delays in the Provision of Adequate Care in Ghana: A Qualitative Study of Trauma Care Providers World journal of surgery Mesic A, Gyedu A, Mehta K, Goodman SK, Mock C, Quansah R, Donkor P, Stewart B. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
A Core Outcome Measurement Set for Pediatric Critical Care Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies Pinto NP, Maddux AB, Dervan LA, Woodruff AG, Jarvis JM, Nett S, Killien EY, Graham RJ, Choong K, Luckett PM, Heneghan JA, Biagas K, Carlton EF, Hartman ME, Yagiela L, Michelson KN, Manning JC, Long DA, Lee JH, Slomine BS, Beers SR, Hall T, Morrow BM, Meert K, Arias Lopez MDP, Knoester H, Houtrow A, Olson L, Steele L, Schlapbach LJ, Burd RS, Grosskreuz R, Butt W, Fink EL, Watson RS; POST-PICU Investigators of the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN). November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
National evaluation of the association between stay-at-home orders on mechanism of injury and trauma admission volume Injury Thomas AC, Campbell BT, Subacius H, Orlas CP, Bulger E, Stewart RM, Stey AM, Jang A, Hamad D, Bilimoria KY, Nathens AB. November 1st, 2022 Cross-Cutting Injury Prevention
Health care resource utilization and costs associated with atrial fibrillation and rural-urban disparities Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy Jiang S, Seslar SP, Sloan LA, Hansen RN. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
First Series Using Ultrasonic Propulsion and Burst Wave Lithotripsy to Treat Ureteral Stone The Journal of urology Hall MK, Thiel J, Dunmire B, Samson PC, Kessler R, Sunaryo P, Sweet RM, Metzler IS, Chang HC, Gunn M, Dighe M, Anderson L, Popchoi C, Managuli R, Cunitz BW, Burke BH, Ding L, Gutierrez B, Liu Z, Sorensen MD, Wessells H, Bailey MR, Harper JD. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Liver Fibrosis Marker and Postoperative Mortality in Patients Without Overt Liver Disease Anesthesia and analgesia Zelber-Sagi S, O'Reilly-Shah VN, Fong C, Ivancovsky-Wajcman D, Reed MJ, Bentov I. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Household food insecurity is associated with diabetic ketoacidosis but not severe hypoglycemia or glycemic control in youth and young adults with youth-onset type 2 diabetes Pediatric diabetes Reid LA, Mendoza JA, Merchant AT, Geraci M, Reboussin BA, Malik FS, Ellyson AM, Dabelea D, Merjaneh L, Marcovina SM, Lustigova E, Lawrence JM, Liese AD. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Dimethyl fumarate delays multiple sclerosis in radiologically isolated syndrome Annals of neurology Okuda DT, Kantarci O, Lebrun-Frénay C, Sormani MP, Azevedo CJ, Bovis F, Hua LH, Amezcua L, Mowry EM, Hotermans C, Mendoza J, Walsh JS, von Hehn C, Vargas WS, Donlon S, Naismith RT, Okai A, Pardo G, Repovic P, Stüve O, Siva A, Pelletier D. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Population-based impact of rurality and neighborhood-level socioeconomic disadvantage on pediatric cancer mortality in Washington State Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology Ohlsen TJD, Doody DR, Mueller BA, Desai AD, Chow EJ. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Morbidity and rehospitalization postpartum among women with epilepsy and their infants: A population-based study Epilepsy & behavior : E&B Mueller BA, Cheng-Hakimian A, Crane DA, Doody DR, Schiff MA, Hawes SE. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Comparison of test-negative and syndrome-negative controls in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness evaluations for preventing COVID-19 hospitalizations in the United States Vaccine Turbyfill C, Adams K, Tenforde MW, Murray NL, Gaglani M, Ginde AA, McNeal T, Ghamande S, Douin DJ, Keipp Talbot H, Casey JD, Mohr NM, Zepeski A, Shapiro NI, Gibbs KW, Clark Files D, Hager DN, Shehu A, Prekker ME, Frosch AE, Exline MC, Gong MN, Mohamed A, Johnson NJ, Srinivasan V, Steingrub JS, Peltan ID, Brown SM, Martin ET, Lauring AS, Khan A, Busse LW, Ten Lohuis CC, Duggal A, Wilson JG, June Gordon A, Qadir N, Chang SY, Mallow C, Rivas C, Kwon JH, Halasa N, Chappell JD, Grijalva CG, Rice TW, Stubblefield WB, Baughman A, Rhoads JP, Lindsell CJ, Hart KW, McMorrow M, Surie D, Self WH, Patel MM. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Vaccine effectiveness against influenza A(H3N2)-associated hospitalized illness, United States, 2022 Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Tenforde MW, Patel MM, Lewis NM, Adams K, Gaglani M, Steingrub JS, Shapiro NI, Duggal A, Prekker ME, Peltan ID, Hager DN, Gong MN, Exline MC, Ginde AA, Mohr NM, Mallow C, Martin ET, Talbot HK, Gibbs KW, Kwon JH, Chappell JD, Halasa N, Lauring AS, Lindsell CJ, Swan SA, Hart KW, Womack KN, Baughman A, Grijalva CG, Self WH; Influenza and Other Viruses in the Acutely Ill Network. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Cumulative Payments Through the Earned Income Tax Credit Program in Childhood and Criminal Conviction During Adolescence in the US JAMA network open Moe CA, Kovski NL, Dalve K, Leibbrand C, Mooney SJ, Hill HD, Rowhani-Rahbar A. November 1st, 2022 Cross-Cutting Violence Prevention
Remotely delivered exercise to older rural cancer survivors: a randomized controlled pilot trial Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice Gell NM, Dittus K, Caefer J, Martin A, Bae M, Patel KV. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
A Preliminary Study of Stress, Mental Health, and Pain Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Odds of Persistent Prescription Opioid Use Journal of general internal medicine Scherrer JF, Miller-Matero LR, Sullivan MD, Chrusciel T, Salas J, Davidson W, Zabel C, Wilson L, Lustman P, Ahmedani B. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Utilization and Outcomes of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Following Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States Journal of intensive care medicine Hatfield J, Ohnuma T, Soto AL, Komisarow JM, Vavilala MS, Laskowitz DT, James ML, Mathew JP, Hernandez AF, Goldstein BA, Treggiari M, Raghunathan K, Krishnamoorthy V. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Spontaneously Ruptured Aortic Plaque: A Potential Cause for Frequently Observed Cerebral Infarct? JACC. Asia Wang Y, Mossa-Basha M, Zhu C. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Survey of the American Society of Neuroradiology Membership on the Use and Value of Extracranial Carotid Vessel Wall MRI AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology Mossa-Basha M, Yuan C, Wasserman BA, Mikulis DJ, Hatsukami TS, Balu N, Gupta A, Zhu C, Saba L, Li D, DeMarco JK, Lehman VT, Qiao Y, Jager HR, Wintermark M, Brinjikji W, Hess CP, Saloner DA. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Advanced Cross-Sectional imaging of cerebral aneurysms The British journal of radiology Diab R, Chang D, Zhu C, Levitt MR, Aksakal M, Zhao HL, Huynh TJ, Romero-Sanchez G, Mossa-Basha M. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Biological Life-Stage and the Burden of Cardiac Events in Women With Congenital Long QT Syndrome Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology Younis A, Zareba W, Goldenberg I, Kharsa A, McNitt S, Aktas MK, Bodurian C, Farooq S, Polonsky B, Sotoodehnia N, Kudenchuk PJ, Rea TD, Arking DE, Luigi Bragazzi N, Goldenberg I. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Symptomatic Profile and Cognitive Performance in Autopsy-Confirmed Limbic-Predominant Age-Related TDP-43 Encephalopathy With Comorbid Alzheimer Disease Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology Gauthreaux K, Mock C, Teylan MA, Culhane JE, Chen YC, Chan KCG, Katsumata Y, Nelson PT, Kukull WA. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Qualitative inquiry into perceptions of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among people who inject drugs living with hepatitis C in Seattle, WA, USA Harm reduction journal Barry MP, Austin EJ, Bhatraju EP, Glick SN, Stekler JD, Tung EL, Hansen RN, Williams EC, Gojic AJ, Pickering EI, Tsui JI. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Student-Athlete Preferences for Sexual Violence Reporting: A Discrete Choice Experiment The patient Ellyson AM, Adhia A, Kroshus E, Wright DR. November 1st, 2022 Sexual Violence
Association between shared decision-making during family meetings and surrogates' trust in their ICU physician Chest Lincoln TE, Buddadhumaruk P, Arnold RM, Scheunemann LP, Ernecoff NC, Chang CH, Carson SS, Hough CL, Curtis JR, Anderson W, Steingrub J, Peterson MW, Lo B, Matthay MA, White DB. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Implementation of a comprehensive prehabilitation program for patients undergoing radical cystectomy Urologic oncology Smelser WW, Tallman JE, Gupta VK, Al-Hussein B, Johnsen NV, Barocas DA, Kline-Quiroz C, Tomlinson CA, McEvoy MD, Hamilton-Reeves J, Chang SS. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Intensity of physical therapy services: Association with work and health outcomes in injured workers with back pain in Washington State American journal of industrial medicine Chin B, Rundell SD, Sears JM, Fulton-Kehoe D, Spector JT, Franklin GM. November 1st, 2022 Occupational Injury
Cars, Guns, Aging, and "Giving Up the Keys" The Gerontologist Betz ME, Polzer ER, Knoepke CE, Prater LC, Simonetti JA, Lee TM, Meador LE, Nearing KA. November 1st, 2022 Firearm Violence
Cognitive impairment and driving skills in youth after concussion Journal of neurotrauma Rivara FP, Ebel BE, Binjoikar M, Hanron A, Kroshus E, Ng Boyle L, Patrick K. November 1st, 2022 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
A Novel Approach to Assessment of US Pediatric Trauma System Development JAMA surgery Fallat ME, Treager C, Humphrey S, Gumer L, Jawad K, Butler E, Rogers FB, Rivara FP, Collings AT. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Risk Factors for High Symptom Burden Three Months after Traumatic Brain Injury and Implications for Clinical Trial Design: A Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury Study Journal of neurotrauma Temkin N, Machamer J, Dikmen S, Nelson LD, Barber J, Hwang PH, Boase K, Stein MB, Sun X, Giacino J, McCrea MA, Taylor SR, Jain S, Manley G; TRACK-TBI Investigators. November 1st, 2022 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Perspectives on Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Adolescents: Results from a Provider Learning Series Substance use & misuse Peavy KM, Adwell A, Owens MD, Banta-Green CJ. November 1st, 2022 Opioid Overdose
Achieving Consensus Through a Modified Delphi Technique to Create the Post-concussion Collegiate Return-to-Learn Protocol Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) Memmini AK, Popovich MJ, Schuyten KH, Herring SA, Scott KL, Clugston JR, Choe MC, Bailey CM, Brooks MA, Anderson SA, McCrea MA, Kontos AP, Wallace JS, Mihalik JKR, Kasamatsu TM, McLeod TV, Rawlins MLW, Snedden TR, Kaplan M, Akani B, Orr LCL, Hasson RE, Rifat SF, Broglio SP. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
Patient and Clinician Perspectives of a Standardized Question About Firearm Access to Support Suicide Prevention: A Qualitative Study JAMA health forum Richards JE, Kuo ES, Whiteside U, Shulman L, Betz ME, Parrish R, Boggs JM, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Simon GE. November 1st, 2022 Firearm Violence
Optimizing Concussion Care Seeking: A Longitudinal Analysis of Recovery The American journal of sports medicine Schmidt JD, Broglio SP, Knight K, Leeds D, Lynall RC, D'Lauro C, Register-Mihalik J, Kroshus E, McCrea M, McAllister TW, Kerr ZY; CARE Consortium Investigators, Hoy A, Kelly L, Master C, Ortega J, Port N, Campbell CD USAF [retired], Svoboda CSJ USA [retired], Putukian M, Chrisman SPD, Langford D, McGinty G, Jackson JC, Cameron KL, James Susmarski A, DiFiori J, Goldman JT, Benjamin H, Buckley T, Kaminski T, Clugston JR, O'Donnell PG, Feigenbaum L, Eckner JT, Mihalik JP, Anderson S, Kontos A, Brooks MA, Miles C, Lintner L. November 1st, 2022 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
King-Devick testing and concussion recovery time in collegiate athletes Journal of science and medicine in sport Whelan BM, Gause EL, Ortega JD, Mills BM, Schmidt JD, Kaminski TW, Buckley TA, Breedlove KM, Kontos AP, Clugston JR, Goldman JT, Harmon KG, McCrea MA, McAllister TW, Broglio SP, Chrisman SPD. November 1st, 2022 Sports Concussion
Social integration: A concept analysis Nursing forum Jung W, Thompson HJ, Byun E. November 1st, 2022 Concept analysis
Integrating Neuroimaging Measures in Nursing Research Biological research for nursing Figuracion KCF, Thompson H, Mac Donald CL. November 1st, 2022 Acute Care/Trauma (non-Brain Injuries)
The Availability and Price of Healthy Food in Seattle by Neighborhood Sociodemographic Characteristics Preventing chronic disease Neff Warner L, Pinero Walkinshaw L, Oddo VM, Knox MA, Hurvitz PM, Rocha A, Chan N, Saelens BE, Jones-Smith JC. November 1st, 2022 Food availability
Civilian Petitioners and Extreme Risk Protection Orders in the State of Washington Psychiatric Services Prater L, Rooney L, Bowen AG, Conrick K, Mustafa A, Moore M, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A November 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Prescription stimulant use during long-term opioid therapy and risk for opioid use disorder. Scherrer, J. F., Salas, J., Grucza, R., Wilens, T., Quinn, P. D., Sullivan, M. D., Rossom, R. C., Wright, E., Piper, B., Sanchez, K., & Lapham, G. Drug and alcohol dependence reports November 1st, 2022 Opioid Overdose
Civilian Petitioners and Extreme Risk Protection Orders in the State of Washington Prater L, Rooney L, Bowen AG, Conrick K, Mustafa A, Moore M, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Psychiatric Services November 1st, 2022 FIPRP
A Qualitative study on diverse perspectives and identities of firearm owners Thomas AC, Siry-Bove BJ, Barnard LM, Rooney L, McCarthy M, Mustafa A, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP, Betz ME, Knoepke C Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention October 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Extreme risk protection orders in response to threats of multiple victim/mass shooting in six U.S. states: A descriptive study Zeoli AM, Frattaroli S, Barnard L, Bowen A, Christy A, Easter M, Kapoor R, Knoepke C, Ma W, Molocznik A, Norko M, Omaki E, Paruk JK, Pear VA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Schleimer JP, Swanson JW, Wintemute GJ Preventive Medicine October 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Parent Communication and Decision Making About Firearm Storage Kroshus E, Kesner T, Steiner MK, Rivara FP Annals of Behavioral Medicine: A Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine October 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Gun violence restraining orders in California, 2016-2018: case details and respondent mortality Pear VA, Pallin R, Schleimer JP, Tomsich E, Kravitz-Wirtz N, Shev AB, Knoepke CE, Wintemute GJ Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention October 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Recommendations for Medical Discharge Documentation and Academic Supports for University Students Recovering From Concussion. Memmini, A. K., Popovich, M. J., Schuyten, K. H., Herring, S. A., Scott, K. L., Clugston, J. R., Choe, M. C., Bailey, C. M., Brooks, M. A., Anderson, S. A., McCrea, M. A., Kontos, A. P., Wallace, J. S., Mihalik, J. K. R., Kasamatsu, T. M., McLeod, T. V., Rawlins, M. L. W., Snedden, T. R., Kaplan, M., Akani, B., … Broglio, S. P. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation October 1st, 2022 Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion
Developing a National Trauma Research Action Plan: Results from the injury prevention research gap Delphi survey Cooper Z, Herrera-Escobar JP, Phuong J, Braverman MA, Bonne S, Knudson MM, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Price MA, Bulger EM, NTRAP Injury Prevention Panel Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery September 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Prevalence of a loaded firearm in the home among birth parents experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression Haviland MJ, Agnew BF, Morgan ER, Lyons VH, Burke AK, Rowhani-Rahbar A Preventive Medicine September 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Implicit Racial and Gender Bias About Handguns: A New Implicit Association Test Ellyson AM, Martin KD, Bowen D, Gallagher A, Rivara FP Journal of Interpersonal Violence September 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Coordinating a National Approach to Violence Prevention Sakran JV, Hargarten S, Rivara FP JAMA September 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Pregnancy-Associated Homicide and Suicide: An Analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2008-2019 Modest AM, Prater LC, Joseph NT Obstetrics and Gynecology September 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Neighborhood segregation, tree cover and firearm violence in 6 U.S. cities, 2015-2020 Jay J, Kondo MC, Lyons VH, Gause E, South EC Preventive Medicine September 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Voluntary, temporary, out-of-home firearm storage: A qualitative study of stakeholder views Betz ME, Rooney LA, Barnard LM, Siry-Bove BJ, Brandspigel S, McCarthy M, Simeon K, Meador L, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Knoepke CE Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior August 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Long-Term Prescription Opiod Use After Injury in Washington State 2015-2018 Lyons VH, Haviland MJ, Zhang IY, Whiteside LK, Arbabi S, Vavilala MS, Curatolo M, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of Emergency Medicine August 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Voluntary, temporary out-of-home firearm storage: A survey of firearm retailers and ranges in two states Barnard LM, Johnson RL, Brandspigel S, Rooney LA, McCarthy M, Meador L, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Knoepke CE, Fortney JC, Peterson RA, Betz ME Preventive Medicine August 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Extreme risk protection orders, race/ethnicity, and equity: Evidence from California Pear VA, Schleimer JP, Aubel AJ, Buggs S, Knoepke CE, Pallin R, Shev AB, Tomsich E, Wintemute GJ, Kravitz-Wirtz N Preventive Medicine August 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Voluntary, temporary out-of-home firearm storage: a survey of law enforcement agency in two states Betz ME, Brandspigel S, Barnard LM, Johnson RL, Knoepke CE, Peterson RA, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Injury Epidemiology July 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Survey of Washington clinicians' willingness to use and preferences related to extreme risk protection orders Gause EL, Conrick K, Moore M, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP Preventive Medicine Reports July 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Incarceration and subsequent risk of suicide: A statewide cohort study Morgan ER, Rivara FP, Ta M, Grossman DC, Jones K, Rowhani-Rahbar A Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior June 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Not All Survivors Are the Same: Qualitative Assessment of Prior Violence, Risks, Recovery and Perceptions of Firearms and Violence Among Victims of Firearm Injury Hink AB, Atkins DL, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of Interpersonal Violence May 1st, 2022 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Examining the policy effects of Arizona's 2016 pre-emption law on firearm suicide rates in the greater Tucson area: an observational study Goldstein EV, Prater LC BMJ Open May 1st, 2022 FIPRP Observational Study
Trajectories of Handgun Carrying in Rural Communities From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood Ellyson AM, Gause EL, Oesterle S, Kuklinski MR, Briney JS, Weybright EH, Haggerty KP, Lyons VH, Schleimer JP, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Network Open April 1st, 2022 FIPRP Randomized Controlled Trial
Stop the Bleed Training for High School Students: Guardian Attitudes and Their Association with Prior Trauma McDade JE, Deming HC, Jinks-Chang S, Paulsen MR, Bui AL, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP, Bulger EM Journal of School Health April 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Intimate Partner Violence-Related Fatalities Among U.S. Youth Aged 0-24 Years, 2014-2018 Grahan LM, Kafka JM, AbiNader MA, Lawler SM, Gover-Chamlou AN, Messing JT, Moracco KE American Journal of Preventive Medicine April 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration as precursors to suicide Kafka JM, Moracco KBE, Taheri C, Young BR, Graham LM, Macy RJ, Proescholdbell S SSM- Population Health March 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Improving Data Collection and Abstraction to Assess Health Equity in Trauma Care Conrick KM, Mills B, Mohamed K, Bulger EM, Arbabi S, St Vil C, Dotolo D, Solano E, Vavilala MS, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Moore M Journal of Medical Systems March 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Self-harming behavior in relation to exposure to inter-personal violence among youth and young adults in Colombia Moe CA, Villaveces A, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion March 1st, 2022 FIPRP Global Injury
Child Access Prevention Laws and Firearm Storage: Results from National Survey Miller M, Zhang W, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Azrael D American Journal of Preventive Medicine March 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Female firearm suicide across the lifespan: a descriptive assessment of cases from the national violent death reporting system Prater LC, Morgan E, Haviland MJ, Takagi-Stewart J, Agnew B, Mooney S Injury Prevention March 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Poverty and Firearm-Related Deaths Among US Youth Ellyson AM, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Pediatrics February 1st, 2022 FIPRP Editorial
Firearm Suicide Among Persons With Terminal Illness Prater LC, Mills B, Bowen AG, Rooney L, Cheung A, Betz ME, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of Pain and Symptom Management February 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Perceptions of firearm-related harm among US adults living in firearm-owning households: a nationally representative study Rowhani-Rahbar A, Haviland MJ, Azrael D, Miller M Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention February 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Unemployment and Crime in US Cities During the Coronavirus Pandemic Schleimer JP, Pear VA, McCort CD, Shev AB, De Biasi A, Tomsich E, Buggs S, Laqueur HS, Wintemute GJ Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine February 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Patient-Reported Firearm Access Prior to Suicide Death Richards JE, Boggs JM, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Kuo E, Betz ME, Bobb JF, Simon GE JAMA Network Open January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Lethal Means Assessment in Psychiatric Emergency Services: Frequency and Characteristics of Assessment Massey AE, Borghesani P, Stuber J, Ratzliff A, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Archives of Suicide Research: Official Journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
State firearm laws, gun ownership, and K-12 school shootings: Implications for school safety Reeping PM, Klarevas LJ, Rajan S, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Heinze J, Zeoli AM, Goyal MK, Zimmerman M, Branas CC Journal of School Violence January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
State earned income tax credits and depression and alcohol misuse among women with children Morgan ER, Hill HD, Mooney SJ, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Preventive Medicine Reports January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Preventing Adolescent and Young Adult Suicide: Do States With Greater Mental Health Treatment Capacity Have Lower Suicide Rates? Goldstein EV, Prater LC, Wickizer TM Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Neighborhood Racial and Economic Segregation and Disparities in Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic Schleimer JP, Buggs SA, McCort CD, Pear VA, De Biasi A, Tomsich E, Shev AB, Laqueur HS, Wintemute GJ American Journal of Public Health January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Experiences of violence in daily life among adults in California: a population-representative survey Wintemute GJ, Aubel AJ, Pallin R, Schleimer JP, Kravitz-Wirtz N Injury Epidemiology January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
A Critical Review of Text Mining Applications for Suicide Research Boggs JM, Kafka JM Current Epidemiology Reports January 1st, 2022 FIPRP
Physical Distancing, Violence, and Crime in US Cities during the Coronavirus Pandemic Schleimer JP, McCort CD, Tomsich EA, Pear VA, De Biasi A, Buggs S, Laqueur HS, Shev AB, Wintemute GJ Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine December 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Handgun purchasing chracteristics and firearm suicide risk: a nested case-control study Schleimer JP, Kagawa RMC, Laqueur HS Injury Epidemiology December 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Alcohol and drug offenses and suicide risk among men who purchased a handgun in California: A cohort study Schleimer JP, Wright MA, Shev AB, McCort CD, Asif-Sattar R, Sohl S, Stewart SL, Wintemute GJ, Kagawa RMC Preventive Medicine December 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Extreme risk protection orders and persons with dementia in the State of Washington Prater LC, Haviland MJ, Rivara FP, Bellenger MA, Gibb L, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of General Internal Medicine December 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Knowledge of State Gun Laws Among US Adults in Gun-Owning Households Rowhani-Rahbar A, Haviland MJ, Azrael D, Miller M JAMA Network Open November 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Prevalence and risk factors for depression, anxiety and suicdal ideation in youth with persistent post-concussive symptoms (PCS) Chrisman SPD, Whelan BM, Zatzick DF, Hilt RJ, Wang J, Marcynyszyn LA, Rivara FP, McCarty CA Brain Injury November 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Incentivizing Firearm Safety and Storage Counseling in the US Health Care System: a Path Forward Prater LC, Ellyson A, Fihn SD Journal of General Internal Medicine November 1st, 2021 FIPRP Editorial
SAFER brief community intervention: a primary suicide prevention strategy to improve firearm and medication storage behaviour Stuber JP, Massey A, Meadows M, Bass B, Rowhani-Rahbar Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention October 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Firearm-related research articles in health sciences by funding status and type: A scoping review Gurrey S, McCauley H, Benson M, Prabhu P, Fan MD, Rivara FP, Hemenway D, Miller M, Azrael D, Rowhani-Rahbar A Preventive Medicine Reports October 1st, 2021 FIPRP Review
Implementation and percieved effectiveness of gun violence restraining orders in California: A qualitative evaluation Pear VA, Schleimer JP, Tomsich E, Pallin R, Charbonneau A, Wintemute GJ, Knoepke CE PLoS One October 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Self-reported Access to Firearms Among Patients Receiving Care for Mental Health and Substance USe Richards JE, Kuo E, Stewart C, Bobb JF, Mettert KD, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Betz ME, Parrish R, Whiteside U, Boggs JM, Simon GE JAMA Health Forum August 1st, 2021 FIPRP
What is the role of firearms in nonfatal intimate partner violence? Findings from civil protective order case data Kafka JM, Moracco KE, Williams DS, Hoffman CG Social Science & Medicine August 1st, 2021 FIPRP
College from home during COVID-19: A mixed-methods study of heterogeneous experiences Nurius PS PLoS One July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Optimal Timing of Tracheostomy in Injured Adolescents Vavilala, MS, Killien EY, Rivara, FP, Arbabi S, Butler EK Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: A Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Opioid dosing among patients with 3 or more years of continuous prescription opioid use before and after the CDC opioid prescribing guideline Sullivan MD The International Journal on Drug Policy July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Repeat Pediatric Trisomy 21 Radiographic Exam: Does Atlantoaxial Instability Develop Over Time? Browd SR Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Predicting Success of REBOA: Timing supersedes variable techniques in predicting patient survival Bulger EM The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Improving Global Surgical Oncology Benchmarks: Defining the Unmet Need for Cancer Surgery in Ghana Mock C World Journal of Surgery July 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Health-related quality of life outcome measures for children surviving critical care: a scoping review Killien EY Quality of Life Research: An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
2020 WSES guidelines for the detection and management of bile duct injury during cholecystectomy Maier RV World Journal of Emergency Surgery: WJES July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Crime and physical activity measures from the SAFE and Fit Environments Study (SAFE): Psychometric properties across age groups Saelens BE Preventive Medicine Reports July 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Testing a tailored weight management program for veterans with PTSD: The MOVE! + UP randomized controlled trial Saelens BE Contemporary Clinical Trials July 1st, 2021 Other
Accounting for quality improvement during the conduct of embedded pragmatic clinical trials within healthcare systems: NIH Collaboratory case studies Jarvik JG Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands) July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of the Lifestyle Enhancement for ADHD Program Mendoza JA Journal of Pediatric Psychology July 1st, 2021 Methods
Pilot Study of Telehealth Delivered Rehabilitative Exercise for Youth With Concussion: The Mobile Subthreshold Exercise Program (MSTEP) Mendoza JA, Rivara FP, Chrisman SPD Frontiers in Pediatrics July 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Association of Child Race/Ethnicity With Parent and Guardian Feelings of Safety From School Security Practices Rivara FP JAMA Pediatrics July 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Structural Racism and JAMA Network Open Rivara FP JAMA Network Open July 1st, 2021 Other
Equity and the JAMA Network Rivara FP JAMA Network Open, JAMA Surgery, JAMA otolaryngology - head & neck surgery, JAMA, JAMA Neurology, JAMA Cardilogy July 1st, 2021 Other
Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Trauma and Emergency Surgery O'Connell KM Journal of Palliative Medicine July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Changes in Scapular Bone Density Vary by Region and are Associated with Age and Sex Kleweno C Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Receptiveness and Responsiveness Toward Using Social Media for Safe Firearm Storage Outreach: Mixed Methods Study Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of Medical Internet Research July 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
The adverse effects of policing on population health: A conceptual model Rowhani-Rahbar A Social Science & Medicine July 1st, 2021 Methods
Functional Status Examination Yields Higher Measurement Precision than the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended After Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Temkin N Journal of Neurotrauma July 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Validation of the modified NUTrition Risk Score (mNUTRIC) in mechanically ventilated, severe burn patients: A prospective multinational cohort study Mandell SP Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Physical and Psychological Recovery Following Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: A Patient Survey Mandell SP, Pham TN, Hippe DS, Gibran NS Journal of Burn Care & Research: Official Publication of the American Burn Association July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services Management of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest During the COVID-19 Pandemic Rea TD Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Adolescent and Young Women's Daily Reports of Emotional Context and Episodes of Dating Violence Adhia A Journal of Family Violnece July 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Six-month and 12-month patient outcomes based on inflammatory subphenotypes in sepsis-associated ARDS: secondary analysis of SAILS-ALTOS trial Hough CL Thorax July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Variation in Early Management Practices in Moderate-to-Severe ARDS in the United States: The Severe ARDS - Generating Evidence Study Hough CL Chest July 1st, 2021 Methods
Ultra-processed food is associated with features of metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Bentov I Liver International: Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver July 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Barriers to recruitment, retention and intervention delivery in a randomized trial among patients with firearm injuries Floyd AS, Lyons VH, Whiteside LK, Haggerty KP, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar Injury Epidemiology July 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Income support policies and firearm violence prevention: A scoping review Rowhani-Rahbar A, Schleimer JP, Moe CA, Rivara FP, Hill HD Preventive Medicine July 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Firearm purchasing and firearm violence during the coronavirus pandemic in the United States: a cross-sectional study Schleimer JP, McCort CD, Shev AB, Pear VA, Tomsich E, De Biasi A, Buggs S, Laqueur HS, Wintemute GJ Injury Epidemiology July 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Does the built environment have independent obesogenic power? Urban form and trajectories of weight gain Mooney SJ International Journal of Obesity June 1st, 2021 Other
Prehospital tourniquet use: An evaluation of community application and outcome Vavilala MS, Bulger EM, Mills B, Rea TD The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
A Pilot Prospective Observational Study of Cerebral Autoregulation and 12-Month Outcomes in Children With Complex Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The Argument for Sufficiency Conditions Affecting TBI Outcomes Vavilala MS, Chesnut RM, Lele AV Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology June 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
USE OF REGIONAL ANALGESIA AND RISK OF DELIRIUM IN OLDER ADULTS WITH MULTIPLE RIB FRACTURES: AN EAST MULTICENTER STUDY Vavilala MS, Rivara F, Arbabi S, Qiu Q, O'Connell KM, Patel KV, Powelson E The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Association of Early Multiple Organ Dysfunction With Clinical and Functional Outcomes Over the Year Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury Study Vavilala MS, Krishnamoorthy V, Temkin NR Critical Care Medicine June 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Impact of Walking School Bus Programs on Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectations Mendoza JA, Haviland MJ Journal of Physical Activity & Health June 1st, 2021 Safe and Active Transportation
The role of nonstandard and precarious jobs in the well-being of disabled workers during workforce reintegration Sears JM American Journal of Industrial Medicine June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Association of Antidepressant Continuation in Pregnancy and Infant Birth Weight Mueller BA Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
The Kempe incision for decompressive craniectomy, craniotomy, and cranioplasty in traumatic brain injury and stroke Chesnut RM, Bonow RH Journal of Neurosurgery June 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Buprenorphine utilization among all Washington State residents' based upon prescription monitoring program data - Characteristics associated with two measures of retention and patterns of care over time Banta-Green CJ, Hansen RN Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Opioid Overprescribing or Underprescribing After Surgery? Sullivan MD Mayo Clinic Proceedings June 1st, 2021 Other
Factors Associated with the Development of Persistent Pain after mTBI Thompson HJ, Moore MM Pain Management Nursing: Official Journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses June 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Application of OCT-Derived Attenuation Coefficient in Acute Burn-Damaged Skin Mandell SP Lasers in Surgery and Medicine June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Traditional Measures of Surgical Outcomes Only Tell a Portion of the Patient Story-Who Measures Success? Davidson GH JAMA Surgery June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
BOugie or stylet in patients UnderGoing Intubation Emergently (BOUGIE): protocol and statistical analysis plan for a randomised clinical trial Bentov I BMJ Open June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Rates of delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions observed in a trauma center Stansbury LG, Hess JR Transfusion June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Caregiver and provider experiences of physical, occupational, and speech therapy for children with medical complexity Fuentes MM Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Human cells and networks of pain: Transforming pain target identification and therapeutic development Curatolo M Neuron June 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Applying Engaging With Aging in the Era of COVID-19 Belza B Journal of Gerontological Nursing June 1st, 2021 Other
Modeling the impacts of clinical influenza testing on influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates Peltan ID The Journal of Infectious Diseases June 1st, 2021 Other
Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19 -United States, March-June and October-December 2020: Implications for the Potential Effects of COVID-19 Tier-1 Vaccination on Future Hospitalizations and Outcomes Peltan ID Clinical Infectious Diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America June 1st, 2021 Other
Using CT and MRI Scans after Intervention for Stroke to Predict Patient Outcomes Mossa-Basha M Radiology June 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Intraventricular Baclofen Following Deep Brain Stimulation in a Child with Refractory Status Dystonicus Browd S Movement Disorders Clinical Practice May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Development of best practices in the utilization and implementation of pediatric cervical spine traction: a modified Delphi study Browd S Journal of Neurosurgery. Pediatrics May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Hydrocephalus treatment in patients with craniosynostosis: an analysis from the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network prospective registry Browd S Neurosurgical Focuse May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Cost-effectiveness of opicapone and entacapone in reducing off-time in Parkinson's Disease patients treated with levodopa/carbidopa Hansen RN Journal of Medical Economics May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Assessment of county-level proxy variables for household firearm ownership Rowhani-Rahbar A, Haviland MJ, Gause E, Rivara FP, Bowen AG, Hanron A Preventive Medicine May 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Workplace Organizational and Psychosocial Factors Associated with Return-to-Work Interruption and Reinjury Among Workers with Permanent Impairment Sears JM Annals of Work Exposure and Health May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Restrictive eating disorders in higher weight persons: A systematic review of atypical anorexia nervosa prevalence and consecutive admission literature Moore M The International Journal of Eating Disorders May 1st, 2021 Other
Optimizing Implementation in Cancer Control (OPTICC): protocol for an implementation science center Baldwin LM Implementation Science Communications May 1st, 2021 Other
Is telemedicine the answer to rural expansion of medication treatment for opioid use disorder? Early experiences in the feasibility study phase of a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network Trial Baldwin LM Addiction Science & Clinical Practice May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Racial and socioeconomic disparities in the efficacy of a family-based treatment programme for paediatric obesity Saelens BE Pediatric Obesity May 1st, 2021 Other
High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Imaging for the Evaluation of Intracranial Vascular Pathology Mossa-Basha M Neuroimaging Clinics of North America May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Shape related features of intracranial aneurysm are associated with rupture status in a large Chinese cohort Mossa-Basha M Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Association of imbalance between job workload and functional ability with return to work in ARDS survivors Hough CL, Thompson HJ Thorax May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Promoting Evidence-Based Practice in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Systematic Review Hough CL Critical Care Explorations May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Variation in Initial U.S. Hospital Responses to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Hough CL Critical Care Medicine May 1st, 2021 Other
Associations of multiple chronic conditions with physical performance and falls among older adults with back pain: A longitudinal, population-based study Patel KV Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
The Association between Gait Speed and Falls in Community Dwelling Older Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment Phelan EA International journal of environmental research and public health May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Association of Psychosocial Factors and Hospital Complications with Risk for Readmission After Trauma Killien EY, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP, Maine RG The Journal of Surgical Research May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Corrigendum to "Inclined position is associated with improved first pass success and laryngoscopic view in prehospital endotracheal intubations" [The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 37 (2019) 937-941] Rea TD The American journal of emergency medicine May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Student knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about acupuncture: an exploratory study Vavilala MS, Sodders MD Acupuncture in Medicine: Journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Incidence and Clinical Impact of Myocardial Injury Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot TRACK-TBI Study Vavilala, MS, Krishnamoorthy V Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
The Status of Quality Improvement Programs for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Care in Argentina Vavilala MS, Mock C, Velonjara J The Journal of Surgical Research May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Resource Utilization and Outcomes in Isolated Low-Grade Renal Trauma at a Level 1 Trauma Center Vavilala MS, Gause E, Hagedorn JC Urology May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
The Effect of Sexual Dysfunction on Health-Related Quality of Life in Men Following Traumatic Pelvic Fractures Vavilala MS, Rivara FP, Johnsen NV The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Posterior Iliac Oblique Images Enhance Preoperative Planning for Acetabular Fracture Surgery Kleweno CP Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Sparse group regularization for semi-continuous transportation data Boyle LN Statistics in Medicine May 1st, 2021 Methods
Ableism and Quality of Life During the Coronavirus Pandemic Fuentes M Journal of Hospital Medicine May 1st, 2021 Other
Adapting Safety Check as a Universal Suicide Prevention Strategy in Pediatric Primary Care Rivara FP Academic Pediatrics May 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Comparison of childhood household injuries and risk factors between urban and rural communities in Ghana: A cluster-randomized, population-based, survey to inform injury prevention research and programming Mock C Injury May 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Tracking global development assistance for trauma care: A call for advocacy and action Mock C, Bulger E, Stewart BT Journal of Global Health May 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Predictors of Seat-Belt Use among Bus Passengers in Ghana: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Health Belief Model Mock C Journal of Community Health May 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Nutritional Evaluation and Treatment of the Cirrhotic Patient Bentov I Clinics in Liver Disease May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
From fathers to peers: Association between paternal violence victimization and peer violence perpetration among youth in Malawi, Nigeria, and Zambia Adhia A Social Science & Medicine May 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Re-examining decompressive craniectomy medial margin distance from midline as a metric for calculating the risk of post-traumatic hydrocephalus Temkin NR, Chesnut RM, Mac Donald CL Journal of Clinical Neuroscience: Official Journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Central Curation of Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended Data: Lessons Learned from TRACK-TBI Temkin NR, Chesnut RM, Mac Donald CL Journal of Neurotrauma May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Association of Sex and Age With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Symptoms: A TRACK-TBI Study Temkin NR JAMA Network Open May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Hospitalization and mortality outcomes in the first 5 years after a childhood cancer diagnosis: a population-based study Mueller BA Cancer Causes & Control: CCC May 1st, 2021 Other
Anti-Nociceptive Effects of Oxytocin Receptor Modulation in Healthy Volunteers - a Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study Curatolo M European Journal of Pain May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
AAAPT Diagnostic Criteria for Acute Thoracic Surgery Pain Curatolo M The Journal of Pain May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Development and Validation of a Machine Learning Model to Estimate Bacterial Sepsis Among Immunocompromised Recipients of Stem Cell Transplant Mooney SJ JAMA Network Open May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Diagnostic accuracy and reliability of sideline concussion evaluation: a prospective, case-controlled study in college athletes comparing newer tools and established tests Chrisman SPD British Journal of Sports Medicine May 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Resolution of Organ Dysfunction as a Predictor of Long-Term Survival in Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: Analysis of the ACCUTE Trial and a Retrospective Claims-Linked Database Study Bulger EM The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery May 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Forecasting Future Asthma Hospital Encounters of Patients With Asthma in an Academic Health Care System: Predictive Model Development and Secondary Analysis Study Davidson GH Journal of Medical Internet Research May 1st, 2021 Other
Veterans Are Agreeable to Discussions About Firearms Safety in Primary Care Simonetti JA Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine May 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Co-Reporting of Child Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence: The Likelihood of Substantiations and Foster Care Placements Adhia A Child maltreatment April 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Improving transition from inpatient rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: Protocol for the BRITE pragmatic comparative effectiveness trial Hoffman JM, Moore M Contemporary Clinical Trials April 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Balloons up: shorter time to angioembolization is associated with reduced mortality in patients with shock and complex pelvic fractures (original study) Vavilala MS, Rivara FP, Bulger EM, Maier RV, O'Connell KM Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Association Between Ionized Calcium Concentrations During Hemostatic Transfusion and Calcium Treatment With Mortality in Major Trauma Vavilala MS, Stansbury LG, Arbabi S, Hess JR Anesthesia and Analgesia April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Use of a Community Center Primary Care Clinic and Subsequent Emergency Department Visits Among Unhoused Women Stadeli KM, Davidson GH JAMA Network Open April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Validity of the Exercise Vital Sign Tool to Assess Physical Activity Saelens BE American Journal of Preventitive Medicine April 1st, 2021 Other
Caring for American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Adolescents Fuentes MM Pediatrics April 1st, 2021 Other
Establishing Clinically Significant Patient-reported Outcomes for Diverticular Disease Davidson GH The Journal of Surgical Research April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Injured and broke: The impacts of the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) on service delivery and catastrophic health expenditure among seriously injured children Mock C, Stewart BT African Journal of Emergency Medicine April 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Factors affecting utilization of traditional bonesetters in the Northern Region of Ghana Mock C African Journal of Emergency Medicine April 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Patient and Provider Acceptability of a Patient Preauthorized Concealed Opioid Reduction Curatolo M Pain Medicine April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Child- compared with parent-report ratings on psychosocial measures following a mild traumatic brain injury among youth with persistent post-concussion symptoms Rivara FP, Chrisman SP, Zatzick D Brain Injury April 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
JAMA Network Open-The Year in Review, 2020 Rivara FP JAMA Network Open April 1st, 2021 Other
The geographic distribution of retail tobacco outlets in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Mooney SJ Drug and Alcohol Review April 1st, 2021 Other
Not quite a block party: COVID-19 street reallocation programs in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC Mooney SJ, Firth CL SSM - Population Health April 1st, 2021 Other
Innovations in Ph.D. education to prepare nurse scientists for the future Thompson HJ Journal of Professional Nursing: Official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing April 1st, 2021 Other
PREVENTion of CLots in Orthopaedic Trauma (PREVENT CLOT): a randomised pragmatic trial protocol comparing aspirin versus low-molecular-weight heparin for blood clot prevention in orthopaedic trauma patients Kleweno C BMJ Open April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Anterior Hip Dislocation: Characterization of a Rare Injury and Predictors of Functional Outcome Kleweno C Injury April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Cost-effectiveness of oral semaglutide added to current antihyperglycemic treatment for type 2 diabetes Hansen RN Journal of Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy April 1st, 2021 Other
Health care costs related to home spirometry in the eICE randomized trial Hansen RN Journal of Cystic Fibrosis: Official Journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society April 1st, 2021 Other
Complications and healthcare utilization in commercially-insured osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture patients: a comparison of kyphoplasty versus propensity-matched controls Jarvik JG The Spine Journal: Official Journal of the North American Spine Society April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Determination of optimal deployment strategy for REBOA in patients with non-compressible hemorrhage below the diaphragm Bulger EM Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Fatalities related to intimate partner violence: towards a comprehensive perspective Kafka JM, Moracco KE, Young BR, Taheri C, Graham LM, Macy RJ, Proescholdbell SK Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention April 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Life experiences preceding high lethality suicide attempts in adolescents at a level I regional trauma center Lyons VH, DeCou CR, Niehoff E, Moore M, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior April 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Latent Profile Analysis of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Cognitive Function of Adults 2 Weeks After Traumatic Brain Injury: Findings From the TRACK-TBI Study Temkin N JAMA Network Open April 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
A Manual for the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOSE) Interview Temkin N Journal of neurotrauma April 1st, 2021 Methods
Exercise training and cognition in multiple sclerosis: The GET Smart trial protocol Temkin N Contemporary Clinical Trials April 1st, 2021 Other
Association of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Glycemic Control With Intracranial Plaque Characteristics in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Mossa-Basha M Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: JMRI April 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Aspirin versus anticoagulation for stroke prophylaxis in blunt cerebrovascular injury: a propensity-matched retrospective cohort study Mossa-Basha M, Bonow R, Cushcieri J, Arbabi S, Vavilala M, Rivara FP, Chesnut R Journal of Neurosurgery April 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Computed tomography angiography findings predictive of post-intervention vasospasm in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Mossa-Basha M The British Journal of Radiology April 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
ICU Bed Utilization During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in a Multistate Analysis-March to June 2020 Peltan I, Hough CL Critical Care Explorations April 1st, 2021 Other
Variability in Sedation Assessment among Intubated Patients in the Emergency Department Hough CL Academic emergency medicine: official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Should the CIWA-Ar be the standard monitoring strategy for alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the intensive care unit? Hough CL Addiction Science & Clinical Practice April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Association of Job Characteristics and Functional Impairments on Return to Work after Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Hough CL, Thompson HJ Chest April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Improving transitions of care for patients initiated on buprenorphine for opioid use disorder from the emergency departments in King County, Washington Whiteskide LK, Fockele CE Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Stepped Collaborative Care Targeting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Comorbidity for US Trauma Care Systems: A Randomized Clinical Trial Whiteside LK, Nehra D, Zatzick D, Bulger EM, Maier RV, Wang J, Heagerty P JAMA Surgery April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Prevalence, age of initiation, and patterns of co-occurrence of digital dating abuse behaviors nationwide Ellyson AM, Adhia A, Lyons VH, Rivara FP Child and Youth Services Review April 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Nonfatal use of firearms in intimate partner violence: Results of a national survey Adhia A, Lyons VH, Moe CA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP Preventive Medicine April 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
The Earned Income Tax Credit and Intimate Partner Violence Edmonds AT, Moe CA, Adhia A, Mooney SJ, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of Interpersonal Medicine April 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Association of state-level intoxicated driving laws with firearm homicide and suicide Tessler RA, Haviland MJ, Bowen A, Bowen D, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention April 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Neighborhood disadvantage and firearm injury: does shooting location matter? Dalve K, Gause E, Mills B, Floyd AS, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Injury Epidemiology April 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Frailty status as a potential factor in increased postoperative opioid use in older adults Bentov I BMC Geriatrics April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Racial and ethnic disparities among children with primary central nervous system tumors in the US Jimenez N Journal of Neuro-Oncology April 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Telephone-Based Intervention for Hispanic Children to Promote Treatment Adherence After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study Jiminez N, Fuentes M, Rivara F The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation April 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Older Spousal Dyads and the Experience of Recovery in the Year After Traumatic Brain Injury Chhuom TW, Thompson HJ The Journal of Neuroscience Nursing: Journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses March 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Burn patients' pain experiences and perceptions Duchin ER, Moore M, Carrougher GJ, Min EK, Gordon DB, Stewart BT, Sabel J, Jo-Nes A, Pham TN Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Impact of COVID-19 'Stay Home, Stay Healthy' Orders on Function among Older Adults Participating in a Community-Based, Behavioral Intervention Study Adams LM, Gell NM, Hoffman EV, Gibbons LE, Phelan EA, Sturgeon JA, Turk DC, Patel KV Journal of Aging and Health March 1st, 2021 Other
Interventions to Reduce Fall-Risk-Increasing Drug Use to Prevent Falls: A Narrative Review of Randomized Trials Gray SL, Elsisi Z, Phelan EA, Hanlon JT Drugs & Aging March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Altered central pain processing in fibromyalgia-A multimodal neuroimaging case-control study using arterial spin labelling Müller M, Wüthrich F, Federspiel A, Wiest R, Egloff N, Reichenbach S, Exadaktylos A, Jüni P, Curatolo M, Walther S PLoS One March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Leveraging a health information exchange to examine the accuracy of self-report emergency department utilization data among hospitalized injury survivors Whiteside LK, Vrablik MC, Russo J, Bulger EM, Nehra D, Moloney K, Zatzick DF Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Inpatient and post-discharge outcomes following inhalation injury among critically injured burn patients Witt CE, Stewart BT, Rivara FP, Mandell SP, Gibran NS, Pham TN, Arbabi S Journal of Burn Care & Research: Official Publication of the American Burn Association March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Exposure to unhealthy product advertising: Spatial proximity analysis to schools and socio-economic inequalities in daily exposure measured using Scottish Children's individual-level GPS data Olsen JR, Patterson C, Caryl FM, Robertson T, Mooney SJ, Rundle AG, Mitchell R, Hilton S Health & Place March 1st, 2021 Safe and Active Transportation
Initial return to work and long-term employment patterns: Associations with work-related permanent impairment and with participation in workers' compensation-based return-to-work programs Sears JM, Fulton-Kehoe D, Hogg-Johnson S American Journal of Industrial Medicine March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Imaging human skin autograft integration with optical coherence tomography Deegan AJ, Lu J, Sharma R, Mandell SP, Wang RK Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Assessing the appropriateness of blood transfusion among injured patients at a Ghanaian tertiary hospital: Time for clarity on the use of a scarce resource Gyedu A, Goodman SK, Quansah R, Osei-Ampofo M, Donkor P, Mock C Injury March 1st, 2021 Global Injury
The impact of the dependent care provision on individuals with spina bifida transitioning to adulthood Loftus CJ, Ahn J, Hagedorn JC, Cain M, Holt S, Merguerian P, Shnorhavorian M Journal of Pediatric Urology March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Trauma quality indicators: internationally approved core factors for trauma management quality evaluation Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Maier RV, Coimbra R, Ordoñez C, Ivatury R, Kirkpatrick AW, Biffl W, Sartelli M, Hecker A, Ansaloni L, Leppaniemi A, Reva V, Civil I, Vega F, Chiarugi M, Chichom-Mefire A, Sakakushev B, Peitzman A, Chiara O, Abu-Zidan F, Maegele M, Miccoli M, Chirica M, Khokha V, Sugrue M, Fraga GP, Otomo Y, Baiocchi GL, Catena F; and the WSES Trauma Quality Indicators Expert Panel World Journal of Emergency Surgery: WJES March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
School Engagement Among Youth Entering Probation Crumé HJ, Nurius PS, Kim BE, Logan-Greene P Journal of Youth and Adolesence March 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Providing Epidemiologic Data in Lumbar Spine Imaging Reports Did Not Affect Subsequent Utilization of Spine Procedures: Secondary Outcomes from a Stepped-Wedge Randomized Controlled Trial Suri P, Meier EN, Gold LS, Marcum ZA, Johnston SK, James KT, Bresnahan BW, O'Reilly M, Turner JA, Kallmes DF, Sherman KJ, Deyo RA, Luetmer PH, Avins AL, Griffith B, Heagerty PJ, Rundell SD, Jarvik JG, Friedly JL Pain Medicine March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Effects of Including Epidemiologic Data in Lumbar Spine Imaging Reports on Prescribing Non-Opioid Medications for Pain Marcum ZA, Gold LS, James KT, Meier EN, Turner JA, Kallmes DF, Cherkin DC, Deyo RA, Sherman KJ, Luetmer PH, Avins AL, Griffith B, Friedly JL, Suri P, Heagerty PJ, Jarvik JG Journal of General Internal medicine March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Progression of Plaque Burden of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque Predicts Recurrent Stroke/Transient Ischemic Attack: A Pilot Follow-Up Study Using Higher-Resolution MRI Shi Z, Li J, Zhao M, Zhang X, Degnan AJ, Mossa-Basha M, Saloner D, Lu J, Liu Q, Zhu C Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: JMRI March 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Neural network enhanced 3D turbo spin echo for MR intracranial vessel wall imaging Zhou Z, Chen S, Balu N, Chu B, Zhao X, Sun J, Mossa-Basha M, Hatsukami T, Börnert P, Yuan C Magnetic Resonance Imaging March 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Within- and between-person associations with drug use disorder among adolescents and emerging adults presenting to an urban emergency department Goldstick JE, Lyons VH, Myers MG, Walton MA, Heinze JE, Cunningham RM Drug and Alcohol Dependence March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Long-term Patient-Reported Outcomes and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures after Injury: The National Trauma Research Action Plan (NTRAP) Scoping Review Herrera-Escobar JP, Osman SY, Das S, Toppo A, Orlas CP, Castillo-Angeles M, Rosario A, Janjua MB, Arain MA, Reidy E, Jarman MP, Nehra D, Price MA, Bulger EM, Haider AH; National Trauma Research Action Plan (NTRAP) Investigators Group The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
The protocol of the Application of Economics & Social psychology to improve Opioid Prescribing Safety Trial 1 (AESOPS-1): Electronic health record nudges Kelley M, Persell SD, Linder JA, Friedberg M, Meeker D, Fox CR, Goldstein NJ, Knight TK, Zein D, Rowe TA, Sullivan MD, Doctor JN Contemporary Clinical Trials March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
"We Need to Taper." Interviews with Clinicians and Pharmacists About Use of a Pharmacy-Led Opioid Tapering Program Firemark AJ, Schneider JL, Kuntz JL, Papajorgji-Taylor D, Dickerson JF, Thorsness LA, Reese KR, Sullivan MD, Debar LL, Smith DH Pain Medicine March 1st, 2021 Injury Care
The effect of phototherapy on sleep during acute rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial Bell KR, Fogelberg D, Barber J, Nakase-Richardson R, Zumsteg JM, Dubiel R, Dams-O'Connor K, Hoffman JM Brain Injury February 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
A multi-state evaluation of the association between mental health and firearm storage practices Horn DL, Butler EK, Stahl JL, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Littman AJ Preventitive Medicine February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Reply to: "Assessment of hepatic fibrosis in MAFLD: a new player in the evaluation of residual cardiovascular risk?" Zelber-Sagi S, Schonmann Y, Yeshua H, Bentov I Digestive and Liver Disease: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Helping Individuals with Firearm Injuries: A Cluster Randomized Trial Lyons VH, Floyd AS, Griffin E, Wang J, Hajat A, Carone M, Benkeser D, Whiteside LK, Haggerty KP, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Patterns and Predictors of Professional Interpreter Use in the Pediatric Emergency Department Lion KC, Gritton J, Scannell J, Brown JC, Ebel BE, Klein EJ, Mangione-Smith R Pediatrics February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Smaller Regional Brain Volumes Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder at 3 Months After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Stein MB, Yuh E, Jain S, Okonkwo DO, Mac Donald CL, Levin H, Giacino JT, Dikmen S, Vassar MJ, Diaz-Arrastia R, Robertson CS, Nelson LD, McCrea M, Sun X, Temkin N, Taylor SR, Markowitz AJ, Manley GT, Mukherjee P; TRACK-TBI Investigators Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging February 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Strategies for Discussing Firearms Storage Safety in Primary Care: Veteran Perspectives Dobscha SK, Clark KD, Newell S, Kenyon EA, Karras E, Simonetti JA, Gerrity M Journal of General Internal medicine February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Characteristics and patterns of older adult homicides in the United States Shawon RA, Adhia A, DeCou C, Rowhani-Rahbar A. Injury Epidemiology February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Children with Severe Obesity in Family-Based Obesity Treatment Compared with Other Participants: Conclusions Depend on Metrics Hayes JF, Fowler LA, Balantekin KN, Saelens BE, Stein RI, Perri MG, Welch RR, Epstein LH, Wilfley DE Obesity (Silver Spring Md) February 1st, 2021 Other
Association of State-Level Earned Income Tax Credits With Rates of Reported Child Maltreatment, 2004-2017 Kovski NL, Hill HD, Mooney SJ, Rivara FP, Morgan ER, Rowhani-Rahbar A Child maltreatment February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
State earned income tax credits and suicidal behavior: A repeated cross-sectional study Morgan ER, DeCou CR, Hill HD, Mooney SJ, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Preventitive Medicine February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Irregular pulsation of intracranial unruptured aneurysm detected by four-dimensional CT angiography is associated with increased estimated rupture risk and conventional risk factors Zhang J, Li X, Zhao B, Zhang J, Sun B, Wang L, Ding S, Liu X, Yan J, Mossa-Basha M, Liu X, Wan J, Zhao H, Xu J, Zhu C Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery February 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Multinational Survey of Current Practice from Imaging to Treatment of Atherosclerotic Carotid Stenosis Saba L, Mossa-Basha M, Abbott A, Lanzino G, Wardlaw JM, Hatsukami TS, Micheletti G, Balestrieri A, Hedin U, Moody AR, Wintermark M, DeMarco JK Cerebrovascular Disease (Basel, Switzerland) February 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Special Report of the RSNA COVID-19 Task Force: Crisis Leadership of Major Health System Radiology Departments During COVID-19 Mossa-Basha M, Schnall M, Meltzer C, Oleaga L, Filippi CG, Mahoney M, Donoso L, Tan BS; RSNA COVID-19 Task Force Radiology February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Severe Fireworks-Related Injuries: Demographic Characteristics, Injury Patterns, and Firework Types in 294 Consecutive Patients Jacobson L, Sandvall BK, Quistberg DA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Vavilala MS, Friedrich JB, Keys KA Pediatric Emergency Care February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Multi-Organ Dysfunction following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Epidemiology, Mechanisms, and Clinical Management Krishnamoorthy V, Komisarow JM, Laskowitz DT, Vavilala MS Chest February 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Association of Severe Acute Kidney Injury with Mortality and Healthcare Utilization Following Isolated Traumatic Brain Injury Luu D, Komisarow J, Mills BM, Vavilala MS, Laskowitz DT, Mathew J, James ML, Hernandez A, Sampson J, Fuller M, Ohnuma T, Raghunathan K, Privratsky J, Bartz R, Krishnamoorthy V Neurocritical Care February 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Multicenter, Head-to-Head, Real-World Validation Study of Seven Automated Artificial Intelligence Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Systems Lee AY, Yanagihara RT, Lee CS, Blazes M, Jung HC, Chee YE, Gencarella MD, Gee H, Maa AY, Cockerham GC, Lynch M, Boyko EJ. Diabetes Care February 1st, 2021 Methods
Focal retinal ischemia revealed by multi-modal imaging after traumatic partial optic nerve avulsion Van Brummen A, Mustafi D, Chee YE Retinal cases & brief reports February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Parent Traumatic Events and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms: The Mediating Role of Parental Depression Among Youth with Persistent Postconcussive Symptoms Marcynyszyn LA, McCarty CA, Rivara FP, Johnson AM, Wang J, Zatzick DF Journal of Pediatric Psychology February 1st, 2021 Traumatic Brain Injury
Reporting Clinical Studies Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidelines for Authors Perlis RH, Haneuse SJPA, Rubenfeld GD, Fihn SD, Rivara FP JAMA Network Open February 1st, 2021 Methods
Three Interventions to Address the Other Pandemic-Firearm Injury and Death Rivara FP, Vars FE, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
First Aid Practices for Injured Children in Rural Ghana: A Cluster-Random Population-Based Survey Gyedu A, Stewart B, Otupiri E, Donkor P, Mock C Prehospital and disaster medicine February 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Barriers to the enforcement of mandatory seat belt laws in Ghana: an exploratory study Okyere P, Agyei-Baffour P, Harris MJ, Mock C, Yankson IK, Donkor P, Owusu-Dabo E Health promotion international February 1st, 2021 Global Injury Safe & Active Transportation
Assessment of local supply chains and stock management practices for trauma care resources in Ghana: a comparative small sample cross-sectional study Boakye G, Gyedu A, Stewart M, Donkor P, Mock C, Stewart B BMC Health Services Research February 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Violence, HIV Risks, and Polysubstance Use Among HIV-Positive People Who Inject Drugs in Ukraine Lee JO, Yoon Y, Idrisov B, Kiriazova T, Makarenko O, Sereda Y, Bendiks S, Cody K, Schoenberger SF, Nurius PS, Halim N, Flanigan T, Samet JH, Liebschutz J, Lunze K AIDS and Behavior February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention
Symptoms and recovery among adult outpatients with and without COVID-19 at 11 healthcare facilities-July 2020, United States Fisher KA, Olson SM, Tenforde MW, Self WH, Wu M, Lindsell CJ, Shapiro NI, Files DC, Gibbs KW, Erickson HL, Prekker ME, Steingrub JS, Exline MC, Henning DJ, Wilson JG, Brown SM, Peltan ID, Rice TW, Hager DN, Ginde AA, Talbot HK, Casey JD, Grijalva CG, Flannery B, Patel MM, Feldstein LR. Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses February 1st, 2021 Other
Enhanced Training Benefits of Video Recording Surgery With Automated Hand Motion Analysis Mackenzie CF, Yang S, Garofalo E, Hu PF, Watts D, Patel R, Puche A, Hagegeorge G, Shalin V, Pugh K, Granite G, Stansbury LG, Shackelford S, Tisherman S World Journal of Surgery February 1st, 2021 Methods
Challenges and Approaches to Population Management of Long-Term Opioid Therapy Patients Stephens KA, Ike B, Baldwin LM, Packer C, Parchman M Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
What's the "secret sauce"? How implementation variation affects the success of colorectal cancer screening outreach Coury J, Miech EJ, Styer P, Petrik AF, Coates KE, Green BB, Baldwin LM, Shapiro JA, Coronado GD Implementation Science Communications February 1st, 2021 Other
Gun Violence Exposure and Experiences of Depression Among Mothers Leibbrand C, Rivara F, Rowhani-Rahbar A Prevention Science: The official journal of the society for Prevention Science February 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Do young patients with high clinical suspicion of appendicitis really need cross sectional imaging? Proceedings from a highly controversial debate among the experts' panel of 2020 WSES Jerusalem Guidelines Podda M, Andersson R, Boermeester M, Coccolini F, Sartelli M, Moore EE, Sugrue M, Abu-Zidan F, Tolonen M, Damaskos D, Kluger Y, Soreide K, Pisanu A, Augustin G, Latifi R, Kelly M, Leppaniemi A, Fraga GP, Ten Broek R, Tan E, Van Goor H, Chiara O, Maier RV, Pata F, De Simone B, Ordoñez CA, Ansaloni L, Catena F, Di Saverio S The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Clinical outcome assessment in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments Patel KV, Amtmann D, Jensen MP, Smith SM, Veasley C, Turk DC Pain reports February 1st, 2021 Methods
Age differences in cognitive-affective processes in adults with chronic pain Murray CB, Patel KV, Twiddy H, Sturgeon JA, Palermo TM European Journal of Pain February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
A Typical Week with Mild Cognitive Impairment Renn BN, Wool JL, Belza B The Gerontologist February 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Effect of Collaborative Care on Persistent Postconcussive Symptoms in Adolescents: A Randomized Clinical Trial McCarty CA, Zatzick DF, Marcynyszyn LA, Wang J, Hilt R, Jinguji T, Quitiquit C, Chrisman SPD, Rivara FP JAMA Network Open February 1st, 2021 FIPRP Randomized Conrolled Trial
Emergency department patients with untreated opioid use disorder: A comparison of those seeking versus not seeking referral to substance use treatment Coupet E Jr, D'Onofrio G, Chawarski M, Jennifer Edelman E, O'Connor PG, Owens P, Martel S, Fiellin DA, Cowan E, Richardson L, Huntley K, Whiteside LK, Lyons MS, Rothman RE, Pantalon M, Hawk K. Drug and Alcohol Dependence January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Temporal trends in surgical procedures for pediatric hydrocephalus: an analysis of the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network Core Data Project Tamber MS, Kestle JRW, Reeder RW, Holubkov R, Alvey J, Browd SR, Drake JM, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD, McDonald PJ, Rozzelle CJ, Simon TD, Naftel R, Shannon CN, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE, Riva-Cambrin J; Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Predictors of fast and ultrafast shunt failure in pediatric hydrocephalus: a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study Hauptman JS, Kestle J, Riva-Cambrin J, Kulkarni AV, Browd SR, Rozzelle CJ, Whitehead WE, Naftel RP, Pindrik J, Limbrick DD, Drake J, Wellons JC, Tamber MS, Shannon CN, Simon TD, Pollack IF, McDonald PJ, Krieger MD, Chu J, Hankinson TC, Jackson EM, Alvey JS, Reeder RW, Holubkov R; Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
The Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned for Sustained Trauma Preparedness and Responses Cuschieri J, Robinson B, Lynch J, Mitchell S, Arbabi S, Bryson C, Sayre M, Maier RV, Bulger E Annals of Surgery January 1st, 2021 Methods
Differentiation of burn wounds in an in vivo porcine model using terahertz spectroscopy Osman OB, Jack Tan T, Henry S, Warsen A, Farr N, McClintic AM, Wang YN, Arbabi S, Arbab MH Biomedical Optics Express January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Burn survivors' perception of recovery after injury: A Northwest Regional Burn Model System investigation Sibbett SH, Carrougher GJ, Pham TN, Mandell SP, Arbabi S, Stewart BT, Gibran NS. Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Risk Factors for Child Death During an Intimate Partner Homicide: A Case-Control Study Lyons VH, Adhia A, Moe CA, Kernic MA, Schiller M, Bowen A, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Child Maltreatment January 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Relation of Driving Under the Influence Laws to Access to Firearms Across US States Bowen AG, Tessler RA, Bowen D, Haviland MJ, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP American Journal of Public Health January 1st, 2021 Violence Prevention FIPRP
Response letter to AJE-01317-2020: The multidimensional effects of labor unions on workers' health Eisenberg-Guyot J, Mooney SJ, Barrington WE, Hajat A American Journal of Epidemiology January 1st, 2021 Other
National health insurance and surgical care for injured people, Ghana Gyedu A, Goodman SK, Katz M, Quansah R, Stewart BT, Donkor P, Mock C Bulletin of the World Health Organization January 1st, 2021 Global Injury
Re-thinking patient stability for methadone in opioid treatment programs during a global pandemic: Provider perspectives Hatch-Maillette MA, Peavy KM, Tsui JI, Banta-Green CJ, Woolworth S, Grekin P Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Qualitative and Quantitative Wall Enhancement on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Is Associated With Symptoms of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Fu Q, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Guo X, Xu H, Yao Z, Wang M, Levitt MR, Mossa-Basha M, Zhu J, Cheng J, Guan S, Zhu C Stroke January 1st, 2021 Methods
Bridging Thrombolysis Achieved Better Outcomes Than Direct Thrombectomy After Large Vessel Occlusion: An Updated Meta-Analysis Wang Y, Wu X, Zhu C, Mossa-Basha M, Malhotra A Stroke January 1st, 2021 Methods
When Physical and Social Pain Coexist: Insights Into Opioid Therapy Sullivan MD, Ballantyne JC Annals of Family Medicine January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Is obesity associated with odds of prescription opioid use independent of depression? Scherrer JF, Sullivan MD Pain January 1st, 2021 Other
The Fallacy of Follow-up: When Orthopaedic Trauma Patients Actually Return to Clinic Agel J, Robertson AJ, Novak AA, Hebert-Davies J, Kleweno CP The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Examining the consumer restaurant environment and dietary intake in children Robson SM, Vadiveloo M, Green S, Couch SC, Sallis JF, Glanz K, Saelens BE Preventitive Medicine Sports January 1st, 2021 Other
Understanding the intergenerational transmission of substance use and problem behavior: Implications for future research and preventive interventions Haggerty KP, Carlini BH Psychology of Addictive Behaviors: Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors January 1st, 2021 Methods
Understanding a Diverse Cancer Center Catchment Area: A Qualitative Needs Assessment Built on a Theoretical Framework Reyes C, Thompson B, Briant KJ, Mendoza J. Cancer Control: Journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center January 1st, 2021 Methods
Barriers to Implementing Cardiovascular Risk Calculation in Primary Care: Alignment With the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research Tuzzio L, O'Meara ES, Holden E, Parchman ML, Ralston JD, Powell JA, Baldwin LM American Journal of Preventitive Medicine January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Management of Moderate Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injuries in Patients with Intracranial Hemorrhage Quiroga E, Levitt MR, Czerwonko ME, Starnes BW, Tran NT, Singh N Annals of Vascular Surgery January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Adolescent Water Safety Behaviors, Skills, Training and Their Association with Risk-Taking Behaviors and Risk and Protective Factors Sakamoto I, Stempski S, Srinivasan V, Le T, Bennett E, Quan L Children (Basel, Switzerland) January 1st, 2021 Other
Pregnancy outcomes among visually impaired women in Washington State, 1987-2014 Schiff MA, Doody DR, Crane DA, Mueller BA Disability and Health Journal January 1st, 2021 Other
Consensus statement from the international consensus meeting on post-traumatic cranioplasty Iaccarino C, Kolias A, Adelson PD, Rubiano AM, Viaroli E, Buki A, Cinalli G, Fountas K, Khan T, Signoretti S, Waran V, Adeleye AO, Amorim R, Bertuccio A, Cama A, Chesnut RM, De Bonis P, Estraneo A, Figaji A, Florian SI, Formisano R, Frassanito P, Gatos C, Germanò A, Giussani C, Hossain I, Kasprzak P, La Porta F, Lindner D, Maas AIR, Paiva W, Palma P, Park KB, Peretta P, Pompucci A, Posti J, Sengupta SK, Sinha A, Sinha V, Stefini R, Talamonti G, Tasiou A, Zona G, Zucchelli M, Hutchinson PJ, Servadei F Acta Neurochirurgica January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
The authors reply Chesnut RM, Videtta W Critical Care Medicine January 1st, 2021 Other
Self-assembly-based posttranslational protein oscillators Kimchi O, Goodrich CP, Courbet A, Curatolo AI, Woodall NB, Baker D, Brenner MP Science Advances January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
A method to predict ventricular fibrillation shock outcome during chest compressions Coult J, Rea TD, Blackwood J, Kudenchuk PJ, Liu C, Kwok H Computers in Biology and Medicine January 1st, 2021 Methods
OCT-Based Angiography and Surface Topography in Burn-Damaged Skin Lu J, Deegan AJ, Cheng Y, Mandell SP, Wang RK Lasers in Surgery and Medicine January 1st, 2021 Injury Care
Firearms and protective orders in intimate partner homicides Lyons VH, Adhia A, Moe C, Kernic MA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP Journal of Family Violence January 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Understanding the Process, Context, and Characteristics of Extreme Risk Protection Orders: A Statewide Study Rooney L, Conrick KM, Bellenger MA, Moore M, Haviland MJ, Gause E, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved January 1st, 2021 FIPRP
Adversary effects and the tactics of violent offenders Felson RB, Hullenaar K Aggressive Behavior January 1st, 2021 FIPRP
The authors reply Chesnut RM, Videtta W Critical Care Medicine January 1st, 2021 Other
Natural History of Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury: Experience Over a 10-year Period at a Level I Trauma Center Wu L, Christensen D, Call L, Vranic J, Colip C, Hippe DS, Witt C, Bonow RH, Mossa-Basha M Radiology October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Predicting Hospital Outcomes with the Reported Edmonton Frail Scale-Thai Version in Orthopedic Patients Roopsawang I, Thompson H, Zaslavsky O, Belza B Journal of Clinical Nursing October 1st, 2020 Methods
Evaluation of pharmaceutical pictograms by older "turkers": A cross-sectional crowdsourced study Lin SY, Thompson HJ, Hart LA, Fu MCC, Demiris G Research on Social and Administrative Pharmacy: RSAP October 1st, 2020 Methods
Impact of Age on Plasma Inflammatory Biomarkers in the 6 Months Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Thompson HJ, Martha SR, Wang J, Becker KJ The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
A mixed methods systematic review of informal caregivers' experiences of fall risk among community-dwelling elders with dementia Zhou Y, Strayer AT, Phelan EA, Sadak T, Hooyman NR Health & Social Care in the Community October 1st, 2020 Methods
Community-Engaged Approach to the Development and Implementation of a Student-Centered Return to Learn Care Plan After Concussion Conrick KM, Moore M, Abbotts L, Widdice L, Hoag S, Kroshus E, Philipson EB, Jinguji T, Weiner BJ, Glang A, Rivara FP, Chrisman SPD, Dickason CQ, Vavilala MS The Journal of School Health October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Estimated age of first exposure to American football and outcome from concussion Caccese JB, Houck Z, Kaminski TW, Clugston JR, Iverson GL, Bryk KN, Oldham JR, Pasquina PF, Broglio SP, McAllister TW, McCrea M, Hoy AMR, Hazzard JB Jr, Kelly LA, Ortega JD, Port N, Putukian M, Langford TD, Giza CC, Goldman JT, Benjamin HJ, Schmidt JD, Feigenbaum LA, Eckner JT, Mihalik JP, Miles JD, Anderson S, Master CL, Collins MW, Kontos AP, Chrisman SPD, Brooks A, Jackson JC, McGinty G, Cameron KL, Susmarski A, O'Donnell PG, Duma S, Rowson S, Miles CM, Bullers CT, Dykhuizen BH, Lintner L, Buckley TA; nd CARE Consortium Investigators Neurology October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Protocol Development for HMU! (HIV Prevention for Methamphetamine Users), a Study of Peer Navigation and Text Messaging to Promote Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Adherence and Persistence Among People Who Use Methamphetamine: Qualitative Focus Group and Interview Study McMahan VM, Frank N, Buckler S, Violette LR, Baeten JM, Banta-Green CJ, Barnabas RV, Simoni J, Stekler JD JMIR Formative Research October 1st, 2020 Methods
Interest in reducing methamphetamine and opioid use among syringe services program participants in Washington State McMahan VM, Kingston S, Newman A, Stekler JD, Glick SN, Banta-Green CJ Drug and Alcohol Dependence October 1st, 2020 Other
Incorporating real-time influenza detection into the test-negative design for estimating influenza vaccine effectiveness: The real-time test-negative design (rtTND) Feldstein LR, Self WH, Ferdinands JM, Randolph AG, Aboodi M, Baughman AH, Brown SM, Exline MC, Files DC, Gibbs K, Ginde AA, Gong MN, Grijalva CG, Halasa N, Khan A, Lindsell CJ, Newhams M, Peltan ID, Prekker ME, Rice TW, Shapiro NI, Steingrub J, Talbot HK, Halloran ME, Patel M; Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in the Critically Ill (IVY) Investigators and the Pediatric Intensive Care Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness (PICFLU-VE) Investigators Clinical Infectious Diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America October 1st, 2020 Other
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Among Frontline Health Care Personnel in a Multistate Hospital Network - 13 Academic Medical Centers, April-June 2020 Self WH, Tenforde MW, Stubblefield WB, Feldstein LR, Steingrub JS, Shapiro NI, Ginde AA, Prekker ME, Brown SM, Peltan ID, Gong MN, Aboodi MS, Khan A, Exline MC, Files DC, Gibbs KW, Lindsell CJ, Rice TW, Jones ID, Halasa N, Talbot HK, Grijalva CG, Casey JD, Hager DN, Qadir N, Henning DJ, Coughlin MM, Schiffer J, Semenova V, Li H, Thornburg NJ, Patel MM; CDC COVID-19 Response Team; IVY Network MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report October 1st, 2020 Other
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health Care Utilization Following Severe Acute Brain Injury in the United States Jones RC, Creutzfeldt CJ, Cox CE, Haines KL, Hough CL, Vavilala MS, Williamson T, Hernandez A, Raghunathan K, Bartz R, Fuller M, Krishnamoorthy V Journal of intensive care medicine October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Ethical and Regulatory Concerns in Pragmatic Clinical Trial Monitoring and Oversight Roberts MK, Fisher DM, Parker LE, Darnell D, Sugarman J, Carrithers J, Weinfurt K, Jurkovich G, Zatzick D Ethics & human research October 1st, 2020 Other
Training the next generation of aging and cognitive health researchers Croff R, Tang W, Friedman DB, Balbim GM, Belza B Gerontology & geriatrics education October 1st, 2020 Methods
Identifying Maltreatment in Infants and Young Children Presenting with Fractures: Does Age Matter? Mitchell IC, Norat BJ, Auerbach M, Bressler CJ, Como J, Escobar MA Jr, Flynn-O'Brien KT, Lindberg DM, Nickoles T, Rosado N, Weeks K, Maguire S Academic emergency medicine: official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Occupational exposures and programmatic response to COVID-19 pandemic: an emergency medical services experience Murphy DL, Barnard LM, Drucker CJ, Yang BY, Emert JM, Schwarcz L, Counts CR, Jacinto TY, McCoy AM, Morgan TA, Whitney JE, Bodenman JV, Duchin JS, Sayre MR, Rea TD Emergency medicine journal: EMJ October 1st, 2020 Methods
Fidelity Assessment of a Social Work-Led Intervention Among Patients with Firearm Injuries Lyons VH, Benson LR, Griffin E, Floyd AS, Kiche SW, Haggerty KP, Whiteside L, Conover S, Herman DB, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Research on social work practice October 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
JAMA Network Open and COVID-19 Rivara FP, Fihn SD, Perencevich EN JAMA October 1st, 2020 Other
Firearm purchasing and storage during the COVID-19 pandemic Lyons VH, Haviland MJ, Azrael D, Adhia A, Bellenger MA, Ellyson A, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention October 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
Association of Minimum Age Laws for Handgun Purchase and Possession With Homicides Perpetrated by Young Adults Aged 18 to 20 Years Moe CA, Haviland MJ, Bowen AG, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP JAMA Pediatrics October 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
Predictors of receiving an emergency department naloxone prescription following an opioid overdose Lebin JA, Huynh L, Morse SC, Jablonowksi K, Hall J, Whiteside LK The American journal of emergency medicine October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Cross-Sectional Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Among Skilled Nursing Facility Employees and Residents Across Facilities in Seattle Weil AA, Newman KL, Ong TD, Davidson GH, Logue J, Brandstetter E, Magedson A, McDonald D, McCulloch DJ, Neme S, Lewis J, Duchin JS, Zhong W, Starita LM, Bedford T, Roxby AC, Chu HY Journal of general internal medicine October 1st, 2020 Methods
Development and Implementation of a Complex Health System Intervention Targeting Transitions of Care from Hospital to Post-acute Care Austin EJ, Neukirch J, Ong TD, Simpson L, Berger GN, Keller CS, Flum DR, Giusti E, Azen J, Davidson GH Journal of general internal medicine October 1st, 2020 Methods
Differences in adolescent activity and dietary behaviors across home, school, and other locations warrant location-specific intervention approaches Ortega A, Bejarano CM, Cushing CC, Staggs VS, Papa AE, Steel C, Shook RP, Sullivan DK, Couch SC, Conway TL, Saelens BE, Glanz K, Frank LD, Cain KL, Kerr J, Schipperijn J, Sallis JF, Carlson JA The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity October 1st, 2020 Other
General and Eating Disorder Psychopathology in Relation to Short- and Long-Term Weight Change in Treatment-Seeking Children: A Latent Profile Analysis Grammer AC, Best JR, Fowler LA, Balantekin KN, Stein RI, Conlon RPK, Saelens BE, Welch RR, Perri MG, Epstein LH, Wilfley DE Annals of behavioral medicine: a publication of the society of behavioral medicine October 1st, 2020 Other
Dynamics of Sleep, Sedentary Behavior and MVPA on School versus Non-School Days Armstrong B, Beets MW, Starrett A, Brazendale K, Turner-McGrievy G, Saelens BE, Pate RR, Youngstedt SD, Maydeu-Olivares A, Weaver RG Sleep October 1st, 2020 Other
Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the PREventing cardiovascular collaPse with Administration of fluid REsuscitation during Induction and Intubation (PREPARE II) randomised clinical trial Russell DW, Casey JD, Gibbs KW, Dargin JM, Vonderhaar DJ, Joffe AM, Ghamande S, Khan A, Dutta S, Landsperger JS, Robison SW, Bentov I, Wozniak JM, Stempek S, White HD, Krol OF, Prekker ME, Driver BE, Brewer JM, Wang L, Lindsell CJ, Self WH, Rice TW, Semler MW, Janz D; PREPARE II Investigators BMJ Open October 1st, 2020 Methods
Psychosocial Correlates of Objective, Performance-Based, and Patient-Reported Physical Function Among Patients with Heterogeneous Chronic Pain Greenberg J, Mace RA, Popok PJ, Kulich RJ, Patel KV, Burns JW, Somers TJ, Keefe FJ, Schatman ME, Vrancenanu AM Journal of Pain Research October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
The Effect of Including Benchmark Prevalence Data of Common Imaging Findings in Spine Image Reports on Health Care Utilization Among Adults Undergoing Spine Imaging: A Stepped-Wedge Randomized Clinical Trial Jarvik JG, Meier EN, James KT, Gold LS, Tan KW, Kessler LG, Suri P, Kallmes DF, Cherkin DC, Deyo RA, Sherman KJ, Halabi SS, Comstock BA, Luetmer PH, Avins AL, Rundell SD, Griffith B, Friedly JL, Lavallee DC, Stephens KA, Turner JA, Bresnahan BW, Heagerty PJ JAMA Network Open October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
ECMO Membrane Lung Failure due to Hypertriglyceridemia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Badulak JH, Curtis E, Bulger EM The journal of extra-corporeal technology October 1st, 2020 Other
Effect of Out-of-Hospital Tranexamic Acid vs Placebo on 6-Month Functional Neurologic Outcomes in Patients With Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Rowell SE, Meier EN, McKnight B, Kannas D, May S, Sheehan K, Bulger EM, Idris AH, Christenson J, Morrison LJ, Frascone RJ, Bosarge PL, Colella MR, Johannigman J, Cotton BA, Callum J, McMullan J, Dries DJ, Tibbs B, Richmond NJ, Weisfeldt ML, Tallon JM, Garrett JS, Zielinski MD, Aufderheide TP, Gandhi RR, Schlamp R, Robinson BRH, Jui J, Klein L, Rizoli S, Gamber M, Fleming M, Hwang J, Vincent LE, Williams C, Hendrickson A, Simonson R, Klotz P, Sopko G, Witham W, Ferrara M, Schreiber MA JAMA October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Group A emergency release plasma in trauma patients requiring massive transfusion de Roulet A, Kerby J, Weinberg J, Lewis R, Hudgins J, Shulman I, Fox EE, Holcomb JB, Brasel K, Bulger E, Cohen M, Cotton B, Fabian T, O'Keeffe T, Rizoli S, Scalea T, Schreiber M, Inaba K; PROPPR Investigators The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
TXA Administration in the Field Does Not Affect Admission TEG after Traumatic Brain Injury Dixon AL, McCully BH, Rick EA, Dewey E, Farrell DH, Morrison LJ, McMullan J, Robinson BRH, Callum J, Tibbs B, Dries DJ, Jui J, Gandhi RR, Garrett JS, Weisfeldt ML, Wade CE, Aufderheide TP, Frascone RJ, Tallon JM, Kannas D, Williams C, Rowell SE, Schreiber MA, McKnight B, Meier EN, May S, Sheehan K, Bulger EM, Idris AH, Christenson J, Bosarge PL, Colella MR, Johannigman J, Cotton BA, Richmond NJ, Zielinski MD, Schlamp R, Klein L, Rizoli S, Gamber M, Fleming M, Hwang J, Vincent LE, Hendrickson A, Simonson R, Klotz P, Ferrara M, Sopko G, Witham W The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
An international survey of pelvic trauma surgeons on the management of pelvic ring injuries Parry JA, Funk A, Heare A, Stacey S, Mauffrey C, Starr A, Crist B, Krettek C, Jones CB, Kleweno CP, Firoozabadi R, Sagi HC, Archdeacon M, Eastman J, Langford J, Oransky M, Martin M, Cole P, Giannoudis P, Byun SE, Morgan SJ, Smith W, Giordano V, Trikha V Injury October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Promoting Equity, Social Justice, and Saving Lives with Life Jacket and Clothing Policies Beale-Tawfeeq A, Quan L, Bennett E, Fielding RR. International journal of environmental research and public health October 1st, 2020 Other
Reliability and Construct Validity of the TBI-QOL Communication Short Form as a Parent-Proxy Report Instrument for Children With Traumatic Brain Injury Cohen ML, Tulsky DS, Boulton AJ, Kisala PA, Bertisch H, Yeates KO, Zonfrillo MR, Durbin DR, Jaffe KM, Temkin N, Wang J, Rivara FP Journal of speech, language, and hearing research: JSLHR October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Unmet Rehabilitation Needs After Hospitalization for Traumatic Brain Injury Fuentes MM, Wang J, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Yeates KO, Durbin D, Zonfrillo MR, Jaffe KM, Temkin N, Tulsky D, Bertisch H, Rivara FP Pediatrics October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Utilization of Mental Health Services After Mild Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Jimenez N, Quistberg A, Vavilala MS, Jaffe KM, Rivara FP Pediatrics October 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Development and Validation of Quality Criteria for Providing Patient- and Family-centered Injury Care Boyd JM, Burton R, Butler BL, Dyer D, Evans DC, Felteau M, Gruen RL, Jaffe KM, Kortbeek J, Lang E, Lougheed V, Moore L, Narciso M, Oxland P, Rivara FP, Roberts D, Sarakbi D, Vine K, Stelfox HT Annals of Surgery October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Socioeconomic position is associated with glycemic control in youth and young adults with type 1 diabetes Sutherland MW, Ma X, Reboussin BA, Mendoza JA, Bell BA, Kahkoska AR, Sauder KA, Lawrence JM, Pihoker C, Liese AD. Pediatric Diabetes October 1st, 2020 Other
Chamomile Gel versus Urea Cream to Prevent Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients: Results from a Preliminary Clinical Trial Ferreira EB, Ciol MA, de Meneses AG, Bontempo PSM, Hoffman JM, Reis PEDD Integrative Cancer Therapies October 1st, 2020 Other
Treatment of urethral stricture disease in women: A multi-institutional collaborative project from the SUFU research network Lane GI, Smith AL, Stambakio H, Lin G, Al Hussein Alawamlh O, Anger JT, Brandes ER, Carmel ME, Chung DE, Cox L, DeLong J, Elliott CS, Eltahawy E, Aparecido França W, Gousse A, Gupta P, Hagedorn JC, High RA, Khan A, Kowalik C, Lee RK, Lee UJ, Lucioni A, MacDonald S, Malaeb B, McKay S, Padmanabhan P, Powell CR, Sajadi KP, Sutherland SE, Theva D, Vollstedt A, Welk B, Zheng Y, Cameron AP; Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction Research Network (SURN). Neurology and urodynamics October 1st, 2020 Methods
Implementation of the WHO Trauma Care Checklist: A qualitative analysis of facilitators and barriers to use Wild H, Mock C, Lim A International journal of surgery (London, England) October 1st, 2020 Injury Care
MYT1 role in the microtia-craniofacial microsomia spectrum Luquetti DV, Heike CL, Zarante I, Timms AE, Gustafson J, Pachajoa H, Porras-Hurtado GL, Ayala-Ramirez P, Duenas-Roque MM, Jimenez N, Ibanez LM, Hurtado-Villa P Molecular genetics & genomic medicine October 1st, 2020 Other
The impact of survey nonresponse on estimates of healthcare employee burnout Simonetti JA, Clinton WL, Taylor L, Mori A, Fihn SD, Helfrich CD, Nelson K Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands) October 1st, 2020 Other
Fluoroscopically-guided interventions with radiation doses exceeding 5000 mGy reference point air kerma: a dosimetric analysis of 89,549 interventional radiology, neurointerventional radiology, vascular surgery, and neurosurgery encounters Bundy JJ, McCracken IW, Shin DS, Monroe EJ, Johnson GE, Ingraham CR, Kanal KM, Bundy RA, Jones ST, Valji K, Chick JFB CVIR Endovascular October 1st, 2020 Methods
Health plan adaptations to a mailed outreach program for colorectal cancer screening among Medicaid and Medicare enrollees: the BeneFIT study Coronado GD, Schneider JL, Green BB, Coury JK, Schwartz MR, Kulkarni-Sharma Y, Baldwin LM Implementation Science: IS October 1st, 2020 Methods
Low Rates of Colonoscopy Follow-up After a Positive Fecal Immunochemical Test in a Medicaid Health Plan Delivered Mailed Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Green BB, Baldwin LM, West II, Schwartz M, Coronado GD Journal of Primary Care & Community Health October 1st, 2020 Methods
Study protocol for evaluating Six Building Blocks for opioid management implementation in primary care practices Shoemaker-Hunt SJ, Evans L, Swan H, Bacon O, Ike B, Baldwin LM, Parchman ML Implementation Science Communications October 1st, 2020 Methods
Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A TRACK-TBI Study Temkin, Nancy The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation September 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Race/Ethnicity and Informal Caregiver Burden After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Scoping Study Stansbury, Lynn; Sodders, Mark; Killien, Elizabeth; Vavilala, Monica; Moore, Megan Health Equity September 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
The evolution of white matter microstructural changes after mild traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal DTI and NODDI study Macdonald, Christine Science Advances September 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Optimizing telehealth pain care after COVID-19 Tauben, David Pain September 1st, 2020 Other
Longitudinal Patterns of Pain Reporting among Community-dwelling Older Adults Phelan, Elizabeth A; Patel, Kushang The Clinical Journal of Pain September 1st, 2020 Injury Care
The Intersection of Falls and Dementia in Primary Care: Evaluation and Management Considerations Phelan, Elizabeth A The Medical Clinics of North America September 1st, 2020 Injury Care
WSES consensus conference guidelines: monitoring and management of severe adult traumatic brain injury patients with polytrauma in the first 24 hours Chesnut, Randall World Journal of Emergency Surgery: WJES September 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Use of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants Among Emergency Department Patients With Untreated Opioid Use Disorder Whiteside, Lauren K Annals of Emergency Medicine September 1st, 2020 Other
Changes in Error Patterns in Unanticipated Trauma Deaths Over 20 Years: In Pursuit of Zero Preventable Deaths Maier, Ronald V; LaGrone, Lacey; Bulger, Eileen The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery September 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Management of intra-abdominal-infections: 2017 World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines summary focused on remote areas and low-income nations Maier, Ronald V International Journal of Infectious Diseases: IJID: Official Publications of the International Society for Infectious Diseases September 1st, 2020 Global Injury
The Effectiveness and Value of Oral Semaglutide for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Hansen, Ryan N Journal of Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy September 1st, 2020 Other
Selection bias and misclassification in case-control studies conducted using the National Violent Death Reporting System Lyons, Vivian; Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali; Adhia, Avanti Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention September 1st, 2020 Methods
Life experiences associated with change in perpetration of domestic violence Lyons, Vivian; Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali; Adhia, Avanti Injury Epidemiology September 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
Age, period and cohort effects in firearm homicide and suicide in the USA, 1983-2017 Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali; Haviland, Miriam; Rivara, Frederick Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention September 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
Ending Neglected Surgical Diseases (NSDs): Definitions, Strategies, and Goals for the Next Decade Mock, Charles International Journal of Health Policy and Management September 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Distinct clinicopathologic clusters of persons with TDP-43 proteinopathy Mock, Charles Acta Neuropathologica September 1st, 2020 Other
Optimizing a self-directed mobile mindfulness intervention for improving cardiorespiratory failure survivors' psychological distress (LIFT2): Design and rationale of a randomized factorial experimental clinical trial Hough, Catherine L Contemporary Clinical Trials September 1st, 2020 Methods
The learning community faculty experience: how longitudinal relationships with learners enhance work meaning Sardesai, Maya G Perspectives on Medical Education September 1st, 2020 Methods
Beyond the bus stop: where transit users walk Mooney, Stephen; Saelens, Brian Journal of Transport and Health September 1st, 2020 Safe and Active Transportation
Description and Reliability of the AOSpine Sacral Classification System Kleweno, Conor The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume September 1st, 2020 Methods
Predicting School Suspension Risk from Eighth through Tenth Grade Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Haggerty, Kevin Contemporary School Psychology September 1st, 2020 Methods
Characteristics of pediatric patients with traumatic epidural hematomas who can be safely observed: a clinical validation study Vavilala, Monica; Mossa-Basha, Mahmud The British Journal of Radiology September 1st, 2020 Methods
Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: 2020 Update of the Decompressive Craniectomy Recommendations Vavilala, Monica Neurosurgery September 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Estimating the Impact of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections in the United States: Incidence and Re-Admissions Bulger, Eileen Surgical Infections September 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Telebehavioral Interventions for Family Caregivers of Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review Moore, Megan The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation September 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Urethrogram: Does post-operative contrast extravasation portend stricture recurrence? Voelzke, Bryan B Urology September 1st, 2020 Other
Common Biological Modulators of Acute Pain: An Overview Within the AAAPT Project (ACTTION-APS-AAPM Acute Pain Taxonomy) Curatolo, Michele Pain Medicine September 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Call for Papers on Prevention and the Effects of Systemic Racism in Health Rivara, Frederick JAMA Network Open September 1st, 2020 Methods
Assessment of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaques Using 3D Black-Blood MRI: Comparison With 3D Time-of-Flight MRA and DSA Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: JMRI September 1st, 2020 Other
Comparisons of physical exposure between workers harvesting apples on mobile orchard platforms and ladders, part 1: Back and upper arm postures Boyle, Linda N Applied Ergonomics September 1st, 2020 Other
Comparisons of physical exposure between workers harvesting apples on mobile orchard platforms and ladders, part 2: Repetitive upper arm motions Boyle, Linda N Applied Ergonomics September 1st, 2020 Other
Impact of a sweetened beverage tax on beverage prices in Seattle, WA Saelens, Brian Economics and Human Biology September 1st, 2020 Other
Assessing Parent Decisions About Child Participation in a Behavioral Health Intervention Study and Utility of Informed Consent Forms Saelens, Brian JAMA Network Open September 1st, 2020 Methods
Association of Minimum-Age Laws for Handgun Purchase and Possession with Homicides Perpetuated by Youth 18-20 Years Old Moe CA, Haviland MJ, Bowen AG, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP JAMA Pediatrics August 31st, 2020 FIPRP Firearm Policy
Economic Burden of Metastatic Ovarian Cancer in a Commercially Insured Population: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis Hansen, Ryan N Journal of Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy August 1st, 2020 Other
Understanding Decision Making by Families About Youth Football Participation Postconcussion Christman, Sara; Rivara, FP Health Promotion Practice July 30th, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Child neurobiology impacts success in family-based behavioral treatment for children with obesity Saelens, Brian International Journal of Obesity July 26th, 2020 Other
State Earned Income Tax Credit policies and intimate partner homicide in the USA, 1990-2016 Adhia, Avanti; Mooney, Stephen; Rivara, Frederick; Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali; Moe, Caitlin Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention July 23rd, 2020 Violence Prevention
Plasma Phospholipid Metabolites Associate With Functional Outcomes Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults Thompson, Hilare J Biological Research for Nursing July 22nd, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Special Report of the RSNA COVID-19 Task Force: The Short- and Long-Term Financial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Private Radiology Practices Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Radiology July 17th, 2020 Methods
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Radiology Department Financial Impact and Planning for Post-COVID Recovery Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Journal of the American College of Radiology: JACR July 17th, 2020 Methods
Evidence-based practices for acute respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome: A systematic review of reviews Hough, Catherine L Chest July 16th, 2020 Other
Investigating the efficacy of a self-directed parenting intervention to reduce risky behaviors among college students: Study protocol for a multi-arm hybrid type 2 randomized control trial Haggerty, Kevin Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications July 15th, 2020 Methods
DicomAnnotator: a Configurable Open-Source Software Program for Efficient DICOM Image Annotation Jarvik, Jeffrey G Journal of Digital Imaging July 14th, 2020 Methods
Preventable Trauma Deaths and Corrective Actions to Prevent Them: A 10-Year Comparative Study at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana Mock, Charles World Journal of Surgery July 13th, 2020 Global Injury
Heterogeneity in Temporal Ordering of Depression and Participation After Traumatic Brain Injury Hoffman, Jeanne M Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation July 10th, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Renal Grading System: Should Segmental Kidney Infarction be Classified as a Grade IV Injury? Hagedorn, Judith The Journal of Urology July 10th, 2020 Injury Care
Workforce Reintegration After Work-Related Permanent Impairment: A Look at the First Year After Workers' Compensation Claim Closure Sears, Jeanne M Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation July 10th, 2020 Injury Care
Risk factors for assaultive reinjury and death following a nonfatal firearm assault injury: A population-based retrospective cohort study Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali Preventive Medicine July 9th, 2020 Violence Prevention
A Novel Immune Modulator for Patients With Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections (NSTI): Results of a Multicenter, Phase 3 Randomized Controlled Trial of Reltecimod (AB 103) Bulger, Eileen M Annals of Surgery July 8th, 2020 Methods
State earned income tax credits and general health indicators: A quasi-experimental national study 1993-2016 Rivara, Frederick; Mooney, Stephen; Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali; Morgan, Erin Health Services Research July 8th, 2020 Methods
The effect of age and sex on pelvic bone density measured opportunistically in clinical CT scans Kleweno, Conor Journal of Orthopaedic Research: Official Publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society July 3rd, 2020 Other
Fatigability as a Predictor of Subclinical and Clinical Anemia in Well-Functioning Older Adults Patel, Kushang V Journal of the American Geriatrics Society July 3rd, 2020 Other
Outcomes of Femoral Artery Ligation for Treatment of Infected Femoral Pseudoaneurysms due to Drug Injection Tran, Nam T Journal of Vascular Surgery July 2nd, 2020 Injury Care
Defining a Research Agenda for Layperson Prehospital Hemorrhage Control: A Consensus Statement Bulger, Eileen M JAMA Network Open July 1st, 2020 Methods
Assessment of Primary Care Clinician Concordance With Guidelines for Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain in the Veterans Affairs Health System Jarvik, Jeffrey G JAMA Network Open July 1st, 2020 Methods
Firearm Safety in an Aging United States Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali; Morgan, Erin JAMA Network Open July 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
Early High-Risk Opioid Prescribing Practices and Long-Term Disability Among Injured Workers in Washington State, 2002 to 2013 Sears, Jeanne M Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine July 1st, 2020 Injury Care
A novel algorithm for refining cerebral vascular measurements in infants and adults Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Journal of Neuroscience Methods July 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Prescription opioid overdose and adverse effect hospitalisations among injured workers in eight states (2010-2014) Sears, Jeanne M Occupational and Environmental Medicine July 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Accuracy and Feasibility of Clinically Applied Frailty Instruments before Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Bentov, Itay Anesthesiology July 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Correction to: Subdural hemorrhage rebleeding in abused children: frequency, associations and clinical presentation Browd, Samuel R Pediatric Radiology July 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Energy Expenditure and Shivering Severity During Targeted Temperature Management at 36°C After Cardiac Arrest: A Case Series Thompson, Hilare J Critical Care Nursing Quarterly July 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Harnessing your passion and connecting to purpose Bulger, Eileen M The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery July 1st, 2020 Methods
Reply to Cohen and Murnion Mark Sullivan Pain July 1st, 2020 Methods
Radiology Department Preparedness in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Postshutdown Environment Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Journal of the American College of Radiology: JACR July 1st, 2020 Methods
In pursuit of consequential epidemiology: where is diversity and inclusion? Rowhani, Rahbar A American Journal of Epidemiology June 30th, 2020 Methods
Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Washington: A Statewide Descriptive Study Rowhani, Rahbar A and Rivara, Frederick P Annals of Internal Medicine June 30th, 2020 Methods
Maternal Gestational Weight Gain in Relation to Antidepressant Continuation in Pregnancy Mueller, Beth A American Journal of Perinatology June 30th, 2020 Methods
Prevalence and Financial Impact of Claustrophobia, Anxiety, Patient Motion, and Other Patient Events in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: TMRI June 29th, 2020 Methods
Costs of Two Health Insurance Plan Programs to Mail Fecal Immunochemical Tests to Medicare and Medicaid Plan Members Baldwin, Laura Mae Population Health Management June 29th, 2020 Methods
Safe storage policies and practices for firearms issued to law enforcement officers in Washington State DeCou CR, Huppert T, Crowell-Williamson G, Kume K Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology June 27th, 2020 FIPRP Access to Firearms & Safe Storage
The Benefits of T'ai Chi for Older Adults with Chronic Back Pain: A Qualitative Study Phelan, Elizabeth A Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine June 26th, 2020 Injury Care
Pain Across Traumatic Injury Groups: A National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research Model Systems Study Hoffman, Jeanne M The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery June 24th, 2020 Injury Care
Best Practices and Current Care Concepts in Prehospital Care of the Spine-Injured Athlete in American Tackle Football March 2-3, 2019; Atlanta, GA Herring, Stanley A Journal of Athletic Training June 23rd, 2020 Injury Care
Prehospital Patient Care Protocols for Suicidality in Washington State DeCou, Chris Prehospital Emergency Care: Official Journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors June 23rd, 2020 Methods
Consensus Recommendations on the Prehospital Care of the Injured Athlete With a Suspected Catastrophic Cervical Spine Injury Rivara, Frederick P; Herring, Stanley A; Vavilala, Monica S Journal of Athletic Training June 23rd, 2020 Injury Care
Association of Parental Mental Illness With Child Injury Occurrence, Hospitalization, and Death During Early Childhood Mueller, Beth A JAMA Pediatrics June 22nd, 2020 Injury Care
Development and Validation of A Male Anterior Urethral Stricture Classification System Voelzke, Bryan B Urology June 21st, 2020 Methods
Use of Convalescent Plasma in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19 - Case Series Mark Sullivan Blood June 19th, 2020 Methods
Sexual violence in sport: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Position Statement Herring, Stanley A British Journal of Sports Medicine, Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine: Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, Current Sports Medicine Reports June 18th, 2020 Violence Prevention
Supporting LGBTQ+ Foster Teens: Development of a Relationship-Focused, Self-Guided Curriculum for Foster Families Haggerty, Kevin Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC SR and SP June 17th, 2020 Methods
Western Washington State COVID-19 Experience: Keys to Flattening the Curve and Effective Health System Response Bulger, Eileen M Journal of the American College of Surgeons June 16th, 2020 Methods
Children with DIPG and high-grade glioma treated with temozolomide, irinotecan, and bevacizumab: the Seattle Children's Hospital experience Browd, Samuel R Journal of Neuro-Oncology June 16th, 2020 Methods
Association Between Target Temperature Variability and Neurologic Outcomes for Patients Receiving Targeted Temperature Management at 36°C After Cardiac Arrest: A Retrospective Cohort Study Thompson, Hilare J Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management June 16th, 2020 Injury Care
Income-based disparities in a yearly dental visit in US adults and children: Trend analysis 1997 to 2016 Johnston, Brian D Academic Pediatrics June 13th, 2020 Methods
Efficacy of a Standardized Perioperative Clinical Care Pathway for Below Knee Amputation Keys, Kari A Annals of Surgery June 11th, 2020 Injury Care
Transitions to Outpatient Care After Traumatic Brain Injury for Hispanic Children Jimenez, Nathalie and Moore, Megan Hospital Pediatrics June 10th, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Social Determinants of Health and Emergency and Hospital Use by Children With Chronic Disease Rivara, Frederick P Hospital Pediatrics June 10th, 2020 Methods
Validation of a low-cost simulation strategy for burn escharotomy training Mandell, Samuel P Injury June 10th, 2020 Violence Prevention
CT volumetric measurements correlate with split renal function in renal trauma Hagedorn, Judith International Urology and Nephrology June 9th, 2020 Injury Care
Interpretation of chronic pain clinical trial outcomes: IMMPACT recommended considerations Patel, Kushang V Pain June 8th, 2020 Methods
Practical Considerations for Radiologists in Implementing a Patient-friendly MRI Experience Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: TMRI June 5th, 2020 Methods
Applying Artificial Intelligence to Mitigate Effects of Patient Motion or Other Complicating Factors on Image Quality Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: TMRI June 5th, 2020 Methods
Virtual Reality to Relieve Pain in Burn Patients Undergoing Imaging and Treatment Sharar, Sam R Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: TMRI June 5th, 2020 Injury Care
Pseudoaneurysm of the Superficial Temporal Artery After Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Device Placement: Case Report of a Rare Complication Chesnut, Randall Open Neurosurgery June 5th, 2020 Methods
Prevalence of COVID-19 in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Implications for Bystander CPR Rea, Thomas Circulation June 4th, 2020 Methods
The Dancing Cord: Inherent Spinal Cord Motion and Its Effect on Cord Dose in Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Neurosurgery June 4th, 2020 Injury Care
Rationale and Design of ORCHID: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Hydroxychloroquine for Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19 Hough, Catherine L Annals of the American Thoracic Society June 3rd, 2020 Methods
Adversity profiles among court-involved youth: Translating system data into trauma-responsive programming Nurius, Paula S Child Abuse and Neglect June 1st, 2020 Other
Cardiac-cerebral-renal associations in pediatric traumatic brain injury: Preliminary findings Chesnut, Randall and Vavilala, Monica S Journal of Clinical Neuroscience: Official Journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia June 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Guidelines for the Management of Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Third Edition: Update of the Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines, Executive Summary Vavilala, Monica S Neurosurgery and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: A Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies June 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Improving emergency department blood product use through nursing education Arbabi, Saman Transfusion June 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Your Radiology Practice: Case Triage, Staffing Strategies, and Addressing Revenue Concerns Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Journal of the American College of Radiology: JACR June 1st, 2020 Methods
Consensus practice guidelines on interventions for lumbar facet joint pain: finding a path through troubled waters Curatolo, Michele Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine June 1st, 2020 Methods
Intimate Partner Violence, Maternal and Paternal Parenting, and Early Child Development Adhia, Avanti Pediatrics June 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
Pearl-unjammed: the Seattle stone maneuver for ureteropelvic junction urolithiasis Wessells, Hunter Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians June 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Age, period, and cohort effects in firearm homicide and suicide in the United States, 1983-2017 Haviland MJ, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP Injury Prevention June 1st, 2020 FIPRP Homicide
Spatial predictive properties of built environment characteristics assessed by drop-and-spin virtual neighborhood auditing Mooney, Stephen International Journal of Health Geographics May 29th, 2020 Injury Care
Long-term patient-reported outcome measures after injury: National Trauma Research Action Plan (NTRAP) scoping review protocol Bulger, Eileen M Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open May 28th, 2020 Injury Care
A Narrative Review of the Published Literature, Hospital Practices, and Policies Related to External Ventricular Drains in the United States: The External Ventricular Drain Publications, Practices, and Policies (EVDPoP) Study Vavilala, Monica S Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology May 27th, 2020 Injury Care
The association between sugar-sweetened beverage availability in school vending machines and school staff sugar-sweetened beverage consumption Thompson, Hilare J Preventive Medicine Reports May 27th, 2020 Methods
The Effectiveness and Value of Oral Immunotherapy and Viaskin Peanut for Peanut Allergy Hansen, Ryan N Journal of Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy May 26th, 2020 Injury Care
The revised International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: concepts, challenges, and compromises Mark Sullivan Pain May 23rd, 2020 Injury Care
Advising Medical Students During COVID-19: The Case for a Single Emergency Medicine Rotation for All Shandro, Jamie R AEM Education and Training May 22nd, 2020 Methods
Epidemiology of Covid-19 in a Long-Term Care Facility in King County, Washington Rea, Thomas The New England Journal of Medicine May 21st, 2020 Injury Care
Domestic Violence and Safe Storage of Firearms in the COVID-19 Era Bulger, Eileen M Annals of Surgery May 20th, 2020 Violence Prevention
Impact of Built Environments on Body Weight (the Moving to Health Study): Protocol for a Retrospective Longitudinal Observational Study Mooney, Stephen JMIR Research Protocols May 19th, 2020 Injury Care
Early High-Risk Opioid Prescribing Practices and Long-Term Disability Among Injured Workers in Washington State, 2002-2013 Sears, Jeanne M Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine May 12th, 2020 Injury Care
Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Guidelines for Prehospital Care Bulger, Eileen M Prehospital Emergency Care: Official Journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors May 7th, 2020 Injury Care
2020 update of the WSES guidelines for the management of acute colonic diverticulitis in the emergency setting Maier, Ronald V World Journal of Emergency Surgery: WJES May 7th, 2020 Methods
A multisite study of nurse-reported perceptions and practice of ABCDEF bundle components Hough, Catherine L Intensive and Critical Care Nursing May 7th, 2020 Methods
Weight-Bearing CT Scan After Tibial Pilon Fracture Demonstrates Significant Early Joint-Space Narrowing Kleweno, Conor The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume May 6th, 2020 Injury Care
Financial Toxicity After Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A National Qualitative Cohort Study Hough, Catherine L Critical Care Medicine May 6th, 2020 Injury Care
Enhancing clinician and patient understanding of radiology reports: a scoping review of international guidelines Jarvik, Jeffrey G Insights into Imaging May 5th, 2020 Methods
Cost-Benefit Analysis From the Payor's Perspective for Screening and Diagnosing OSA During Inpatient Rehabilitation for Moderate to Severe TBI Hoffman, Jeanne M Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation May 4th, 2020 Methods
Opioid-Prescribing Metrics in Washington State: Trends and Challenges Sears, Jeanne M Journal of Public Health Management and Practice May 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Barriers and Facilitators to Clinician Readiness to Provide Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine Whiteside, Lauren K JAMA Network Open May 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Situational Intracranial Pressure Management: An Argument Against a Fixed Treatment Threshold Chesnut, Randall Critical Care Medicine May 1st, 2020 Methods
Comparing three approaches for involving patients in research prioritization: a qualitative study of participant experiences Jarvik, Jeffrey G Research Involvement and Engagement May 1st, 2020 Methods
Legal Liability for Returning Firearms to Suicidal Persons Who Voluntarily Surrender Them in 50 US States Rowhani, Rahbar A and Rivara, Frederick P American Journal of Public Health May 1st, 2020 Violence Prevention
Prospective Validation of a Transcriptomic Metric in Severe Trauma Maier, Ronald V Annals of Surgery May 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Standardizing nightly huddles with surgical residents and nurses to improve interdisciplinary communication and teamwork Stadeli, Kate and Davidson, Giana H American Journal of Surgery May 1st, 2020 Methods
Residential neighborhood features associated with objectively measured walking near home: Revisiting walkability using the Automatic Context Measurement Tool (ACMT) Mooney, Stephen and Saelens, Brian E Health and Place May 1st, 2020 Safe and Active Transportation
Caregiver and Provider Experiences of Home Healthcare Quality for Children With Medical Complexity Fuentes, Molly M Home Healthcare Now May 1st, 2020 Other
Tube thoracostomy during the COVID-19 pandemic: guidance and recommendations from the AAST Acute Care Surgery and Critical Care Committees Bulger, Eileen M Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open April 30th, 2020 Injury Care
A Systematic Review of Health Dialog Systems Thompson, Hilare J Methods of Information in Medicine April 29th, 2020 Methods
Thresholds and Mortality Associations of Paraspinous Muscle Sarcopenia in Older Trauma Patients Bentov, Itay JAMA Surgery April 29th, 2020 Injury Care
Trail Blazers without Blades: Surgeons as Palliative Care Physicians in response to COVID-19 O'Connell, Katherine and Maier, Ronald V Annals of Surgery April 29th, 2020 Other
ACR Appropriateness Criteria Facilitate Judicious Use of CT Angiography for Stroke Workup in the Emergency Department Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Journal of the American College of Radiology: JACR April 28th, 2020 Methods
The Prescription Opioids and Depression Pathways Cohort Study Mark Sullivan Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science April 28th, 2020 Methods
Prediction of Pediatric Critical Care Resource Utilization for Disaster Triage Killien, Elizabeth; Rivara, Frederick P; Vavilala, Monica S Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: A Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies April 27th, 2020 Injury Care
Inter-Resident Variability in Urologic Operative Case Volumes Over Time: A Review of the ACGME Case Logs From 2009 to 2016 Johnsen, Niels and Hagedorn, Judith Urology April 23rd, 2020 Injury Care
Editorial Comment Wessells, Hunter The Journal of Urology April 20th, 2020 Other
Hey surgeons! It is time to lead and be a champion in preventing and managing surgical infections! Maier, Ronald V World Journal of Emergency Surgery April 19th, 2020 Injury Care
Firework-related genitourinary trauma: a single institution case series Hagedorn, Judith and Vavilala, Monica S International Urology and Nephrology April 17th, 2020 Injury Care
Diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis: 2020 update of the WSES Jerusalem guidelines Maier, Ronald V World Journal of Emergency Surgery April 15th, 2020 Injury Care
Performing tracheostomy during the Covid-19 pandemic: guidance and recommendations from the Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Committees of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Bulger, Eileen M Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open April 15th, 2020 Injury Care
Authors Reply: Understanding state-level Medicaid expansion in the context of nationwide data Arbabi, Saman; Bulger, Eileen M; Maier, Ronald V The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery April 14th, 2020 Other
Risk of Suicide, Homicide, and Unintentional Firearm Deaths in the Home Butler, Elissa; Rowhani, Rahbar A; Rivara, Frederick P; Vavilala, Monica S JAMA Internal Medicine April 13th, 2020 Violence Prevention
Including Second Impact Syndrome in Sports-Related Concussions Evidence Review-Reply Rivara, Frederick P JAMA Pediatrics April 13th, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Risk of Suicide, Homicide, and Unintentional Firearm Deaths in the Home. Butler EK, Boveng HM, Harruff RC, Duchin JS, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Internal Medicine April 13th, 2020 FIPRP Suicide
Policies and Guidelines for COVID-19 Preparedness: Experiences from the University of Washington Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Radiology April 8th, 2020 Injury Care
Long-term survival trends in patients with unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy: a SEER cancer registry analysis Hansen, Ryan N BMC Cancer April 5th, 2020 Injury Care
A Nationwide Enumeration of Operations Performed for Pediatric Patients in Ghana Mock, Charles European Journal of Pediatric Surgery: Official Journal of Austrian Association of Pediatric Surgery April 2nd, 2020 Global Injury
Title of Publication Authors goes here, Another author can be listed by comma separation Journal goes here April 1st, 2020 Category Goes Here Category Goes Here for Section 2
Immunoglobulin G4-related disease of the urinary bladder Voelzke, Bryan B Rheumatology April 1st, 2020 Injury Care
The Utility of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center's Database for the Rapid Assessment of Evolving Neuropathologic Conditions Mock, Charles Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders April 1st, 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury
Fidelity Assessment of a Social Work–Led Intervention Among Patients With Firearm Injuries Lyons VH, Benson LR, Griffin E, Floyd AS, Kiche SW, Haggerty KP, Whiteside L, Conover S, Herman DB, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Research on Social Work Practice March 30th, 2020 FIPRP Firearm Injury
T'ai Chi for Chronic Low Back Pain in Older Adults: A Feasibility Trial Phelan, Elizabeth A Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine March 26th, 2020 Injury Care
Trends in Sociodemographic Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Staging and Survival: A SEER-Medicare Analysis Mayer, Jonathan D Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology March 11th, 2020 Injury Care
Firearm-related experiences and perceptions among United States male veterans: A qualitative interview study Simonetti, Joseph PLoS One March 10th, 2020 Violence Prevention
Integrating Formal Technology Assessment into an Integrated Healthcare Delivery System: Smart Innovation Hansen, Ryan N International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care March 1st, 2020 Other
Long-Term Courses of Sepsis Survivors: Effects of a Primary Care Management Intervention Baldwin, Laura Mae The American Journal of Medicine March 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Academic Partnerships in Global Surgery: An Overview American Surgical Association Working Group on Academic Global Surgery Mock, Charles Annals of Surgery March 1st, 2020 Methods
Mechanical Ventilation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome during Extracorporeal Life Support. Research and Practice Hough, Catherine L American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine March 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Benchmarking Global Trauma Care: Defining the Unmet Need for Trauma Surgery in Ghana Mock, Charles The Journal of Surgical Research March 1st, 2020 Global Injury
Prevalence of documented alcohol and opioid use disorder diagnoses and treatments in a regional primary care practice-based research network. Hallgren KA, Witwer E, West I, Baldwin LM, Donovan D, Stuvek B, Keppel GA, Mollis B, Stephens KA Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment March 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Modulation of pain areas by greater occipital nerve block in chronic daily headache. Baughman D, Boudreau SA, Powelson EB, Molina Ochoa D, Arendt-Nielsen L, Curatolo M European journal of anaesthesiology March 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Modulation of pain areas by greater occipital nerve block in chronic daily headache Curatolo, Michele European Journal of Anesthesiology March 1st, 2020 Methods
First-year implementation of mailed FIT colorectal cancer screening programs in two Medicaid/Medicare health insurance plans: qualitative learnings from health plan quality improvement staff and leaders Baldwin, Laura Mae BMC Health Services Research February 21st, 2020 Methods
Model of goal directed behavior for limiting Latino preschoolers' television viewing: validity and reliability Mendoza, Jason A BMC Public Health February 5th, 2020 Injury Care
Commentary on Higgins et al. (2020): How are chronic pain, psychological distress and opioid dependence related? Mark Sullivan Addiction February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Academic Advancement in Global Surgery: Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure: Recommendations From the American Surgical Association Working Group on Global Surgery Mock, Charles Annals of Surgery February 1st, 2020 Global Injury
Comparative Effectiveness of Sleep Apnea Screening Instruments During Inpatient Rehabilitation Following Moderate to Severe TBI Hoffman, Jeanne M Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation February 1st, 2020 Methods
Firearm storage practices in households with children: A survey of community-based firearm safety event participants King, A, Simonetti J, Bennett E, Simeona C, Stanek L, Roxby AC, Rowhani-Rahbar A Preventive Medicine February 1st, 2020 FIPRP Access to Firearms & Safe Storage
Contemporary Strategies in Pilon Fixation. Hebert-Davies J, Kleweno CP, Nork SE Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Predictors of Mortality, Limb Loss, and Discharge Disposition at Admission Amongst Patients With Necrotizing Skin and Soft Tissue Infections. Horn DL, Shen J, Roberts E, Wang TN, Li KS, O'Keefe GE, Cuschieri J, Bulger EM, Robinson BRH Trauma & Acute Care Surgery February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
First-year implementation of mailed FIT colorectal cancer screening programs in two Medicaid/Medicare health insurance plans: qualitative learnings from health plan quality improvement staff and leaders. Baldwin LM, Schneider JL, Schwartz M, Rivelli JS, Green BB, Petrik AF, Coronado GD BMC health services research February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Use of Fall Risk-Increasing Drugs Around a Fall-Related Injury in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Hart LA, Phelan EA, Yi JY, Marcum ZA, Gray SL Journal of the American Geriatrics Society February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
T'ai Chi for Chronic Low Back Pain in Older Adults: A Feasibility Trial. Sherman KJ, Wellman RD, Hawkes RJ, Phelan EA, Lee T, Turner JA Journal of alternative and complimentary medicine February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Weight-Bearing CT Scan After Tibial Pilon Fracture Demonstrates Significant Early Joint-Space Narrowing. Willey MC, Compton JT, Marsh JL, Kleweno CP, Agel J, Scott EJ, Bui G, Davison J, Anderson DD Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Male genital trauma at a level 1 trauma center. McCormick CS, Dumais MG, Johnsen NV, Voelzke BB, Hagedorn JC World Journal of Urology February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Delays in recognition of the need for telephone-assisted CPR due to caller descriptions of chief complaint. Stangenes SR, Painter IS, Rea TD, Meischke H Resuscitation February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Model of goal directed behavior for limiting Latino preschoolers' television viewing: validity and reliability. Ogren M, Baranowski T, Lowry SJ, Mendoza JA BMC Public Health February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
The Feasibility and Acceptability of Virtual Therapy Environments for Early ICU Mobilization. Parke S, Hough CL, Bunnell A PM & R February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Effect of Age on Longitudinal Changes in Symptoms, Function, and Outcome in the First Year After Mild-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury. Thompson HJ, Rivara FP, Wang J Journal of Neuroscience Nursing February 1st, 2020 TBI
Sleep Disturbances Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults: A Comparison Study. Wei L, Wen YT, Thompson HJ, Liu CY, Su YK, Chen PY, Chen CY, Chuang YH, Lin YJ, Chen CT, Chen CC, Chiu HT, Chiu HY Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation February 1st, 2020 TBI
Pulse Crop Effects on Gut Microbial Populations, Intestinal Function, and Adiposity in a Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Obesity. McGinley JN, Fitzgerald VK, Neil ES, Omerigic HM, Heuberger AL, Weir TL, McGee R, Vandemark G, Thompson HJ Nutrients February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Sleep Intervention for Children with Asthma and their Parents (SKIP): A Novel Web-based Shared Management Pilot Study. Sonney JT, Thompson HJ, Landis CA, Pike KC, Chen ML, Garrison MM, Ward TM Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Corrigendum to Precision health: Advancing symptom and self-management science. Hickey KT, Bakken S, Byrne MW, Bailey DCE, Demiris G, Docherty SL, Dorsey SG, Guthrie BJ, Heitkemper MM, Jacelon CS, Kelechi TJ, Moore SM, Redeker NS, Renn CL, Resnick B, Starkweather A, Thompson H, Ward TM, McCloskey DJ, Austin JK, Grady PA Nursing Outlook February 1st, 2020 Injury Care
A Consensus-Based Management Protocol For The Treatment Of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Based On Imaging And Clinical Examination For Use When Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Is Not Employed. Chesnut R, Temkin N, Videtta W, Petroni G, Lujan S, Pridgeon J, Dikmen S, Chaddock K, Barber J, Machamer J, Guadagnoli N, Hendrickson P, Aguilera S, Alanis V, Bello Quezada ME, Bautista Coronel E, Bustamante LA, Cacciatroi A, Carricondo CJ, Carvajal F, Davila R, Dominguez M, Figueroa JA, Fillipi MM, Godoy D, Gomez DC, Lacerda Gallardo AJ, Guerra Garcia JA, Zerain GF, Lavendez Cuientas LA, Lequipe C, Grajales Yuca GV, Jibaja Vega M, Kessler ME, Lopez Delgado HJ, Sandi Lora F, Mazzola AM, Maldonado RM, Mezquia de Pedro N, Martinez Zubieta JR, Mijangos Mendez JC, Mora J, Ochoa Parra JM, Pahnke PB, Paranhos J, Pinero G, Rivadeneira Pilacuán FA, Mendez Rivera MN, Romero Figueroa RL, Rubiano A, Saraguro Orozco AM, Silesky Jiménez JI, Silva Naranjo LV, Soler Morejon C, Urbina Z Journal of Neurotrauma February 1st, 2020 TBI
Statistical guidelines for handing missing data in traumatic brain injury clinical research. Nielson JL, Cooper SR, Seabury S, Luciani D, Fabio A, Temkin N, Ferguson AR Journal of Neurotrauma February 1st, 2020 TBI
Firearm violence affects all of us, and we have the power to prevent it Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Seattle Times January 28th, 2020 FIPRP Reviews & Other Publications
Initiation Age, Cumulative Prevalence, and Longitudinal Patterns of Handgun Carrying Among Rural Adolescents: A Multistate Study Rowhani-Rahbar A, Oesterle S, Skinner ML JOAH January 24th, 2020 FIPRP Firearm Access
Survival After Intravenous Versus Intraosseous Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Shock-Refractory Cardiac Arrest Rea, Thomas Circulation January 21st, 2020 Injury Care
Theoretical Grounds of Pain Tracker Self Manager: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Digital Intervention for Patients with Chronic Pain Mark Sullivan Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science January 15th, 2020 Injury Care
Evaluation of the secondary use of electronic health records to detect seasonal, holiday-related, and rare events related to traumatic injury and poisoning Mooney, Stephen BMC Public Health January 13th, 2020 Injury Care
Lifting the burden: State Medicaid expansion reduces financial risk for the injured Arbabi, Saman; Bulger, Eileen M; Maider, Ronald V The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery January 1st, 2020 Methods
Drop-And-Spin Virtual Neighborhood Auditing: Assessing Built Environment for Linkage to Health Studies. Plascak JJ, Rundle AG, Babel RA, Llanos AAM, LaBelle CM, Stroup AM, Mooney SJ American Journal of Preventive Medicine January 1st, 2020 Safe and Active Transport
Evaluation of the secondary use of electronic health records to detect seasonal, holiday-related, and rare events related to traumatic injury and poisoning. Bergquist T, Pejaver V, Hammarlund N, Mooney SD, Mooney SJ BMC Public Health January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Assessing Google Street View Image Availability in Latin American Cities. Fry D, Mooney SJ, Rodríguez DA, Caiaffa WT, Lovasi GS Journal of Urban Health January 1st, 2020 Global Injury Safe and Active Transport
Performance of the Functional Comorbidity Index (FCI) in prognostic models for risk adjustment in patients with back pain. Rundell SD, Resnik L, Heagerty PJ, Kumar A, Jarvik JG PM & R January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
IMPACT and CRASH prognostic models for traumatic brain injury: external validation in a South-American cohort. Wongchareon K, Thompson HJ, Mitchell PH, Barber J, Temkin N Injury Prevention January 1st, 2020 TBI
Determinants, circumstances and consequences of injurious falls among older women living in the community. Phelan EA, Rillamas-Sun E, Johnson L, LaMonte MJ, Buchner DM, LaCroix AZ, Anderson GL Injury Prevention January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality: JAMA Network Open Call for Papers. Rivara FP, Fihn SD JAMA network open January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Variation in State Laws on Access to Civil Protection Orders for Adolescents Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. Adhia A, Goddard J, Kernic MA, Fan MD, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP The Journal of Adolescent Health January 1st, 2020 Violence
JAMA Network Open Celebrates the 2020 New Year. Rivara FP, Fihn SD JAMA network open January 1st, 2020
Auditory Messages for Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) Systems: Effects of Speech- and Nonspeech-Based Cues. Wu X, Boyle LN Human Factors January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Human factors considerations in designing a personalized mobile dialysis device: An interview study. Kim JE, Kessler L, McCauley Z, Niiyama I, Boyle LN Applied Ergonomics January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Progress in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: advocating for stereotactic biopsy in the standard of care. Williams JR, Young CC, Vitanza NA, McGrath M, Feroze AH, Browd SR, Hauptman JS Neurosurgical Focus January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Association of designated open water swim area regulations and open water drowning rates. Quan L, Mills B, Chau SS, Bennett E, Bolt K, Gomez A Injury Prevention January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Too Little Information: Accessibility of Information About Language Services on Hospital Websites. Graves JM, Moore M, Gonzalez C, Ramos J, Nguyen L, Vavilala MS Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Initiation Age, Cumulative Prevalence, and Longitudinal Patterns of Handgun Carrying Among Rural Adolescents: A Multistate Study. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Oesterle S, Skinner ML Journal of Adolescent Health January 1st, 2020 Violence
The Effect of Depression on Adherence to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among High-Risk South African Women in HPTN 067/ADAPT. Velloza J, Heffron R, Amico KR, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Hughes JP, Li M, Dye BJ, Celum C, Bekker LG, Grant RM; HPTN 067/ADAPT Study Team AIDS and Behavior January 1st, 2020 Methods
Disparities in Use of Subspecialty Concussion Care Based on Ethnicity. Copley M, Jimenez N, Kroshus E, Chrisman SPD Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities January 1st, 2020 TBI
Participant Perceptions on a Fitbit and Facebook Intervention for Young Adult Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study. Miropolsky EM, Baker KS, Abbey-Lambertz M, Syrjala K, Chow EJ, Ceballos R, Mendoza JA Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Outcomes and Risk Factors of Revision and Replacement Artificial Urinary Sphincter Implantation in Radiated and Non-radiated Patients. Fuller TW, Ballon-Landa E E, Gallo K, Smith TG 3rd, Ajay D, Westney OL, Elliott SP, Alsikafia NF, Breyer BN, Cohen AJ, Vanni AJ, Broghammer JA, Erickson BA, Myers JB, Voelzke BB, Zhao LC, Buckley JC Journal of Urology January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Practical Guide to Assessment of Patient-Reported Outcomes. Davidson GH, Haukoos JS, Feldman LS JAMA Surgery January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Survival After Intravenous Versus Intraosseous Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Shock-Refractory Cardiac Arrest. Daya MR, Leroux BG, Dorian P, Rea TD, Newgard CD, Morrison LJ, Lupton JR, Menegazzi JJ, Ornato JP, Sopko G, Christenson J, Idris A, Mody P, Vilke GM, Herdeman C, Barbic D, Kudenchuk PJ; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators Circulation January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Perforated and bleeding peptic ulcer: WSES guidelines. Tarasconi A, Coccolini F, Biffl WL, Tomasoni M, Ansaloni L, Picetti E, Molfino S, Shelat V, Cimbanassi S, Weber DG, Abu-Zidan FM, Campanile FC, Di Saverio S, Baiocchi GL, Casella C, Kelly MD, Kirkpatrick AW, Leppaniemi A, Moore EE, Peitzman A, Fraga GP, Ceresoli M, Maier RV, Wani I, Pattonieri V, Perrone G, Velmahos G, Sugrue M, Sartelli M, Kluger Y, Catena F World Journal of Emergency Surgery January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
A management algorithm for adult patients with both brain oxygen and intracranial pressure monitoring: the Seattle International Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Consensus Conference (SIBICC). Chesnut R, Aguilera S, Buki A, Bulger E, Citerio G, Cooper DJ, Arrastia RD, Diringer M, Figaji A, Gao G, Geocadin R, Ghajar J, Harris O, Hoffer A, Hutchinson P, Joseph M, Kitagawa R, Manley G, Mayer S, Menon DK, Meyfroidt G, Michael DB, Oddo M, Okonkwo D, Patel M, Robertson C, Rosenfeld JV, Rubiano AM, Sahuquillo J, Servadei F, Shutter L, Stein D, Stocchetti N, Taccone FS, Timmons S, Tsai E, Ullman JS, Vespa P, Videtta W, Wright DW, Zammit C, Hawryluk GWJ Intensive Care Medicine January 1st, 2020 TBI
Clinical Perspectives on Headache after Traumatic Brain Injury. Hoffman JM, Lucas S, Dikmen S, Temkin N PM & R January 1st, 2020 TBI
Use of Amitriptyline in the Treatment of Headache After Traumatic Brain Injury: Lessons Learned From a Clinical Trial. Hurwitz M, Lucas S, Bell KR, Temkin N, Dikmen S, Hoffman J Headache January 1st, 2020 TBI
Using the DRM paradigm to assess language processing in monolinguals and bilinguals. Bialystok E, Dey A, Sullivan MD, Sommers MS Memory and Cognition January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
The Patient and Family Member Experience of Financial Stress Related to Critical Illness. Khandelwal N, Engelberg RA, Hough CL, Cox CE, Curtis JR Journal of Palliative Medicine January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Cognitive trajectory in mild cognitive impairment due to primary age-related tauopathy. Teylan M, Mock C, Gauthreaux K, Chen YC, Chan KCG, Hassenstab J, Besser LM, Kukull WA, Crary JF Brain January 1st, 2020 Injury Care
Pediatric trauma triage protocols: local context matters. Vavilala MS, Stansbury LG The Lancet January 1st, 2020 TBI
Occupational injury burden among gold miners in Ghana Mock, Charles International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion December 26th, 2019 Global Injury
Does the Medium Matter? Evaluating the Depth of Reflective Writing by Medical Students on Social Media Compared to the Traditional Private Essay Using the REFLECT Rubric Shandro, Jamie R The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine December 19th, 2019 Injury Care
A Novel Medical Student Assistant Accommodation Model for a Medical Student With a Disability During a Required Clinical Clerkship Shandro, Jamie R AEM Education and Training December 19th, 2019 Methods
The impact of exposure to parental intimate partner violence on adolescent precocious transitions to adulthood Adhia, Avanti Journal of Adolescence December 1st, 2019 Violence Prevention
Clinical significance of cystoscopic urethral stricture recurrence after anterior urethroplasty: a multi-institution analysis from Trauma and Urologic Reconstructive Network of Surgeons (TURNS) Voelzke, Bryan B World Journal of Urology December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Strategies to Mitigate Toxicities From Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Spine Metastases Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Neurosurgery December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Outpatient opioid use of burn patients: A retrospective review Mandell, Samuel P Burns: Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries December 1st, 2019 Violence Prevention
Subdural hemorrhage rebleeding in abused children: frequency, associations and clinical presentation. Wright JN, Feyma TJ, Ishak GE, Abeshaus S, Metz JB, Brown ECB, Friedman SD, Browd SR, Feldman KW Pediatric Radiology December 1st, 2019 TBI
Comparing 4- and 6-week post-flap protocols in patients with spinal cord injury. Asanza JL, Matsuwaka ST, Keys K, Arrowood C, Doan MM, Burns SP The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Comparison of Traditional and Skin-Sparing Approaches for Surgical Treatment of Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections. Tom LK, Maine RG, Wang CS, Parent BA, Bulger EM, Keys KA Surgical infections December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Family hardship following youth concussion: Beyond the medical bills. Graves JM, Moore M, Kehoe L, Li M, Chan A, Conrick K, Williams-Gilbert W, Vavilala MS Journal of Pediatric Nursing December 1st, 2019 TBI
Early patient deaths after transfer to a regional burn center. Curtis EE, Yenikomshian HA, Carrougher GJ, Gibran NS, Mandell SP Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Commentary on Higgins et al. (2019): How are chronic pain, psychological distress and opioid dependence related? Sullivan MD Addiction December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Magnetic resonance vessel wall imaging in cerebrovascular diseases Young CC, Bonow RH, Barros G, Mossa-Basha M, Kim LJ, Levitt MR Neurosurgical Focus December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Improving study conduct and data quality in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments: IMMPACT recommendations. Gewandter JS, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Devine EG, Hewitt D, Jensen MP, Katz NP, Kirkwood AA, Malamut R, Markman JD, Vrijens B, Burke L, Campbell JN, Carr DB, Conaghan PG, Cowan P, Doyle MK, Edwards RR, Evans SR, Farrar JT, Freeman R, Gilron I, Juge D, Kerns RD, Kopecky EA, McDermott MP, Niebler G, Patel KV, Rauck R, Rice ASC, Rowbotham M, Sessler NE, Simon LS, Singla N, Skljarevski V, Tockarshewsky T, Vanhove GF, Wasan AD, Witter J Journal of Pain December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Correlates and motivations of prescription opioid use among adolescents 12-17 years of age in the United States. Groenewald CB, Patel KV, Rabbitts JA, Palermo TM Pain December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Allocation of Driver Attention for Varying In-Vehicle System Modalities. Li N, Boyle LN Human Factors December 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transport
Opioid Use Following Bariatric Surgery: Results of a Prospective Survey. Ehlers AP, Sullivan KM, Stadeli KM, Monu JI, Chen-Meekin JY, Khandelwal S Obesity Surgery December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Coaches Survey of VICIS Zero1 Helmet Use in High School Football. Rivara FP, Gause E Annals of Biomedical Engineering December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Solidarity and disparity: Declining labor union density and changing racial and educational mortality inequities in the United States. Eisenberg-Guyot J, Mooney SJ, Hagopian A, Barrington WE, Hajat A American Journal of Industrial Medicine December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Home program practices for supporting and measuring adherence in post-stroke rehabilitation: a scoping review. Donoso Brown EV, Nolfi D, Wallace SE, Eskander J, Hoffman JM Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Firearm storage practices in households with children: A survey of community-based firearm safety event participants. King A, Simonetti J, Bennett E, Simeona C, Stanek L, Roxby AC, Rowhani-Rahbar A Preventive medicine December 1st, 2019 Violence
Targeted Temperature Management at 33 Versus 36 Degrees: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Johnson NJ, Danielson KR, Counts CR, Ruark K, Scruggs S, Hough CL, Maynard C, Sayre MR, Carlbom DJ Critical care medicine December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Early High-Dose Vitamin D3 for Critically Ill, Vitamin D-Deficient Patients. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute PETAL Clinical Trials Network, Ginde AA, Brower RG, Caterino JM, Finck L, Banner-Goodspeed VM, Grissom CK, Hayden D, Hough CL, Hyzy RC, Khan A, Levitt JE, Park PK, Ringwood N, Rivers EP, Self WH, Shapiro NI, Thompson BT, Yealy DM, Talmor D The New England Journal of Medicine December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Communicating health information and improving coordination with primary care (CHIIP): Rationale and design of a randomized cardiovascular health promotion trial for adult survivors of childhood cancer. Chow EJ, Baldwin LM, Hagen AM, Hudson MM, Gibson TM, Kochar K, McDonald A, Nathan PC, Syrjala KL, Taylor SL, Tonorezos ES, Yasui Y, Armstrong GT, Oeffinger KC Contemporary clinical trials December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Factors Influencing Primary Care Providers' Unneeded Lumbar Spine MRI Orders for Acute, Uncomplicated Low-Back Pain: a Qualitative Study. Nevedal AL, Lewis ET, Wu J, Jacobs J, Jarvik JG, Chou R, Barnett PG Journal of General Internal Medicine December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Inclusion of All Patients Admitted for Trauma in Trauma Registries-Reply. Newgard CD, Bulger EM JAMA Surgery December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Family Encouragement of Healthy Eating Predicts Child Dietary Intake and Weight Loss in Family-Based Behavioral Weight-Loss Treatment. Rotman SA, Fowler LA, Ray MK, Stein RI, Hayes JF, Kolko RP, Balantekin KN, Engel A, Saelens BE, Welch RR, Perri MG, Epstein LH, Wilfley DE Child Obesity December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Reliability of the conditioned pain modulation paradigm across three anatomical sites. Nuwailati R, Curatolo M, LeResche L, Ramsay DS, Spiekerman C, Drangsholt M Scandinavian Journal of Pain December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Identifying Modifiable Health Care Barriers To Improve Health Equity for Hospitalized Children. Lion KC, Zhou C, Ebel BE, Penfold RB, Mangione-Smith R Hospital Pediatrics December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Self-efficacy is associated with better sleep quality and sleep efficiency in adults with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Byun E, McCurry SM, Opp M, Liu D, Becker KJ, Thompson HJ Journal of clinical neuroscience December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Validation of a predictive model for operative trauma experience to facilitate selection of trauma sustainment military-civilian partnerships. Hall A, Qureshi I, Glaser J, Bulger EM, Scalea T, Shackelford S, Gurney J Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Does the Medium Matter? Evaluating the Depth of Reflective Writing by Medical Students on Social Media Compared to the Traditional Private Essay Using the REFLECT Rubric. Brown A, Jauregui J, Ilgen JS, Riddell J, Schaad D, Strote J, Shandro J Western Journal of Emergency Medicine December 1st, 2019 Other
Medication Utilization Patterns 90 Days Before Initiation of Treatment with Repository Corticotropin Injection in Patients with Infantile Spasms. Gold LS, Nazareth TA, Yu TC, Fry KR, Mahler NH, Rava A, Waltrip Ii RW, Hansen RN Pediatric health, medicine, and therapeutics December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Novel Immune Therapies in the Management of Streptococcal Sepsis and Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections. Miranda D, Bulger EM Surgical infections December 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Longitudinal Associations Between Bullying and Intimate Partner Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults. Adhia A, Gordon AR, Roberts AL, Fitzmaurice GM, Hemenway D, Austin SB Violence and Victims December 1st, 2019 FIPRP Intimate Partner Violence
Household Firearm Ownership and Storage, Suicide Risk Factors, and Memory Loss Among Older Adults Rowhani, Rahbar A; Morgan, Erin; Rivara, Frederick P Annals of Internal Medicine November 19th, 2019 Violence Prevention
Bayesian hierarchical spatial models: Implementing the Besag York Mollié model in stan Mooney, Stephen Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology November 1st, 2019 Methods
The ED-SED Study: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study of Practice Patterns and Clinical Outcomes Associated With Emergency Department SEDation for Mechanically Ventilated Patients Hough, Catherine L Critical Care Medicine November 1st, 2019 Methods
Task-shifting to improve the reach of mental health interventions for trauma patients: findings from a pilot study of trauma nurse training in patient-centered activity scheduling for PTSD and depression Zatzick, Douglas Cognitive Behaviour Therapy November 1st, 2019 Methods
Heritable variation at the chromosome 21 gene ERG is associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia risk in children with and without Down syndrome Mueller, Beth A Leukemia November 1st, 2019 Methods
Maternal Education in Early Life and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Young Adult American Females and Males: Disentangling Life Course Processes Through Causal Models. Huang JY, Gariépy G, Gavin AR, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Siscovick DS, Enquobahrie DA Epidemiology November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Electrophysiology of Sensory and Motor Nerve Root Fibers in Selective Dorsal Rhizotomies. Martinez V, Browd S, Osorio M, Hooper E, Slimp J, Bo X, Kinney GA Pediatric Neurosurgery November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The role of intra-operative neuroelectrophysiological monitoring in single-level approach selective dorsal rhizotomy. Xiao B, Constatntini S, Browd SR, Zhan Q, Jiang W, Mei R Childs Nervous System November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Consensus Statement on Sports-Related Concussions in Youth Sports Using a Modified Delphi Approach. Rivara FP, Tennyson R, Mills B, Browd SR, Emery CA, Gioia G, Giza CC, Herring S, Janz KF, LaBella C, Valovich McLeod T, Meehan W, Patricios J; Four Corners Youth Consortium JAMA Pediatrics November 1st, 2019 TBI
The impact of exposure to parental intimate partner violence on adolescent precocious transitions to adulthood. Adhia A, Drolette LM, Vander Stoep A, Valencia EJ, Kernic MA Journal of Adolescence November 1st, 2019 Violence
Murder-Suicides Perpetrated by Adolescents: Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System. Adhia A, DeCou CR, Huppert T, Ayyagari R Suicide and Life-Threataening Behavior November 1st, 2019 Violence
Inaccuracies in the Use of the Majeed Pelvic Outcome Score: A Systematic Literature Review. Kleweno C, Vallier H, Agel J Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Promoting Firearm Safety as a Suicide Prevention Strategy Within Health Care Systems: Challenges and Recommendations. Simonetti JA, Brenner LA Psychiatric Services November 1st, 2019 Violence
Bayesian hierarchical spatial models: Implementing the Besag York Mollié model in stan. Morris M, Wheeler-Martin K, Simpson D, Mooney SJ, Gelman A, DiMaggio C Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology November 1st, 2019 Methods
Benchmarking Global Trauma Care: Defining the Unmet Need for Trauma Surgery in Ghana. Gyedu A, Stewart B, Gaskill C, Donkor P, Quansah R, Mock C Journal of Surgical Research November 1st, 2019 Global Health
Nationwide enumeration of emergency operations performed in Ghana. Butler EK, Gyedu A, Stewart BT, Quansah R, Donkor P, Mock CN European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery November 1st, 2019 Global Health
Bleeding Control Training for the Lay Public: Keep it Simple. Bulger EM, Jacobs L, Stewart RM JAMA Surgery November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
A Consensus Framework for the Humanitarian Surgical Response to Armed Conflict in 21st Century Warfare. Wren SM, Wild HB, Gurney J, Amirtharajah M, Brown ZW, Bulger EM, Burkle FM Jr, Elster EA, Forrester JD, Garber K, Gosselin RA, Groen RS, Hsin G, Joshipura M, Kushner AL, Norton I, Osmers I, Pagano H, Razek T, Sáenz-Terrazas JM, Schussler L, Stewart BT, Traboulsi AA, Trelles M, Troke J, VanFosson CA, Wise PH JAMA Surgery November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Mechanical Ventilation for ARDS During Extracorporeal Life Support: Research and Practice. Abrams D, Schmidt M, Pham T, Beitler JR, Fan E, Goligher EC, McNamee JJ, Patroniti N, Wilcox ME, Combes A, Ferguson ND, McAuley DF, Pesenti A, Quintel M, Fraser J, Hodgson CL, Hough CL, Mercat A, Mueller T, Pellegrino V, Ranieri VM, Rowan K, Shekar K, Brochard L, Brodie D; International ECMO Network (ECMONet) American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The authors reply. Kochanek PM, Grenvik AN, Tasker RC, Carney N, Totten AM, Adelson PD, Selden NR, Davis-O'Reilly C, Hart EL, Bell MJ, Bratton SL, Grant GA, Kissoon N, Reuter-Rice KE, Vavilala MS, Wainwright MS Pediatric Critical Care Medicine November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Simulation-Based Team Leadership Training Improves Team Leadership During Actual Trauma Resuscitations: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fernandez R, Rosenman ED, Olenick J, Misisco A, Brolliar SM, Chipman AK, Vrablik MC, Kalynych C, Arbabi S, Nichol G, Grand J, Kozlowski SWJ, Chao GT Critical care medicine November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
WSES consensus conference guidelines: monitoring and management of severe adult traumatic brain injury patients with polytrauma in the first 24 hours. Picetti E, Rossi S, Abu-Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Armonda R, Baiocchi GL, Bala M, Balogh ZJ, Berardino M, Biffl WL, Bouzat P, Buki A, Ceresoli M, Chesnut RM, Chiara O, Citerio G, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Di Saverio S, Fraga GP, Gupta D, Helbok R, Hutchinson PJ, Kirkpatrick AW, Kinoshita T, Kluger Y, Leppaniemi A, Maas AIR, Maier RV, Minardi F, Moore EE, Myburgh JA, Okonkwo DO, Otomo Y, Rizoli S, Rubiano AM, Sahuquillo J, Sartelli M, Scalea TM, Servadei F, Stahel PF, Stocchetti N, Taccone FS, Tonetti T, Velmahos G, Weber D, Catena F World Journal of Emergency Surgery November 1st, 2019 TBI
Early cardiovascular function and associated hemodynamics in adults with isolated moderate-severe traumatic brain injury: A pilot study. Chaikittisilpa N, Vavilala MS, Lele AV, Moore AE, Bethel J, Krishnamoorthy V Journal of clinical neuroscience November 1st, 2019 TBI
Longitudinal neuroimaging following combat concussion: sub-acute, 1 year and 5 years post-injury. Mac Donald CL, Barber J, Andre J, Panks C, Zalewski K, Temkin N Brain Communications November 1st, 2019 TBI
Effect of prior glaucoma surgery on intraocular pressure immediately after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injection Graefes archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The effect of gender on operative autonomy in general surgery residents. Meyerson SL, Odell DD, Zwischenberger JB, Schuller M, Williams RG, Bohnen JD, Dunnington GL, Torbeck L, Mullen JT, Mandell SP, Choti MA, Foley E, Are C, Auyang E, Chipman J, Choi J, Meier AH, Smink DS, Terhune KP, Wise PE, Soper N, Lillemoe K, Fryer JP, George BC; Procedural Learning and Safety Collaborative Surgery November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Spinal metastasis: diagnosis, management and follow-up. Mossa-Basha M, Gerszten PC, Myrehaug S, Mayr NA, Yuh WT, Jabehdar Maralani P, Sahgal A, Lo SS The British journal of Radiology November 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Research on Injury Disparities: A Scoping Review Fuentes, Molly M; Moore Megan; Conrick, Kelsey; Rowhani-Rahbar, Ali; Mills, Brianna; Rivara, Frederick; Ebel Beth; Vavilala, Monica Health Equity October 17th, 2019 Injury Care
Firearm Violence Research: Improving Availability, Accessibility, and Content of Firearm-Related Data Systems Rowhani-Rahbar A, Bellenger MA, Rivara FP JAMA October 11th, 2019 FIPRP Firearms Data
Evaluation of Injury Severity and Resource Utilization in Pediatric Firearm and Sharp Force Injuries Rowhani, Rahbar A JAMA Network Open October 2nd, 2019 Violence Prevention
Who is in this study, anyway? Guidelines for a useful Table 1 Mooney, Stephen Journal of Clinical Epidemiology October 1st, 2019 Methods
Implementation and results of a practical grading system for blunt thoracic aortic injury Tran, Nam T Journal of Vascular Surgery October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Discharge Destination As a Marker of Mobility Impairment in Survivors of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Hough, Catherine L Critical Care Medicine October 1st, 2019 Methods
Improving Care for Suicidal Patients While Protecting Human Subjects: Addressing Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Research Involving Emergency Medical Services Providers. DeCou CR, Shah SK, Porter KM American journal of bioethics October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Version 3 of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center's Uniform Data Set. Besser L, Kukull W, Knopman DS, Chui H, Galasko D, Weintraub S, Jicha G, Carlsson C, Burns J, Quinn J, Sweet RA, Rascovsky K, Teylan M, Beekly D, Thomas G, Bollenbeck M, Monsell S, Mock C, Zhou XH, Thomas N, Robichaud E, Dean M, Hubbard J, Jacka M, Schwabe-Fry K, Wu J, Phelps C, Morris JC; Neuropsychology Work Group, Directors, and Clinical Core leaders of the National Institute on Aging-funded US Alzheimer’s Disease Centers Alzheimer Disease and associated disorders October 1st, 2019 Global Health
In reply. Peltan ID, Brown SM, Hough CL Annals of Emergency Medicine October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Research on Injury Disparities: A Scoping Review. Moore M, Conrick KM, Fuentes M, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Graves JM, Patil D, Herrenkohl M, Mills B, Rivara FP, Ebel B, Vavilala MS Health Equity October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Firearm Violence Research: Improving Availability, Accessibility, and Content of Firearm-Related Data Systems. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Bellenger MA, Rivara FP JAMA October 1st, 2019 Violence
Academic Partnerships in Global Surgery: An Overview American Surgical Association Working Group on Academic Global Surgery. Debas H, Alatise OI, Balch CM, Brennan M, Cusack J, Donkor P, Jaffe BM, Mazariegos GV, Mock C, Mutiibwa D, Numann P, Nyagatuba JKM, O'Neill JA Jr, Tarpley JL, Tesfaye S, Tefera G, Tuttle TM Annals of Surgery October 1st, 2019 Global Health
Injury rate and risk factors among small-scale gold miners in Ghana. Nakua EK, Owusu-Dabo E, Newton S, Koranteng A, Otupiri E, Donkor P, Mock C BMC Public Health October 1st, 2019 Global Health
Estimating obstetric and gynecologic surgical rate: A benchmark of surgical capacity building in Ghana. Gyedu A, Lester L, Stewart B, Danso KA, Salia EL, Quansah R, Donkor P, Mock C International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics October 1st, 2019 Global Health
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Following Pediatric Trauma: Application of Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference Criteria. Killien EY, Huijsmans RLN, Ticknor IL, Smith LS, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP, Watson RS Critical care medicine October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Models of Peer Support to Remediate Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: A Report Developed by the Society of Critical Care Medicine Thrive International Peer Support Collaborative McPeake J, Hirshberg EL, Christie LM, Drumright K, Haines K, Hough CL, Meyer J, Wade D, Andrews A, Bakhru R, Bates S, Barwise JA, Bastarache J, Beesley SJ, Boehm LM, Brown S, Clay AS, Firshman P, Greenberg S, Harris W, Hill C, Hodgson C, Holdsworth C, Hope AA, Hopkins RO, Howell DCJ, Janssen A, Jackson JC, Johnson A, Kross EK, Lamas D, MacLeod-Smith B, Mandel R, Marshall J, Mikkelsen ME, Nackino M, Quasim T, Sevin CM, Slack A, Spurr R, Still M, Thompson C, Weinhouse G, Wilcox ME, Iwashyna TJ Critical care medicine October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Prevalence and Variation of Clinically Recognized Inpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in the Veterans Health Administration. Steel TL, Malte CA, Bradley KA, Lokhandwala S, Hough CL, Hawkins EJ Journal of Addiction Medicine October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Relationship Between the King-Devick Test and Commonly Used Concussion Tests at Baseline. Clugston JR, Houck ZM, Asken BM, Boone JK, Kontos AP, Buckley TA, Schmidt JD, Chrisman SPD, Hoffman NL, Harmon KG, Kaminski TW, Collins MW, McAllister TW, McCrea MA, Broglio SP, Ortega JD Journal of Athletic Training October 1st, 2019 TBI
King-Devick Test Reliability in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes: A National Collegiate Athletic Association-Department of Defense Concussion Assessment, Research and Education Report. Breedlove KM, Ortega JD, Kaminski TW, Harmon KG, Schmidt JD, Kontos AP, Clugston JR, Chrisman SP, McCrea M, McAllister TW, Broglio SP, Buckley TA Journal of Athletic Training October 1st, 2019 TBI
Two Approaches to Increase Physical Activity for Preschool Children in Child Care Centers: A Matched-Pair Cluster-Randomized Trial. Tandon PS, Downing KL, Saelens BE, Christakis DA International journal of environmental research and public health October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Elective Surgery for Diverticulitis and the Risk of Recurrence and Ostomy. Thornblade LW, Simianu VV, Davidson GH, Flum DR Annals of Surgery October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Effect of a fluid bolus on cardiovascular collapse among critically ill adults undergoing tracheal intubation (PrePARE): a randomised controlled trial. Janz DR, Casey JD, Semler MW, Russell DW, Dargin J, Vonderhaar DJ, Dischert KM, West JR, Stempek S, Wozniak J, Caputo N, Heideman BE, Zouk AN, Gulati S, Stigler WS, Bentov I, Joffe AM, Rice TW; PrePARE Investigators; Pragmatic Critical Care Research Group The Lancet October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Tracking Opioid Prescribing Metrics in Washington State (2012-2017): Differences by County-Level Urban-Rural and Economic Distress Classifications. Sears JM, Edmonds AT, Fulton-Kehoe D Journal of Rural Health October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
A management algorithm for patients with intracranial pressure monitoring: the Seattle International Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Consensus Conference (SIBICC). Hawryluk GWJ, Aguilera S, Buki A, Bulger E, Citerio G, Cooper DJ, Arrastia RD, Diringer M, Figaji A, Gao G, Geocadin R, Ghajar J, Harris O, Hoffer A, Hutchinson P, Joseph M, Kitagawa R, Manley G, Mayer S, Menon DK, Meyfroidt G, Michael DB, Oddo M, Okonkwo D, Patel M, Robertson C, Rosenfeld JV, Rubiano AM, Sahuquillo J, Servadei F, Shutter L, Stein D, Stocchetti N, Taccone FS, Timmons S, Tsai E, Ullman JS, Vespa P, Videtta W, Wright DW, Zammit C, Chesnut RM Intensive Care Medicine October 1st, 2019 TBI
Functional Status Examination (FSE) Yields Higher Measurement Precision of Functional Limitations After Traumatic Injury Than the GOSE: A Preliminary Study. Nelson LD, Brett BL, Magnus BE, Balsis S, McCrea M, Manley GT, Temkin N, Dikmen S Journal of Neurotrauma October 1st, 2019 TBI
Factors Affecting Employment After Burn Injury in the United States: A Burn Model System National Database Investigation. Carrougher GJ, Bamer AM, Mandell SP, Brych S, Schneider JC, Ryan CM, Kowalske K, Esselman PC, Gibran NS Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Immunoglobulin G4-related disease of the urinary bladder. Gehring C, Starkebaum GA, Voelzke BB, Liew JW Rheumatology October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Decision Making And Care Navigation Upon Release From Prison: A Feasibility Study. Banta-Green CJ, Floyd AS, Vick K, Arthur J, Hoeft TJ, Tsui JI Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Limb Salvage Does Not Predict Functional Limb Outcome After Revascularization for Traumatic Acute Limb Ischemia. Hurd JR, Emanuels DF, Aarabi S, Dasari M, Starnes BW, Quiroga E, Tran NT, Singh N Annals of Vascular Surgery October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Direct Verbal Communication by Parents, Pressure Related to Sport Achievement, and Concussion Safety in Youth Football. Kroshus E, Hoopes T, Bernstein E, Chrisman SPD, Rivara FP Journal of Health Communication October 1st, 2019 TBI
Barriers to Performing Soft Tissue Reconstruction Procedures among Orthopedic Surgeons in Low- and Middle-income Countries: Results of a Surgical Skills Training Course. Holler JT, Albright P, Challa S, Ali SH, Martins D, Keys K, Shearer DW, Terry MJ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Mortality Among Veterans with Major Mental Illnesses Seen in Primary Care: Results of a National Study of Veteran Deaths. Trivedi RB, Post EP, Piegari R, Simonetti J, Boyko EJ, Asch SM, Mori A, Arnow BA, Fihn SD, Nelson KM, Maynard C Journal of General Internal Medicine October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
A Multicenter Evaluation of a Firearm Safety Intervention in the Pediatric Outpatient Setting. Campbell BT, Thaker S, Fallat ME, Foley DS, McClure E, Sakran JV, Nasr IW, Ziegfeld S, Ehrlich PF, Snodgrass M, Levy M, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Johnson B, Demello AS, Jones S, Watters JM, Burke P, Allee L, Kozyckyj T, Letton RW, Kuhls DA, Bulger EM, Stewart RM Journal of Pediatric Surgery October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Penile Prosthesis Insertion in the Era of Antibiotic Stewardship: Are Postoperative Antibiotics Necessary? Dropkin BM, Chisholm LP, Dallmer JD, Johnsen NV, Dmochowski RR, Milam DF, Kaufman MR Journal of Urology October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Clinicians' knowledge of suicide-specific practices in two large healthcare systems in Washington. DeCou CR, Stuber J, Payn B, Ratzliff A General Hospital Psychiatry October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Reversible, Position-Dependent Midbrain Compression in a Patient with Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension. Williams JR, Buckley R, Oushy S, Ruzevick J, Chesnut RM World Neurosurgery October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Inherited genetic susceptibility to acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Down syndrome. Brown AL, de Smith AJ, Gant VU, Yang W, Scheurer ME, Walsh KM, Chernus JM, Kallsen NA, Peyton SA, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Winick N, Heerema NA, Carroll AJ, Borowitz MJ, Wood BL, Carroll WL, Raetz EA, Feingold E, Devidas M, Barcellos LF, Hansen HM, Morimoto L, Kang AY, Smirnov I, Healy J, Laverdière C, Sinnett D, Taub JW, Birch JM, Thompson P, Spector LG, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, DeWan AT, Mullighan CG, Hunger SP, Pui CH, Loh ML, Zwick ME, Metayer C, Ma X, Mueller BA, Sherman SL, Wiemels JL, Relling MV, Yang JJ, Lupo PJ, Rabin KR Blood October 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Depression as a Predictor of Long-term Employment Outcomes Among Individuals With Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Klyce DW, Stromberg KA, Walker WC, Sima AP, Hoffman JM, Graham KM, Agyemang AA, Marwitz JH Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation October 1st, 2019 TBI
The Functional Status Examination in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A TRACK-TBI Sub-Study. Zahniser E, Temkin NR, Machamer J, Barber J, Manley GT, Markowitz AJ, Dikmen SS; TRACK-TBI Investigators Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology October 1st, 2019 TBI
Evaluation of Injury Severity and Resource Utilization in Pediatric Firearm and Sharp Force Injuries. Wolf AE, Garrison MM, Mills B, Chan T, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Network Open October 1st, 2019 Violence
The Effects Of Violence On Health. Rivara F, Adhia A, Lyons V, Massey A, Mills B, Morgan E, Simckes M, Rowhani-Rahbar A Health Affairs October 1st, 2019 Violence
Antidepressant continuation in pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes Mueller, Beth A Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety September 28th, 2019 Methods
Plasma Levels, Temporal Trends and Clinical Associations between Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Homeostasis after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Chesnut, Randall and Vavilala, Monica S Developmental Neuroscience September 25th, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Dissemination and implementation science activities across the Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) Consortium: Report from a survey of CTSA leaders Baldwin, Laura Mae Journal of Clinical and Translational Science September 25th, 2019 Methods
Multicenter Review of Current Practices Associated With Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Pediatric Patients After Trauma Flynn-O'Brien, Katherine Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: A Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies September 19th, 2019 Injury Care
Climate Change and Health: JAMA Network Open Call for Papers Rivara, Frederick P JAMA Network Open September 4th, 2019 Methods
Can quantitative sensory tests predict failed back surgery?: A prospective cohort study Curatolo, Michele European Journal of Anesthesiology September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Culture, Health, Function, and Participation Among American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Youth With Disabilities: An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis Fuentes, Molly M Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation September 1st, 2019 Methods
Can quantitative sensory tests predict failed back surgery?: A prospective cohort study. Müller M, Limacher A, Agten CA, Treichel F, Heini P, Seidel U, Andersen OK, Arendt-Nielsen L, Jüni P, Curatolo M European journal of anaesthesiology September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Long-term courses of sepsis survivors: effects of a primary care management intervention. Schmidt KF, Schwarzkopf D, Baldwin LM, Brunkhorst FM, Freytag A, Heintze C, Reinhart K, Schneider N, von Korff M, Worrack S, Wensing M,Gensichen J; SMOOTH Study Group American journal of medicine September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Staff and Clinician Work-Life Perceptions after Implementing Systems-Based Improvements to Opioid Management. Ike B, Baldwin LM, Sutton S, Van Borkulo N, Packer C, Parchman ML Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Plasma Levels, Temporal Trends and Clinical Associations between Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Homeostasis after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Lele AV, Alunpipatthanachai B, Qiu Q, Clark-Bell C, Watanitanon A, Moore A, Chesnut RM, Armstead W, Vavilala MS Developmental neuroscience September 1st, 2019 TBI
Propranolol protects cerebral autoregulation and reduces hippocampal neuronal cell death through inhibition of interleukin-6 upregulation after traumatic brain injury in pigs. Armstead WM, Vavilala MS British journal of anaesthesia September 1st, 2019 TBI
Impact of aging on the immune response to traumatic brain injury (AIm:TBI) study protocol. Thompson HJ, Rivara F, Becker KJ, Maier R, Temkin N Injury prevention September 1st, 2019 TBI
Lifting the Burden: State Medicaid Expansion Reduces Financial Risk for the Injured. Scott JW, Shrime MG, Stewart BT, Arbabi S, Bulger EM, Cuschieri J, Maier RV, Robinson BRH The journal of trauma and acute care surgery September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
A co-located continuity clinic model to address healthcare needs of women living unhoused with opioid use disorder, who engage in transactional sex in north Seattle. Stewart J, Stadeli KM, Green ML, Etter-Carlson L, Dahl E, Davidson GH, Golden M, Dhanireddy S Sexually transmitted diseases September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Cell-free nuclear, but not mitochondrial, DNA concentrations correlate with the early host inflammatory response after severe trauma. Stortz JA, Hawkins RB, Holden DC, Raymond SL, Wang Z, Brakenridge SC, Cuschieri J, Moore FA, Maier RV, Moldawer LL, Efron PA Scientific reports September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Parent Perceptions on a Walking School Bus Program Among Low-Income Families: A Qualitative Study. Teller K, Abbey-Lambertz M, Sharma N, Waite A, Ickes S, Mendoza JA Journal of physical activity & health September 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transport
Collaborative care model for treatment of persistent symptoms after concussion among youth (CARE4PCS-II): Study protocol for a randomized, controlled trial McCarty CA, Zatzick D, Hoopes T, Payne K, Parrish R, Rivara FP Trials September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Optimizing Bleeding Control Training for the Public: A National Imperative. Bulger EM, Gestring ML, Jacobs LM JAMA surgery September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Navigating Cognitive Dissonance: A Qualitative Content Analysis Exploring Medical Students' Experiences of Moral Distress in the Emergency Department. Schrepel C, Jauregui J, Brown A, Shandro J, Strote J AEM Education and Training September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Clinical use of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) in civilian trauma systems in the USA, 2019: a joint statement from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, the American College of Emergency Physicians, the National Association of Emergency Medical Services Physicians and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians. Bulger EM, Perina DG, Qasim Z, Beldowicz B, Brenner M, Guyette F, Rowe D, Kang CS, Gurney J, DuBose J, Joseph B, Lyon R, Kaups K, Friedman VE, Eastridge B, Stewart R Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms are Associated With Incident Chronic Back Pain: A Longitudinal Twin Study of Older Male Veterans. Suri P, Boyko EJ, Smith NL, Jarvik JG, Jarvik GP, Williams FMK, Williams R, Haselkorn J, Goldberg J Spine September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Opioid Overdose Hospitalization Trajectories in States With and Without Opioid-Dosing Guidelines. Sears JM, Fulton-Kehoe D, Schulman BA, Hogg-Johnson S, Franklin GM Public Health Reports September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Impact of orthopaedic candidate interview timing on successful matching. El Beaino M, Hagedorn JC 2nd, Janney CF, Lindsey RW American Journal of Surgery September 1st, 2019 Other
Firearm injury research and epidemiology: A review of the data, their limitations, and how trauma centers can improve firearm injury research. Hink AB, Bonne S, Levy M, Kuhls DA, Allee L, Burke PA, Sakran JV, Bulger EM, Stewart RM Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open September 1st, 2019 Violence
Motorcycle taxi programme is associated with reduced risk of road traffic crash among motorcycle taxi drivers in Kampala, Uganda. Muni K, Kobusingye O, Mock C, Hughes JP, Hurvitz PM, Guthrie B International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion September 1st, 2019 Global Health
Intersections and Non-Intersections: A Protocol for Identifying Pedestrian Crash Risk Locations in GIS. Kang M, Moudon AV, Kim H, Boyle LN International journal of environmental research and public health September 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transport
Developing a national trauma system: Proposed governance and essential elements. Winchell RJ, Eastridge BJ, Moore MM, Ashley DW, Gaines BA, Gainor D, Jahangir AA, Krieg JC, Mays CA, Michaels HN, Namias N, Perina DG, Bulger EM, Stewart RM The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery September 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Primary External Ventricular Drainage Catheter Versus Intraparenchymal ICP Monitoring: Outcome Analysis Temkin, Nancy R and Chestnut, Randall Neurocritical Care August 31st, 2019 Injury Care
Effectiveness of Facebook Groups to Boost Participation in a Parenting Intervention Haggerty, Kevin Prevention Science: The Official Journal of the Society for Prevention Research August 20th, 2019 Methods
Agreement Between Arterial Carbon Dioxide Levels With End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Levels and Associated Factors in Children Hospitalized With Traumatic Brain Injury Killien, Elizabeth and Vavilala, Monica S JAMA Network Open August 2nd, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Disparities in trajectories of changes in the unhealthy food environment in New York City: A latent class growth analysis, 1990-2010 Mooney, Stephen Social Science and Medicine (1982) August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Long-Term Survival After Drowning-Related Cardiac Arrest Quan, Linda The Journal of Emergency Medicine August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The ED-SED Study: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study of Practice Patterns and Clinical Outcomes Associated With Emergency Department SEDation for Mechanically Ventilated Patients. Fuller BM, Roberts BW, Mohr NM, Knight WA 4th, Adeoye O, Pappal RD, Marshall S, Alunday R, Dettmer M, Goyal M, Gibson C, Levine BJ, Gardner-Gray JM, Mosier J, Dargin J, Mackay F, Johnson NJ, Lokhandwala S, Hough CL, Tonna JE, Tsolinas R, Lin F, Qasim ZA, Harvey CE, Bassin B, StephensRJ, Yan Y, Carpenter CR, Kollef MH, Avidan MS Critical Care Medicine August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Barriers to Care of Sexual Health Concerns in Men Following Traumatic Pelvic Fractures. Johnsen NV, Lang J, Wessells H, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP, Hagedorn JC The Journal of Sexual Medicine August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Measuring and reporting of vertebral endplate bone marrow lesions as seen on MRI (Modic changes): recommendations from the ISSLS Degenerative Spinal Phenotypes Group Fields AJ, Battié MC, Herzog RJ, Jarvik JG, Krug R, Link TM, Lotz JC, O'Neill CW, Sharma A; ISSLS Degenerative Spinal Phenotypes Group European spine journal August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in severely injured patients: an international comparative assessment. Gunning AC, Maier RV, de Rooij D, Leenen LPH, Hietbrink F European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Effect of prior glaucoma surgery on intraocular pressure immediately after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injection. Lam J, Luttrell I, Ding L, Rezaei K, Chao JR, Chee Y, Olmos De Koo LC, Wen JC Graefes archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Population-based rates of hernia surgery in Ghana. Gyedu A, Stewart B, Wadie R, Antwi J, Donkor P, Mock C Hernia August 1st, 2019 Injury Care Global Health
Factors Associated With Opioid Prescribing for Distal Upper Extremity Fractures at a Pediatric Emergency Department. Chua WJ, Klein EJ, Al-Haddad BJS, Quan L Pediatric Emergency Care August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Identification of processes that mediate the impact of workplace violence on emergency department healthcare workers in the USA: results from a qualitative study. Vrablik MC MD, Chipman AK, Rosenman ED, Simcox NJ, Huynh L, Moore M, Fernandez R BMJ open August 1st, 2019 Violence
Clinician engagement in research as a path toward the learning health system: A regional survey across the northwestern United States. Ciemins EL, Mollis BL, Brant JM, Hassell LA, Albritton S, Amoroso P, Lloyd A, Smith JM, Pflugeisen BM, Tuttle KR, Baldwin LM Health Services Research August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
A Randomized Trial of External Practice Support to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Primary Care. Parchman ML, Anderson ML, Dorr DA, Fagnan LJ, O'Meara ES, Tuzzio L, Penfold RB, Cook AJ, Hummel J, Conway C, Cholan R, Baldwin LM Annals of Family Medicine August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Fathers' perpetration of intimate partner violence and parenting during early childhood: Results from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study. Adhia A, Jeong J Child Abuse & Neglect August 1st, 2019 Violence
Microaggressions in Clinical Training and Practice. Overland MK, Zumsteg JM, Lindo EG, Sholas MG, Montenegro RE, Campelia GD, Mukherjee D PM & R August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Agreement Between Arterial Carbon Dioxide Levels With End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Levels and Associated Factors in Children Hospitalized With Traumatic Brain Injury. Yang JT, Erickson SL, Killien EY, Mills B, Lele AV, Vavilala MS JAMA Network Open August 1st, 2019 TBI
Firearm-related behaviors following firearm injury: changes in ownership, carrying and storage. Lyons VH, Rivara FP, Yan AN, Currier C, Ballsmith E, Haggerty KP, Whiteside L, Floyd AS, Hajat A, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of behavioral medicine August 1st, 2019 Violence
Refractory dependence on opioid analgesics. Ballantyne JC, Sullivan MD, Koob GF Pain August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Person-centred shared decision making. Tonelli MR, Sullivan MD Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Engaging an unstably housed population with low-barrier buprenorphine treatment at a syringe services program: Lessons learned from Seattle, Washington. Hood JE, Banta-Green CJ, Duchin JS, Breuner J, Dell W, Finegood B, Glick SN, Hamblin M, Holcomb S, Mosse D, Oliphant-Wells T, Shim MM Substance Abuse August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Evaluation of an interprofessional active learning session on acute pain and opioid use disorder using the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment scale Langford DJ, Gordon DB, Loeseer JD, Tauben DJ, Doorenbos AZ Journal of interprofessional care August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Psychosocial Factors of Diet and Physical Activity among Rural, Hispanic Children: Findings from a Multilevel Health Intervention Study. Rillamas-Sun E, Bishop S, Cisneros O, Mendoza JA, Kratz M, Ko LK Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities August 1st, 2019 Global Health Injury Care
Falls and Cognitive Training 2 (FaCT2) study protocol: a randomised controlled trial exploring cognitive training to reduce risk of falls in at-risk older adults. Thompson HJ, McGough E, Demiris G Injury prevention August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Hospital factors associated with higher costs in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma: A national study. Tessler RA, Graves JM, Vavilala MS, Goldin A, Rivara FP Journal of Pediatric Surgery August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Barriers Pushed Aside: Insights on Career and Family Success from Women Leaders in Academic Otolaryngology. Meyer TK, Bergmark R, Zatz M, Sardesai MG, Litvack JR, Starks Acosta A Otalaryngology Head and Neck Surgery August 1st, 2019
Factors Associated with Secondary Overtriage in Renal Trauma. Hagedorn JC, Quistberg DA, Arbabi S, Wessells H, Vavilala MS Urology August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Scientific publication misrepresentation among orthopaedic residency applicants. El Beaino M, Hagedorn JC 2nd, Janney CF, Lindsey RW American Journal of Surgery August 1st, 2019 Other
Trends in Urethral Stricture Disease Etiology and Urethroplasty Technique From a Multi-institutional Surgical Outcomes Research Group. Cotter KJ, Hahn AE, Voelzke BB, Myers JB, Smith TG 3rd, Elliott SP, Alsikafi NF, Breyer BN, Vanni AJ, Buckley JC, Zhao LC, Broghammer JA, Erickson BA; Trauma and Urologic Reconstruction Network of Surgeons (TURNS) Urology August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Intentional Injury and the Risk of Subsequent Hospitalization for Attempted Suicide. DeCou CR, Wang J, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Suicide and Life-Threataening Behavior August 1st, 2019 Violence
Response: Inclined versus supine position for endotracheal intubation. Murphy DL, Rea TD, Sayre MR American Journal of Emergency Medicine August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Screening and treating hospitalized trauma survivors for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. deRoon-Cassini TA, Hunt JC, Geier TJ, Warren AM, Ruggiero KJ, Scott K, George J, Halling M, Jurkovich G, Fakhry SM, Zatzick D, Brasel KJ Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Earlier time to hemostasis is associated with decreased mortality and rate of complications: Results from the Pragmatic Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratio trial. Chang R, Kerby JD, Kalkwarf KJ, Van Belle G, Fox EE, Cotton BA, Cohen MJ, Schreiber MA, Brasel K, Bulger EM, Inaba K, Rizoli S, Podbielski JM, WadeCE, Holcomb JB; PROPPR Study Group Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery August 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Use of multiple failure models in injury epidemiology: a case study of arrest and intimate partner violence recidivism in Seattle, WA. Lyons VH, Kernic MA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Holt VL, Carone M Injury epidemiology August 1st, 2019 Violence
A scoping review of patterns, motives, and risk and protective factors for adolescent firearm carriage. Oliphant SN, Mouch CA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Hargarten S, Jay J, Hemenway D, Zimmerman M, Carter PM; FACTS Consortium Journal of behavioral medicine August 1st, 2019 Violence
Situating dissemination and implementation sciences within and across the translational research spectrum Baldwin, Laura Mae Journal of Clinical and Translational Science July 29th, 2019 Methods
Team-Based Clinic Redesign of Opioid Medication Management in Primary Care: Effect on Opioid Prescribing Baldwin, Laura Mae Annals of Family Medicine July 17th, 2019 Injury Care
Evaluation of a social network intervention on child feeding practices and caregiver knowledge Moore, Megan Maternal and Child Nutrition July 15th, 2019 Methods
Radiological Management of Angiographically Negative, Spontaneous Intracranial Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Multicenter Study of Utilization and Diagnostic Yield Mossa-Basha, Mahmud Neurosurgery July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Assessment of physical functioning in the clinical care of the patient with advanced kidney disease Patel, Kushang V Seminars in Dialysis July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Blood use in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of current data Butler, Elissa Transfusion July 1st, 2019 Global Injury
Clinical diagnoses among individuals with primary age-related tauopathy versus Alzheimer's neuropathology Mock, Charles Lab Investigation; A Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology July 1st, 2019 Methods
Association of Blood Component Ratios With 24-Hour Mortality in Injured Children Receiving Massive Transfusion. Butler EK, Mills BM, Arbabi S, Bulger EM, Vavilala MS, Groner JI, Stansbury LG, Hess JR, Rivara FP Critical Care Medicine July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Inherited genetic susceptibility of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Down syndrome. Brown AL, de Smith AJ, Gant VU, Yang W, Scheurer ME, Walsh KM, Chernus JM, Kallsen NA, Peyton SA, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Winick N, Heerema NA,Carroll AJ, Borowitz MJ, Wood BL, Carroll WL, Raetz EA, Feingold E, Devidas M, Barcellos LF, Hansen HM, Morimoto L, Kang AY, Smirnov I, Healy J,Laverdière C, Sinnett D, Taub JW, Birch JM, Thompson P, Spector LG, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, DeWan AT, Mullighan CG, Hunger SP, Pui CH, Loh MLMD, Zwick ME, Metayer C, Ma X, Mueller BA, Sherman SL, Wiemels JL, Relling MV, Yang JJ, Lupo PJ, Rabin KR Blood July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Antidepressant continuation in pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes. Wartko PD, Weiss NS, Enquobahrie DA, Chan KCG, Stephenson-Famy A, Mueller BA, Dublin S Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Heritable variation at the chromosome 21 gene ERG is associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia risk in children with and without Down syndrome. de Smith AJ, Walsh KM, Morimoto LM, Francis SS, Hansen HM, Jeon S, Gonseth S, Chen M, Sun H, Luna-Fineman S, Antillón F, Girón V, Kang AY,Smirnov I, Shao X, Whitehead TP, Barcellos LF, Jolly KW, Healy J, Laverdière C, Sinnett D, Taub JW, Birch JM, Thompson PD, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS,Spector LG, DeWan AT, Mueller BA, Chiang C, Metayer C, Ma X, Wiemels JL Leukemia July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Estimating the cost of illness and burden of disease associated with the 2014-2015 chikungunya outbreak in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Feldstein LR, Ellis EM, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Hennessey MJ, Staples JE, Halloran ME, Weaver MR PLoS neglected tropical diseases July 1st, 2019 Global Health
Preferences for Firearm Locking Devices and Device Features Among Participants in a Firearm Safety Event. Simonetti JA, Simeona C, Gallagher C, Bennett E, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Western Journal of Emergency Medicine July 1st, 2019 Violence
Frailty assessment: from clinical to radiological tools. Bentov I, Kaplan SJ, Pham TN, Reed MJ British journal of anaesthesia July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Discharge Destination As a Marker of Mobility Impairment in Survivors of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Jolley SE, Angus DC, Clermont G, Hough CL Critical Care Medicine July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Comparing Performance of Comorbidity Indices in Predicting Functional Status, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Total Health Care Use in Older Adults With Back Pain. Rundell SD, Resnik L, Heagerty PJ, Kumar A, Jarvik JG Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
A New Game Plan for Concussion Education. Kroshus E, Chrisman SPD Health Educ Behav Health Education & Behavior July 1st, 2019 TBI Injury Care
Perceived burdensomeness, bullying, and suicidal ideation in suicidal military personnel. Crowell-Williamson GA, Fruhbauerova M, DeCou CR, Comtois KA Journal of Clinical psychology July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Comparison of Injured Older Adults Included in vs Excluded From Trauma Registries With 1-Year Follow-up. Newgard CD, Caughey A, McConnell KJ, Lin A, Eckstrom E, Griffiths D, Malveau S, Bulger E JAMA Surgery July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The authors reply. Lele AV, Watanitanon A, Lakireddy V, Clark-Bell C, Moore A, Zimmerman JJ, Chesnut RM, Armstead W, Vavilala MSPediatr Crit Care Med Pediatric Critical Care Medicine July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Team-Based Clinic Redesign of Opioid Medication Management in Primary Care: Effect on Opioid Prescribing. Parchman ML, Penfold RB, Ike B, Tauben D, Von Korff M, Stephens M, Stephens KA, Baldwin LM Annals of family medicine July 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Identifying characteristics that impact motor carrier safety using Bayesian networks. Hwang S, Boyle LN, Banerjee AG Accident Analysis & Prevention July 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transport
Academic Advancement in Global Surgery: Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure: Recommendations from the American Surgical Association Working Group on Global Surgery. Wren SM, Balch CM, Doherty GM, Finlayson SR, Kauffman GL, Kibbe MR, Haider AH, Minter RM, Mock C, Muguti GI, Numann PJ, Olutoye OO, Roy N,Weigel RJAnn Surg Annals of Surgery July 1st, 2019 Global Health
Learners' perspectives on Stop the Bleed: a course to improve survival during mass casualty events. Zhao KL, Herrenkohl M, Paulsen M, Bulger EM, Vavilala MS, Moore M, Pham TN Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open July 1st, 2019 Violence Injury Care
A Comparison of Scoring Systems for Predicting Short- and Long-term Survival After Trauma in Older Adults Bulger, Eileen M and Mandell, Samuel P Academic Emergency Medicine: Official Journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine June 26th, 2019 Injury Care
Prevention of Firearm Injuries Among Children and Adolescents: Consensus-Driven Research Agenda from the Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium Cunningham RM, Carter PM, Ranney ML, Walton M, Zeoli AM, Alpern ER, Branas C, Beidas RS, Ehrlich PF, Goyal MK, Goldstick JE, Hemenway D, Hargarten SW, King CA, Massey L, Ngo Q, Pizarro J, Prosser L, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Rivara FP, Rupp LA, Sigel E, Savolainen J, Zimmerman MA JAMA Pediatrics June 10th, 2019 FIPRP Access to Firearms & Safe Storage
Borderline personality disorder and self-directed violence in a sample of suicidal army soldiers. Fruhbauerova M, DeCou CR, Crow BE, Comtois KA Psychol Serv. June 10th, 2019 FIPRP Suicide
Keys to academic success for under-represented minority young investigators: recommendations from the Research in Academic Pediatrics Initiative on Diversity (RAPID) National Advisory Committee. Flores G, Mendoza FS, DeBaun MR, Fuentes-Afflick E, Jones VF, Mendoza JA, Raphael JL, Wang CJ International Journal for Equity in Health June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Assessment of Rates of Child Maltreatment in States With Medicaid Expansion vs States Without Medicaid Expansion. Brown ECB, Garrison MM, Bao H, Qu P, Jenny C, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Network Open June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Prevention of Firearm Injuries Among Children and Adolescents: Consensus-Driven Research Agenda from the Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium. Cunningham RM, Carter PM, Ranney ML, Walton M, Zeoli AM, Alpern ER, Branas C, Beidas RS, Ehrlich PF, Goyal MK, Goldstick JE, Hemenway D,Hargarten SW, King CA, Massey L, Ngo Q, Pizarro J, Prosser L, Rowhani-Rahbar A, PMID: 31180470 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]Rivara F, Rupp LA, Sigel E, Savolainen J, Zimmerman MA JAMA Pediatr JAMA Pediatrics June 1st, 2019 Violence
Limiting Access to Firearms as a Suicide Prevention Strategy Among Adults: What Should Clinicians Recommend? Simonetti JA, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Network Open June 1st, 2019 Violence
Recovery After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients Presenting to US Level I Trauma Centers: A Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) Study. Nelson LD, Temkin NR, Dikmen S, Barber J, Giacino JT, Yuh E, Levin HS, McCrea MA, Stein MB, Mukherjee P, Okonkwo DO, Diaz-Arrastia R, ManleyGT; and the TRACK-TBI Investigators, Adeoye O, Badjatia N, Boase K, Bodien Y, Bullock MR, Chesnut R, Corrigan JD, Crawford K; MIS, Duhaime AC,Ellenbogen R, Feeser VR, Ferguson A, Foreman B, Gardner R, Gaudette E, Gonzalez L, Gopinath S, Gullapalli R, Hemphill JC, Hotz G, Jain S, Korley F,Kramer J, Kreitzer N, Lindsell C, Machamer J, Madden C, Martin A, McAllister T, Merchant R, Noel F, Palacios E, Perl D, Puccio A, Rabinowitz M, Robertson CS, Rosand J, Sander A, Satris G, Schnyer D, Seabury S, Sherer M, Taylor S, Toga A, Valadka A, Vassar MJ, Vespa P, Wang K, Yue JKZafonte R JAMA Neurology June 1st, 2019 TBI
Obstetrical and infant outcomes among women with neoplasms during pregnancy. Niu X, Li CI, Mueller BA Cancer Causes and Controls June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Perspectives of Caregivers on the Effects of Migration on the Nutrition, Health and Physical Activity of their Young Children: A Qualitative Study with Immigrant and Refugee Families. Dawson-Hahn E, Koceja L, Stein E, Farmer B, Grow HM, Saelens BE, Mendoza J, Pak-Gorstein S Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health June 1st, 2019 Injury Care Global Health
Long-Term Survival After Drowning-Related Cardiac Arrest. Reynolds JC, Hartley T, Michiels EA, Quan L Journal of Emergency Medicine June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of an Exercise Program Requiring Minimal In-person Visits for Youth With Persistent Sport-Related Concussion. Chrisman SPD, Whitlock KB, Mendoza JA, Burton MS, Somers E, Hsu A, Fay L, Palermo TM, Rivara FP Frontiers in Neurology June 1st, 2019 TBI Injury Care
Racioethnic diversity in the dynamics of the vaginal microbiome during pregnancy. Serrano MG, Parikh HI, Brooks JP, Edwards DJ, Arodz TJ, Edupuganti L, Huang B, Girerd PH, Bokhari YA, Bradley SP, Brooks JL, Dickinson MR, Drake JI,Duckworth RA 3rd, Fong SS, Glascock AL, Jean S, Jimenez NR, Khoury J, Koparde VN, Lara AM, Lee V, Matveyev AV, Milton SH, Mistry SD, Rozycki SK,Sheth NU, Smirnova E, Vivadelli SC, Wijesooriya NR, Xu J, Xu P, Chaffin DO, Sexton AL, Gravett MG, Rubens CE, Hendricks-Muñoz KD, Jefferson KK,Strauss JF 3rd, Fettweis JM, Buck GA Nature Medicine June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The vaginal microbiome and preterm birth. Fettweis JM, Serrano MG, Brooks JP, Edwards DJ, Girerd PH, Parikh HI, Huang B, Arodz TJ, Edupuganti L, Glascock AL, Xu J, Jimenez NR, Vivadelli SCFong SS, Sheth NU, Jean S, Lee V, Bokhari YA, Lara AM, Mistry SD, Duckworth RA 3rd, Bradley SP, Koparde VN, Orenda XV, Milton SH, Rozycki SK,Matveyev AV, Wright ML, Huzurbazar SV, Jackson EM, Smirnova E, Korlach J, Tsai YC, Dickinson MR, Brooks JL, Drake JI, Chaffin DO, Sexton AL,Gravett MG, Rubens CE, Wijesooriya NR, Hendricks-Muñoz KD, Jefferson KK, Strauss JF 3rd, Buck GA Nature Medicine June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
CAPTCHA as a Visual Performance Metric in Active Macular Disease. Vangipuram G, Lee AY, Rezaei KA, Olmos De Koo LC, Chee YE, Chao JR, Egan C, Lee CS Journal of Ophtalmology June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
School Shootings in the U.S.: What Is the State of Evidence? Rowhani, Rahbar A The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine June 1st, 2019 Violence Prevention
Can we answer transfusion questions with retrospective data? Stansbury, Lynn Transfusion June 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Free-Floating Bikeshare and Helmet Use in Seattle, WA Mooney, Stephen Journal of Community Health June 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transportation
Workplace interventions for intimate partner violence: A systematic review Adhia, Avanti Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health May 30th, 2019 Violence Prevention
Availability of Concussion Information in Spanish for Parents of Youth Athletes Chrisman, Sara and Jimenez, Nathalie Health Promotion Practice May 20th, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Medical Home-Head Start Partnership to Promote Early Learning for Low-Income Children Ebel, Beth Health Promotion Practice May 20th, 2019 Injury Care
Hospital Variation in Child Protection Reports of Substance Exposed Infants Rowhani, Rahbar A The Journal of Pediatrics May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
State-Level Beer Excise Tax and Firearm Homicide in Adolescents and Young Adults Tessler, Robert; Rowhani, Rahbar A; Mooney, Stephen; Quistberg, Alex (DA); Rivara, Frederick P; Vavilala, Monica S American Journal of Preventive Medicine May 1st, 2019 Violence Prevention
Complications in low-risk older adult trauma patients: A case-control study Tessler, Robert; Arbabi, Saman; Bulger, Eileen M; Rivara, Frederick P; Vavilala, Monica S The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Effect of Augmenting Standard Care for Military Personnel With Brief Caring Text Messages for Suicide Prevention: A Randomized Clinical Trial DeCou, Chris JAMA Psychiatry May 1st, 2019 Methods
Association between age and acute respiratory distress syndrome development and mortality following trauma Killien, Elizabeth; O'Keefe, Grant E; Rivara, Frederick P; Vavilala, Monica S The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Working toward Equity in Emergencies (WE) through Stop the Bleed: A pilot collaborative health program with the Somali community in Seattle Bulger, Eileen M; Stadeli, Katie; Vavilala, Monica S American Journal of Surgery May 1st, 2019 Methods
Comorbidities, anticoagulants, and geriatric-specific physiology for the field triage of injured older adults Bulger, Eileen M The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Blood pressure, antihypertensive medication use, and risk of erectile dysfunction in men with type I diabetes Wessells, Hunter Journal of Hypertension May 1st, 2019 Methods
Cumulative Adversity Profiles Among Youth Experiencing Housing and Parental Care Instability Nurius, Paula S Child and Youth Services Review May 1st, 2019 Methods
Adverse childhood experiences to adult adversity trends among parents: Socioeconomic, health, and developmental implications Nurius, Paula S Child and Youth Services Review May 1st, 2019 Methods
Pediatric blunt renal trauma practice management guidelines: Collaboration between the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma and the Pediatric Trauma Society Hagedorn, Judith The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Inter-rater and scan-rescan reproducibility of the detection of intracranial atherosclerosis on contrast-enhanced 3D vessel wall MRI. Mossa-Basha M, Watase H, Sun J, Shibata DK, Hippe DS, Balu N, Hatsukami T, Yuan C The British journal of Radiology May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Challenges to the Standardization of Trauma Data Collection in Burn, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, and Other Trauma Populations: A Call for Common Data Elements for Acute and Longitudinal Trauma Databases. Simko LC, Chen L, Amtmann D, Gibran N, Herndon D, Kowalske K, Miller AC, Bulger E, Friedman R, Wolfe A, Chung KK, Mosier M, Jeng J, Giacino J, Zafonte R, Kazis LE, Schneider JC, Ryan CM Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation May 1st, 2019 TBI
Proceedings from the Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Death and Disability in the US. Bulger EM, Kuhls DA, Campbell BT, Bonne S, Cunningham RM, Betz M, Dicker R, Ranney ML, Barsotti C, Hargarten S, Sakran JV, Rivara FP, James T, Lamis D, Timmerman G, Rogers SO, Choucair B, Stewart RM Journal of the American College of Surgeons May 1st, 2019 Violence
Long-term outcomes among injured older adults transported by emergency medical services. Newgard CD, Lin A, Yanez ND, Bulger E, Malveau S, Caughey A, McConnell KJ, Zive D, Griffiths D, Mirlohi R, Eckstrom E Injury May 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transport Injury Care
Building community-clinical linkages to increase older adult physical activity: The PT-REFER trial protocol and participant baseline characteristics. Petrescu-Prahova M, Kohn M, Leroux B, Steinman L, Fishleder S, Pike M, Kava CM, Belza B, Schrodt L, Hannon PA, Harris JR Contemporary Clinical Trials May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Comparison of clinician and patient users of a mobile phone application to assess penile curvature in Peyronie's disease. Brisbane WG, Rogers MJ, Hsi RS, Rajanahally S, Schade GR, Trew L, Ostrowski KA, Wessells H, Walsh TJ International journal of impotence research May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Using a continuum of hybrid effectiveness-implementation studies to put research-tested colorectal screening interventions into practice. Green BB, Coronado GD, Schwartz M, Coury J, Baldwin LM Implementation Science May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Early Neuromuscular Blockade in the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute PETAL Clinical Trials Network, Moss M, Huang DT, Brower RG, Ferguson ND, Ginde AA, Gong MN, Grissom CK, Gundel S, Hayden D, Hite RD, Hou PC, Hough CL, Iwashyna TJ, Khan A, Liu KD, Talmor D, Thompson BT, Ulysse CA, Yealy DM, Angus DC The New England Journal of Medicine May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The vaginal microbiome and preterm birth Fettweis JM, Serrano MG, Brooks JP, Edwards DJ, Girerd PH, Parikh HI, Huang B, Arodz TJ, Edupuganti L, Glascock AL, Xu J, Jimenez NR, Vivadelli SCFong SS, Sheth NU, Jean S, Lee V, Bokhari YA, Lara AM, Mistry SD, Duckworth RA 3rd, Bradley SP, Koparde VN, Orenda XV, Milton SH, Rozycki SKMatveyev AV, Wright ML, Huzurbazar SV, Jackson EM, Smirnova E, Korlach J, Tsai YC, Dickinson MR, Brooks JL, Drake JI, Chaffin DO, Sexton AL,Gravett MG, Rubens CE, Wijesooriya NR, Hendricks-Muñoz KD, Jefferson KK, Strauss JF 3rd, Buck GA Natural Medicine May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Comparison between Epidural and Opioid Analgesia for Infants Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery. Martin LD, Adams TL, Duling LC, Grigg EB, Bosenberg A, Onchiri F, Jimenez N Paediatric Anaesthesia May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Screening and Treating Hospitalized Trauma Survivors for PTSD and Depression. deRoon-Cassini TA, Hunt JD, Geier TJ, Warren AM, Ruggiero KJ, Scott K, George J, Halling M, Jurkovich G, Fakhry SM, Zatzick D, Brasel KJ Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Sensor-Based Physical Capability Assessment Coni A, Mellone S, Colpo M, Guralnik JM, Patel KV, Bandinelli S, Chiari L Sensors May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Assessment of physical functioning in the clinical care of the patient with advanced kidney disease. Roshanravan B, Patel KV Seminars in Dialysis May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Association of Brain Atrophy and Masseter Sarcopenia With 1-Year Mortality in Older Trauma Patients. Tanabe C, Reed MJ, Pham TN, Penn K, Bentov I, Kaplan SJ JAMA Surgery May 1st, 2019 TBI
Predicting chronic pain after major traumatic injury. Powelson EB, Mills B, Henderson-Drager W, Boyd M, Vavilala MS, Curatolo M Scandanavian Journal of Pain May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Effectiveness of Facebook Groups to Boost Participation in a Parenting Intervention. Epstein M, Oesterle S, Haggerty KP Prevention science May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Proceedings from the Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Death and Disability in the US Bulger EM, Kuhls DA, Campbell BT, Bonne S, Cunningham RM, Betz M, Dicker R, Ranney ML, Barsotti C, Hargarten S, Sakran JV, Rivara FP, James T, Lamis D, Timmerman G, Rogers SO, Choucair B, Stewart RM Journal of the American College of Surgeons May 1st, 2019 Violence
Multicenter analysis of posterior urethroplasty complexity and outcomes following pelvic fracture urethral injury. Johnsen NV, Moses RA, Elliott SP, Vanni AJ, Baradaran N, Greear G, Smith TG 3rd, Granieri MA, Alsikafi NF, Erickson BA, Myers JB, Breyer BN, Buckley JC,Zhao LC, Voelzke BB; Trauma Urologic Reconstruction Network of Surgeons(TURNS) World Journal of Urology May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Urinary and Sexual Function after Perineal Urethrostomy for Urethral Stricture Disease: An Analysis from the TURNS. Murphy GP, Fergus KB, Gaither TW, Baradaran N, Voelzke BB, Myers JB, Erickson BA, Elliott SP, Alsikafi NF, Vanni AJ, Buckley JC, Breyer BN Journal of Urology May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Directed-Therapy Modulates Cardiac Dysfunction After Traumatic Brain Injury to Influence Cerebral Autoregulation in Pigs Armstead WM, Vavilala MS Neurocritical Care May 1st, 2019 TBI
Sidewalk Conditions in Northern New Jersey: Using Google Street View Imagery and Ordinary Kriging to Assess Infrastructure for Walking Plascak JJ, Llanos AAM, Chavali LB, Xing CY, Shah NN, Stroup AM, Plaha J, McCue EM, Rundle AG, Mooney SJ Preventing Chronic Disease May 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transport
Intravenous Acetaminophen May Be Associated with Reduced Odds of 30-Day Readmission after Total Knee Arthroplasty. Mont MA, Lovelace B, Pham AT, Hansen RN, Chughtai M, Gwam CU, Khlopas A, Barrington JW Journal of Knee Surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Pediatric gastric adenocarcinoma: A National Cancer Data Base review. Tessler RA, Dellinger M, Richards MK, Goldin AB, Beierle EA, Doski JJ, Goldfarb M, Langer M, Nuchtern JG, Raval MV, Vasudevan S, Gow KW Journal of Pediatric Surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Optical coherence tomography correlates multiple measures of tissue damage following acute burn injury. Deegan AJ, Mandell SP, Wang RK Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery May 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Long-lasting Consequences of Gun Violence and Mass Shootings. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Zatzick DF, Rivara FP JAMA May 1st, 2019 Violence
Prevalence, Evolution, and Extent of Impaired Cerebral Autoregulation in Children Hospitalized With Complex Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Vavilala, Monica S and Chestnut, Randall Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: A Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies April 20th, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Variation in hospital charges in patients with external ventricular drains: comparison between the intensive care and surgical floor settings Browd, Samuel R Journal of Neurosurgery. Pediatrics April 19th, 2019 Methods
Development of a targeted educational intervention to increase pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among cisgender men and transgender individuals who have sex with men and use methamphetamine in Seattle (WA, USA) Banta-Green, Caleb J Sexual Health April 16th, 2019 Injury Care
Intimate Partner Homicide of Adolescents Adhia A, Kernic MA, Hemenway D, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP JAMA Pediatrics April 15th, 2019 FIPRP Homicide
Long-lasting Consequences of Gun Violence and Mass Shootings Rowhani-Rahbar A, Zatzick DF, Rivara FP JAMA April 12th, 2019 FIPRP Homicide
Differences in Injury Characteristics and Outcomes for American Indian/Alaska Native People Hospitalized with Traumatic Injuries: an Analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank Moore, Megan and Vavilala, Monica S Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities April 6th, 2019 Injury Care
Six Sigma Methodology and Postoperative Information Reporting: A Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Study With Interrupted Time-Series Regression Flynn-O'Brien, Katherine Journal of Surgical Education April 3rd, 2019 Methods
Health outcomes and the healthcare and societal cost of optimizing pediatric surgical care in the United States Flynn-O'Brien, Katherine; Rivara, Frederick Journal of Pediatric Surgery April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Firearm injury research and epidemiology: A review of the data, their limitations, and how trauma centers can improve firearm injury research Hink AB, Bonne S, Levy M, Kuhls DA, Allee L, Burke PA, Sakran JV, Bulger EM, Stewart RM Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery April 1st, 2019 FIPRP Reviews & Other Publications
Evaluation of the effectiveness of traffic calming measures on vehicle speeds and pedestrian injury severity in Ghana. Damsere-Derry J, Ebel BE, Mock CN, Afukaar F, Donkor P, Kalowole TO Traffic Injury Prevention April 1st, 2019 Global Health Safe and Active Transportation
Injury, Sleep, and Functional Outcome in Hospital Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury. Williams ET, Buchanan DT, Buysse DJ, Thompson HJ The journal of neuroscience nursing April 1st, 2019 TBI
Primary External Ventricular Drainage Catheter Versus Intraparenchymal ICP Monitoring: Outcome Analysis. Bales JW, Bonow RH, Buckley RT, Barber J, Temkin N, Chesnut RM Neurocritical Care April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Age and sex-mediated differences in six-month outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury in young adults: a TRACK-TBI study. Yue JK, Levin HS, Suen CG, Morrissey MR, Runyon SJ, Winkler EA, Puffer RC, Deng H, Robinson CK, Rick JW, Phelps RRL, Sharma S, Taylor SR, Vassar MJ, Cnossen MC, Lingsma HF, Gardner RC, Temkin NR, Barber J, Dikmen SS, Yuh EL, Mukherjee P, Stein MB, Cage TA, Valadka AB, Okonkwo DO, Manley GT; TRACK-TBI Investigators Neurology Res April 1st, 2019 TBI
Reliability and Construct Validity of the TBI-QOL Communication Short Form as a Parent-Proxy Report Instrument for Children With Traumatic Brain Injury. Cohen ML, Tulsky DS, Boulton AJ, Kisala PA, Bertisch H, Yeates KO, Zonfrillo MR, Durbin DR, Jaffe KM, Temkin N, Wang J, Rivara FP Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research April 1st, 2019 TBI
Optimizing Care for Ugandans with Untreated Abdominal Surgical Conditions. Butler EK, Tran TM, Fuller AT, Muhumuza C, Williams S, Vissoci JRN, Luboga S, Haglund MM, Makumbi F, Galukande M, Chipman JG Annals of Global Health April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Variation in hospital charges in patients with external ventricular drains: comparison between the intensive care and surgical floor settings. Chu JK, Feroze AH, Collins K, McGrath LB, Young CC, Williams JR, Browd SR Journal of neurosurgery April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The curse of dimensionality: Animal-related risk factors for pediatric diarrhea in western Kenya, and methods for dealing with a large number of predictors. Meisner J, Mooney SJ, Rabinowitz PM PLoS One April 1st, 2019 Global Health
Effect of School Services on Academic Performance After Traumatic Brain Injury in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Students. Jimenez N, Virtue A, Segar K, Stoep AV, Rivara FP The Journal of School Health April 1st, 2019 TBI
Household Firearm Ownership and Storage, Suicide Risk Factors, and Memory Loss Among Older Adults: Results From a Statewide Survey. Morgan ER, Gomez A, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A Annals of Internal Medicine April 1st, 2019 Violence
Intimate Partner Homicide of Adolescents. Adhia A, Kernic MA, Hemenway D, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP JAMA Pediatrics April 1st, 2019 Violence
Parents' Perspectives Regarding Age Restrictions for Tackling in Youth Football. Chrisman SPD, Whitlock KB, Kroshus E, Schwien C, Herring SA, Rivara FP Pediatrics April 1st, 2019 TBI
Factors associated with depression and anxiety symptoms among children seeking treatment for obesity: A social-ecological approach. Sheinbein DH, Stein RI, Hayes JF, Brown ML, Balantekin KN, Conlon RPK, Saelens BE, Perri MG, Welch RR, SchechApril 2019tman KB, Epstein LH, Wilfley DE Pediatric Obestiy April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Neuroimaging and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Spine Metastasis. Khan M, Garg R, Gui C, Lee Y, Sahgal A, Mossa-Basha M, Mayr N, Lo S, Redmond K Topics in magnetic resonance imaging April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Intracranial aneurysms at higher clinical risk for rupture demonstrate increased wall enhancement and thinning on multicontrast 3D vessel wall MRI. Hartman JB, Watase H, Sun J, Hippe DS, Kim L, Levitt M, Sekhar L, Balu N, Hatsukami T, Yuan C, Mossa-Basha M The British journal of Radiology April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Novel Risk Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Family Members of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Survivors. Lee RY, Engelberg RA, Curtis JR, Hough CL, Kross EK Critical Care Medicine April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Firearm Injury Research and Epidemiology: A Review of the Data, their Limitations and How Trauma Centers can Improve Firearm Injury Research. Hink AB, Bonne S, Levy M, Kuhls DA, Allee L, Burke PA, Sakran J, Bulger EM, Stewart RM; American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery April 1st, 2019 Violence
Paediatric window falls and interannual temperature variability in the Seattle metro area. Sellers SP, Johnston BD, Hess JJ Injury Prevention April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Health outcomes and the healthcare and societal cost of optimizing pediatric surgical care in the United States. Flynn-O'Brien KT, Richards MK, Wright DR, Rivara FP, Haaland W, Thompson L, Oldham K, Goldin A Journal of Pediatric Surgery April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Imaging of Acetabular Fractures: A Phantom Study Comparing Radiation Dose by Radiography and Computed Tomography. Favinger JL, Zamora DA, Kanal KM, Gross JA, Gunn ML Seminars in Roentgenology April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
A Narrative Review of Cardiovascular Abnormalities After Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Lele A, Lakireddy V, Gorbachov S, Chaikittisilpa N, Krishnamoorthy V, Vavilala MS Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology April 1st, 2019 TBI
Concussion Incidence, Duration, and Return to School and Sport in 5- to 14-Year-Old American Football Athletes Chrisman, Sara; Rivara, Frederick P; Herring, Stanley A The Journal of Pediatrics April 1st, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
The association of chronic health status and survival following ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest: Investigation of a primary myocardial mechanism Rea, Thomas Resuscitation April 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The BDNF Val66Met SNP modulates the association between beta-amyloid and hippocampal disconnection in Alzheimer's disease Fuentes, Molly M Molecular Psychiatry March 21st, 2019 Injury Care
Management of Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: 2019 Consensus and Guidelines-Based Algorithm for First and Second Tier Therapies Vavilala, Monica S Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: A Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies March 20th, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Prospective Assessment of the Feasibility of a Trial of Low-Tidal Volume Ventilation for Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure Hough, Catherine L Annals of the American Thoracic Society March 16th, 2019 Injury Care
Differences in Cognitive Impairment in Primary Age-Related Tauopathy Versus Alzheimer Disease Mock, Charles Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology March 1st, 2019 Methods
Firearm assault injuries by residence and injury occurrence location Mills BM, Hajat A, Rivara F, Nurius P, Matsueda R, Rowhani-Rahbar A Injury Prevention March 1st, 2019 FIPRP Reviews & Other Publications
American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Position Statement on Concussion in Sport. Harmon KG, Clugston JR, Dec K, Hainline B, Herring SA, Kane S, Kontos AP, Leddy JJ, McCrea MA, Poddar SK, Putukian M, Wilson JC, Roberts WO Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine March 1st, 2019 TBI
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury and Associated Topics: An Overview of Abusive Head Trauma, Nonaccidental Trauma, and Sports Concussions. Smith EB, Lee JK, Vavilala MS, Lee SA Anesthesiology Clinics March 1st, 2019 TBI
Treatment Discrepancy for Pelvic Fracture Patients with Urethral Injuries: A Survey of Orthopaedic and Urologic Surgeons. Johnsen NV, Firoozabadi R, Voelzke BB Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma March 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Trauma Special Issue. Hardcastle TC, Oosthuizen G, Mock C, Razek T African Journal of Emergency Medicine March 1st, 2019 Global Health
Patient characteristics and critical care workflow affect paging frequency in neurocritical care. Lele AV, Qiu Q, Gorbachov S, Fong C, Nair BG, Blissitt P, Marsh R, Chaikittisilpa N, Krishnamoorthy V, Vavilala MS Journal of Clinical Neuroscience March 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Objective model to facilitate designation of military-civilian partnership hospitals for sustainment of military trauma readiness Hall A, Qureshi I, Shackelford S, Glaser J, Bulger EM, Scalea T, Gurney J Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open March 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Dorsal buccal graft urethroplasty in female urethral stricture disease: a multi-center experience. Hampson LA, Myers JB, Vanni AJ, Virasoro R, Smith TG 3rd, Capiel L, Chandrapal J, Voelzke BB Translational Andrology & Urology March 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Preserve encephalus in surgery of trauma: online survey. (P.E.S.T.O). Picetti E, Maier RV, Rossi S, Kirkpatrick AW, Biffl WL, Stahel PF, Moore EE, Kluger Y, Baiocchi GL, Ansaloni L, Agnoletti V, Catena F World Journal of Emergency Surgery March 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Sampling and Sampling Frames in Big Data Epidemiology. Mooney SJ, Garber MD Current epidemiology reports March 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Burn Patients' Perceptions of Their Care: What Can We Learn From Postdischarge Satisfaction Surveys? Moore, Megan Journal of Burn Care and Research: Official Publication fo the American Burn Association February 20th, 2019 Methods
Matching early arterial oxygenation to long-term outcome in severe traumatic brain injury: target values Temkin, Nancy R; Chestnut, Randall; Vavilala, Monica S Journal of Neurosurgery February 8th, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Conclusion Mark Sullivan Pain Medicine February 1st, 2019 Other
Parental concern about concussion risk for their children Chrisman, Sara; Herring, Stanley A; Rivara, Frederick P Social Science and Medicine (1982) February 1st, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Increasing Enteral Protein Intake in Critically Ill Trauma and Surgical Patients. O'Keefe GE, Shelton M, Qiu Q, Araujo-Lino JC Nutrition in Clinical Practice February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Safety of transfer, type of procedure, and factors predictive of limb salvage in a modern series of acute limb ischemia. Hemingway J, Emanuels D, Aarabi S, Quiroga E, Tran N, Starnes B, Singh N Journal of Vascular Surgery February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Antibiotics for Groin Hernia Repair According to Evidence-Based Guidelines: Time for Action in Ghana. Gyedu A, Katz M, Agbedinu K, Donkor P, Mock C Journal of Surgical Research February 1st, 2019 Global Health
Surgery's role in addressing population health needs. Mock C Journal of Pakistan Medical Association February 1st, 2019 Global Health
Patterns of traumatic brain injury and six-month neuropsychological outcomes in Uganda. Bangirana P, Giordani B, Kobusingye O, Murungyi L, Mock C, John CC, Idro R BMC Neurology February 1st, 2019 TBI Global Health
Differences in Cognitive Impairment in Primary Age-Related Tauopathy Versus Alzheimer Disease. Besser LM, Mock C, Teylan MA, Hassenstab J, Kukull WA, Crary JF Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology February 1st, 2019 Global Health
Clinical diagnoses among individuals with primary age-related tauopathy versus Alzheimer's neuropathology. Teylan M, Besser LM, Crary JF, Mock C, Gauthreaux K, Thomas NM, Chen YC, Kukull WA Laboratory Investigation February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Matching early arterial oxygenation to long-term outcome in severe traumatic brain injury: target values. Alali AS, Temkin N, Vavilala MS, Lele AV, Barber J, Dikmen S, Chesnut RM Journal of Neurosurgery February 1st, 2019 TBI
Clinical significance of cystoscopic urethral stricture recurrence after anterior urethroplasty: a multi-institution analysis from Trauma and Urologic Reconstructive Network of Surgeons (TURNS). Baradaran N, Fergus KB, Moses RA, Patel DP, Gaither TW, Voelzke BB, Smith TG 3rd, Erickson BA, Elliott SP, Alsikafi NF, Vanni AJ, Buckley J, Zhao LC, Myers JB, Breyer BN World Journal of Urology February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Higher LRINEC Scores and Escalation of Anesthesia Care in Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection. Tessler RA, Vanhoy S, Bergus K, Fong C, Bulger EM, Rivara FP, Vavilala MS Journal of Surgical Research February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Delay in Treatment After Cancer Diagnosis in Adolescents and Young Adults: Does Facility Transfer Matter? Mou J, Bolieu EL, Pflugeisen BM, Amoroso PJ, Devine B, Baldwin LM, Frank LL, Johnson RH Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Development of a targeted educational intervention to increase pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among cisgender men and transgender individuals who have sex with men and use methamphetamine in Seattle (WA, USA). McMahan VM, Martin A, Garske L, Violette LR, Andrasik MP, Baeten JM, Banta-Green C, Stekler JD Sexual Health February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Income inequality and firearm homicide in the US: a county-level cohort study. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Quistberg DA, Morgan ER, Hajat A, Rivara FP Injury Prevention February 1st, 2019 Violence
Validating the National Violent Death Reporting System as a Source of Data on Fatal Shootings of Civilians by Law Enforcement Officers. Conner A, Azrael D, Lyons VH, Barber C, Miller M American Journal of Public Health February 1st, 2019 Violence
Exercise and Recovery Time for Youth With Concussions. Chrisman SPD JAMA Pediatrics February 1st, 2019 TBI
Reply: From the "Door-to-Antibiotic" to the "Antibiotic-at-Door" Concept? Peltan ID, Brown SM, Hough CL Annals of the American Thoracic Society February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Emergency department door-to-antibiotic time and long-term mortality in sepsis. Peltan ID, Brown SM, Bledsoe JR, Sorensen J, Samore MH, Allen TL, Hough CL Chest February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Drowning is never dry. Schmidt A, Hawkins S, Quan L Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Hospital Variation in Child Protection Reports of Substance Exposed Infants. Rebbe R, Mienko JA, Brown E, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of Pediatrics February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Impact of rotavirus vaccine introduction in children less than 2 years of age presenting for medical care with diarrhea in rural Matlab, Bangladesh. Schwartz LM, Zaman K, Yunus M, Basunia AH, Faruque ASG, Ahmed T, Rahman M, Sugimoto JD, Halloran ME, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Neuzil KM, Victor JC Clinical Infectious Diseases February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Survivors of Pediatric Sepsis. Killien EY, Farris RWD, Watson RS, Dervan LA, Zimmerman JJ Pediatric Critical Care Medicine February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Effect of Augmenting Standard Care for Military Personnel With Brief Caring Text Messages for Suicide Prevention: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Comtois KA, Kerbrat AH, DeCou CR, Atkins DC, Majeres JJ, Baker JC, Ries RK JAMA Psychiatry February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Suboptimal osteoporosis evaluation and treatment in older men with and without additional high-risk factors for fractures. Narla RR, Hirano LA, Lo SHY, Anawalt BD, Phelan EA, Matsumoto AM Journal of Investigative Medicine February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The projected costs and benefits of a supervised injection facility in Seattle, WA, USA. Hood JE, Behrends CN, Irwin A, Schackman BR, Chan D, Hartfield K, Hess J, Banta-Green C, Whiteside L, Finegood B, Duchin J International Journal of Drug Policy February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Pediatric Blunt Renal Trauma Practice Management Guidelines: Collaboration between the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma and the Pediatric Trauma Society. Hagedorn JC, Fox N, Ellison JS, Russell R, Witt CE, Zeller K, Ferrada P, Draus JM Jr Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The Safety of Expectant Management for Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Systematic Review. Thornblade LW, Verdial FC, Bartek MA, Flum DR, Davidson GH Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The Need to Understand Brain Health and Improve Brain Outcomes for Children and Adolescents Warrants Adoption of a More Proactive Approach to Brain Monitoring. Vavilala MS Pediatric Critical Care Medicine February 1st, 2019 TBI
Bag-Mask Ventilation during Tracheal Intubation of Critically Ill Adults. Casey JD, Janz DR, Russell DW, Vonderhaar DJ, Joffe AM, Dischert KM, Brown RM, Zouk AN, Gulati S, Heideman BE, Lester MG, Toporek AH, Bentov I, Self WH, Rice TW, Semler MW; PreVent Investigators and the Pragmatic Critical Care Research Group New England Journal of Medicine February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Parental age and the risk of childhood acute myeloid leukemia: results from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium. Panagopoulou P, Skalkidou A, Marcotte E, Erdmann F, Ma X, Heck JE, Auvinen A, Mueller BA, Spector LG, Roman E, Metayer C, Magnani C, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, Scheurer ME, Mora AM, Dockerty JD, Hansen J, Kang AY, Wang R, Doody DR, Kane E, Schüz J, Christodoulakis C, Ntzani E, Petridou ET; FRECCLE group; NARECHEM-ST group Cancer Epidemiology February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Pregnancy outcomes in women with spinal cord injuries: a population-based study. Crane DA, Doody DR, Schiff MA, Mueller BA PM&R February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Reply to Liu et al.: Tissue specificity of SIM1 gene expression and erectile dysfunction. Jorgenson E, Matharu N, Palmer MR, Yin J, Shan J, Hoffmann TJ, Thai KK, Zhou X, Hotaling JM, Jarvik GP, Ahituv N, Wessells H, Van Den Eeden SK Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
JAMA Network Open-The Year in Review, 2018. Rivara FP, Fihn SD JAMA Network Open February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Reinfection rates following adherence to Infectious Diseases Society of America guideline recommendations in first cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection treatment. Simon TD, Kronman MP, Whitlock KB, Browd SR, Holubkov R, Kestle JRW, Kulkarni AV, Langley M, Limbrick DD, Luerssen TG, Oakes WJ, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle C, Shannon CN, Tamber M, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE, Mayer-Hamblett N Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The Health and economic effects of light rail lines: design, methods, and protocol for a natural experiment. Frank LD, Kuntz JL, Chapman JE, Fox EH, Dickerson JF, Meenan RT, Saelens BE, Young DR, Boone-Heinonen J, Fortmann SP BMC Public Health February 1st, 2019 Safe & Active Transport
Neighborhood built environment associations with adolescents' location-specific sedentary and screen time. Bejarano CM, Carlson JA, Cushing CC, Kerr J, Saelens BE, Frank LD, Glanz K, Cain KL, Conway TL, Sallis JF Health and Place February 1st, 2019 Safe & Active Transport
Clarifying our cultural contest about chronic pain. Sullivan MD Pain February 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Enteral Nutrition Initiation in Children Admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Units After Traumatic Brain Injury Flynn-O'Brien, Katherine Neurocritical Care February 1st, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Income inequality and firearm homicide in the US: a county-level cohort study Rowhani-Rahbar A, Quistberg DA, Morgan ER, Hajat A, Rivara FP Injury Prevention February 1st, 2019 FIPRP Homicide
The Pediatric Guideline Adherence and Outcomes (PEGASUS) programme in severe traumatic brain injury: a single-centre hybrid implementation and effectiveness study Johnston, Brian D; Vavilala, Monica S; Chestnut, Randall; Jaffe, Kenneth M The Lancet. Child and Adolescent Health January 3rd, 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury
Room for Improvement: Rates of Birth Cohort Hepatitis C Screening in Primary Care Practices-A WWAMI Region Practice and Research Network Study Baldwin, Laura Mae Journal of Primary Care and Community Health January 1st, 2019 Methods
The Role of Intimate Partner Violence in Homicides of Children Aged 2-14 Years. Adhia A, Austin SB, Fitzmaurice GM, Hemenway D American Journal of Preventive Medicine January 1st, 2019 FIPRP Intimate Partner Violence
COMPLICATIONS IN LOW-RISK OLDER ADULT TRAUMA PATIENTS: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY. Tessler RA, Rangel MM, Rosser ML, Rivara FP, Bulger E, Vavilala MS, Reed MJ, Arbabi S Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Comorbidities, Anticoagulants, and Geriatric-Specific Physiology For the Field Triage of Injured Older Adults. Newgard CD, Lin A, Eckstrom E, Caughey A, Malveau S, Griffiths D, Zive D, Bulger E Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Parental concern about concussion risk for their children. Kroshus E, Qu P, Chrisman SPD, Schwien C, Herring SA, Rivara FP Social Science & Medicine January 1st, 2019 TBI
Effects of a Personalized Web-Based Decision Aid for Surrogate Decision Makers of Patients With Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Cox CE, White DB, Hough CL, Jones DM, Kahn JM, Olsen MK, Lewis CL, Hanson LC, Carson SS Annals of Internal Medicine January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The acute respiratory distress syndrome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes. Johnson NJ, Caldwell E, Carlbom DJ, Gaieski DF, Prekker ME, Rea TD, Sayre M, Hough CL Resuscitation January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Multisite Pain Is Associated with Long-term Patient-Reported Outcomes in Older Adults with Persistent Back Pain. Rundell SD, Patel KV, Krook MA, Heagerty PJ, Suri P, Friedly JL, Turner JA, Deyo RA, Bauer Z, Nerenz DR, Avins AL, Nedeljkovic SS, Jarvik JG Pain Medicine January 1st, 2019 Injury Care Safe and Active Transport
Risk interval analysis of emergency room visits following colonoscopy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Burnett-Hartman AN, Hua X, Rue TC, Golchin N, Kessler L, Rowhani-Rahbar A PLoS One January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Child and parent reports of children's depressive symptoms in relation to children's weight loss response in family-based obesity treatment. Conlon RPK, Hurst KT, Hayes JF, Balantekin KN, Stein RI, Saelens BE, Brown ML, Sheinbein DH, Welch RR, Perri MG, Schechtman KB, Epstein LH, Wilfley DE Pediatric Obestiy January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Reference values of conditioned pain modulation. Schliessbach J, Lütolf C, Streitberger K, Scaramozzino P, Arendt-Nielsen L, Curatolo M Scandanavian Journal of Pain January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
The Ability of Magnetic Resonance Black Blood Vessel Wall Imaging to Evaluate Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury Following Acute Trauma. Vranic JE, Huynh TJ, Fata P, Barber J, Bonow RH, Levitt MR, Temkin N, Morton R, Kelly C, Shibata DK, Mossa-Basha M Journal of Neuroradiology January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Accelerated multi-contrast high isotropic resolution 3D intracranial vessel wall MRI using a tailored k-space undersampling and partially parallel reconstruction strategy. Balu N, Zhou Z, Hippe DS, Hatsukami T, Mossa-Basha M, Yuan C Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Pregnancy course, infant outcomes, rehospitalization, and mortality among women with intellectual disability. Mueller BA, Crane D, Doody DR, Stuart SN, Schiff MA Disability and Health Journal January 1st, 2019 Injury Care TBI
Speckle Tracking Analysis of Left Ventricular Systolic Function Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Krishnamoorthy V, Chaikittisilpa N, Lee J, Mackensen GB, Gibbons EF, Laskowitz D, Hernandez A, Velazquez E, Lele AV, Vavilala MS Journal of Neurosurgical and Anesthesiology January 1st, 2019 TBI
Association between Age and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Development and Mortality following Trauma. Killien EY, Mills B, Vavilala MS, Scott Watson R, O'Keefe GE, Rivara FP Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Improving Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Observational Research: Not All Questions Need an RCT. Krishnamoorthy V, Vavilala MS Journal of Neurolsurgical Anesthesiology January 1st, 2019 TBI
Feasibility and Indicator Outcomes Using Computerized Clinical Decision Support in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Anesthesia Care. Colletti AA, Kiatchai T, Lyons VH, Nair BG, Grant RM, Vavilala MS Paediatric Anaesthesia January 1st, 2019 TBI
Risk of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression in Civilian Patients After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A TRACK-TBI Study. Stein MB, Jain S, Giacino JT, Levin H, Dikmen S, Nelson LD, Vassar MJ, Okonkwo DO, Diaz-Arrastia R, Robertson CS, Mukherjee P, McCrea M, Mac Donald CL, Yue JK, Yuh E, Sun X, Campbell-Sills L, Temkin N, Manley GT; and the TRACK-TBI Investigators, Adeoye O, Badjatia N, Boase K, Bodien Y, Bullock MR, Chesnut R, Corrigan JD, Crawford K, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dikmen S, Duhaime AC, Ellenbogen R, Feeser VR, Ferguson A, Foreman B, Gardner R, Gaudette E, Giacino JT, Gonzalez L, Gopinath S, Gullapalli R, Hemphill JC, Hotz G, Jain S, Korley F, Kramer J, Kreitzer N, Levin H, Lindsell C, Machamer J, Madden C, Martin A, McAllister T, McCrea M, Merchant R, Mukherjee P, Nelson LD, Noel F, Okonkwo DO, Palacios E, Perl D, Puccio A, Rabinowitz M, Robertson CS, Rosand J, Sander A, Satris G, Schnyer D, Seabury S, Sherer M, Stein MB, Taylor S, Toga A, Temkin N, Valadka A, Vassar MJ, Vespa P, Wang K, Yue JK, Yuh E, Zafonte R JAMA Psychiatry January 1st, 2019 TBI
Association Between 5-Year Clinical Outcome in Patients With Nonmedically Evacuated Mild Blast Traumatic Brain Injury and Clinical Measures Collected Within 7 Days Postinjury in Combat. Mac Donald CL, Barber J, Patterson J, Johnson AM, Dikmen S, Fann JR, Temkin N JAMA Network Open January 1st, 2019 TBI
Pain Behavior': What My Pain Treatment Got Wrong. Mayer JD Health Affairs January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Shareable 2-Wheeled Vehicles-A New Public Health Problem? Rivara FP JAMA Network Open January 1st, 2019 Safe and Active Transport TBI
Evaluation of the Impact of an Online Opioid Education Program for Acute Pain Management. Langford DJ, Gross JB, Doorenbos AZ, Tauben DJ, Loeser JD, Gordon DB Pain Medicine January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Evaluation of a social-network intervention on child feeding practices and caregiver knowledge. Fiorella KJ, Gavenus ER, Milner EM, Moore M, Wilson-Anumudu F, Adhiambo F, Mattah B, Bukusi E, Fernald LCH Maternal and Child Nutrition January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Overview of pharmacological interventions after traumatic brain injuries: impact on selected outcomes. Kim S, Mortera M, Hu X, Krishnan S, Hoffecker L, Herrold A, Terhorst L, King L, Machtinger J, Zumsteg JM, Negm A, Heyn P Brain Injury January 1st, 2019 TBI
What Do We Owe Patients with Chronic Pain? Sullivan MD Pain Medicine January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Emotional reactivity, trauma-related distress, and suicidal ideation among adolescent inpatient survivors of sexual abuse. DeCou CR, Lynch SM Child Abuse & Neglect January 1st, 2019 Violence
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Is Effective for the Treatment of Suicidal Behavior: A Meta-Analysis. DeCou CR, Comtois KA, Landes SJ Behavioral Therapy January 1st, 2019 Violence
Coping self-efficacy and trauma-related shame mediate the association between negative social reactions to sexual assault and PTSD symptoms. DeCou CR, Mahoney CT, Kaplan SP, Lynch SM Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy January 1st, 2019 Violence
Prospective Validation of a Transcriptomic Metric in Severe Trauma. Raymond SL, Hawkins RB, Wang Z, Mira JC, Stortz JA, Han F, Lanz JD, Hennessy LV, Brumback BA, Baker HV, Efron PA, Brakenridge SC, Xiao W, Tompkins RG, Cuschieri J, Moore FA, Maier RV, Moldawer LL Annals of Surgery January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Ventricular Fibrillation Waveform Analysis During Chest Compressions to Predict Survival From Cardiac Arrest. Coult J, Blackwood J, Sherman L, Rea TD, Kudenchuk PJ, Kwok H Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology January 1st, 2019 Injury Care
Telephone-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for veterans with chronic pain following traumatic brain injury: Rationale and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial study. Hoffman JM, Ehde DM, Dikmen S, Dillworth T, Gertz K, Kincaid C, Lucas S, Temkin N, Sawyer K, Williams R Contemporary Clinical Trials January 1st, 2019 TBI
Differences by Victim Race and Ethnicity in Race- and Ethnicity-Motivated Violent Bias Crimes: A National Study. Tessler RA, Langton L, Rivara FP, Vavilala MS, Rowhani-Rahbar A Journal of Interpersonal Violence December 1st, 2018 Violence
Brief report: Population-based reversal of the adverse impact of opioids on disability in Washington State workers' compensation. Franklin GM, Mercier M, Mai J, Tuman D, Fulton-Kehoe D, Wickizer T, Sears JM American Journal of Industrial Medicine December 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Prevalence, Evolution, and Extent of Impaired Cerebral Autoregulation in Children Hospitalized With Complex Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Lele AV, Watanitanon A, Lakireddy V, Clark-Bell C, Moore A, Zimmerman JJ, Chesnut RM, Armstead W, Vavilala MS Pediatric Critical Care Medicine December 1st, 2018 TBI
In Reply: Patients Who Benefit From Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Without Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Lele AV, Vavilala MS, Gupta D; CHIRAG (Collaborative Head Injury and Guidelines) Study Neurosurgery December 1st, 2018 TBI
Rural-urban disparities in health care costs and health service utilization following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Graves JM, Mackelprang JL, Moore M, Abshire DA, Rivara FP, Jimenez N, Fuentes M, Vavilala MS Health Services Research December 1st, 2018 TBI
Tunneled Pleural Catheter: Treatment for Recurrent Pleural Effusion. Miller C, Bridges E, Laxmanan B, Cox-North P, Thompson H AACN Advanced Critical Care December 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Workshop on Pesticide Exposure Assessment Paradigm for Non-Apis Bees: Foundation and Summaries. Boyle NK, Pitts-Singer TL, Abbott J, Alix A, Cox-Foster DL, Hinarejos S, Lehmann DM, Morandin L, O'Neill B, Raine NE, Singh R, Thompson HM, Williams NM, Steeger T Environmental Entomology December 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The Temporal Relationship of Mental Health Problems and Functional Limitations Following mTBI: A TRACK-TBI Study. Zahniser E, Nelson LD, Dikmen S, Machamer J, Stein MB, Yuh EL, Manley GT, Temkin N, Investigators TT Journal of Neurotrauma December 1st, 2018 TBI
Trends in Firearm Injury and Motor Vehicle Crash Case Fatality by Age Group, 2003-2013. Tessler RA, Arbabi S, Bulger EM, Mills B, Rivara FP JAMA Surgery December 1st, 2018 Violence
Concussion Incidence, Duration, and Return to School and Sport in 5- to 14-Year-Old American Football Athletes. Chrisman SPD, Lowry S, Herring SA, Kroshus E, Hoopes TR, Higgins SK, Rivara FP Journal of Pediatrics December 1st, 2018 TBI
Chlorhexidine-impregnated gel dressing compared with transparent polyurethane dressing in the prevention of catheter-related infections in critically ill adult patients: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Margatho AS, Ciol MA, Hoffman JM, Dos Reis PED, Furuya RK, Lima DAFS, Basile-Filho A, Silveira RCCP Australian Critical Care December 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Evaluation of Generic Versus Condition-Specific Quality of Life Indicators for Successful Urethral Stricture Surgery. Chung PH, Vanni AJ, Breyer BN, Erickson BA, Myers JB, Alsikafi N, Buckley J, Elliott SP, Zhao LC, Voelzke BB; Trauma and Urologic Reconstructive Network of Surgeons (TURNS) Urology December 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Symptom Burden Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in the United States. Patel KV, Guralnik JM, Phelan EA, Gell NM, Wallace RB, Sullivan MD, Turk DC Journal of the American Geriatric Society December 1st, 2018 TBI
Fall Prevention in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Phelan EA, Ritchey K Annals of Internal Medicine December 1st, 2018 TBI
Quantification of morphometry and intensity features of intracranial arteries from 3D TOF MRA using the intracranial artery feature extraction (iCafe): A reproducibility study. Chen L, Mossa-Basha M, Sun J, Hippe DS, Balu N, Yuan Q, Pimentel K, Hatsukami TS, Hwang JN, Yuan C Magnetic Resonance Imaging December 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Compressed Sensing-Sensitivity Encoding (CS-SENSE) Accelerated Brain Imaging: Reduced Scan Time without Reduced Image Quality. Vranic JE, Cross NM, Wang Y, Hippe DS, de Weerdt E, Mossa-Basha M AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology December 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Public Perceptions of Firearm- and Non-Firearm-Related Violent Death in the United States: A National Study Morgan ER, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Azrael D, Miller M Annals of Internal Medicine November 20th, 2018 FIPRP Lethality of Firearms
Firearm Storage and Adult Alcohol Misuse Among Washington State Households With Children Morgan ER, Gomez A, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Pediatrics November 19th, 2018 FIPRP Alcohol & firearms
AUTHOR REPLY. Voelzke BB, Sinanan M, Hampson LA Urology November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Severely Injured Trauma Patients With Admission Hyperfibrinolysis; Is There A Role Of Tranexemic Acid? Findings From The PROPPR Trial. Khan M, Jehan F, Bulger EM, O'Keeffe T, Holcomb JB, Wade CE, Schreiber MA, Joseph B; PROPPR Study Group Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
MC1R gene polymorphisms are associated with dysfunctional immune responses and wound infection after burn injury. Carter DW, Sood RF, Seaton ME, Muffley LA, Honari S, Hocking AM, Arbabi SA, Gibran NS Journal of Surgical Research November 1st, 2018 Safe and Active Transport
Editorial: Leadership in American Surgery: Women are Rising to the Top. Michelassi F, Maier RV, Lillemoe KD Annals of Surgery November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The Impact of Hypothermia on outcomes in massively transfused patients Lester ELW, Fox EE, Holcomb JB, Brasel KJ, Bulger EM, Cohen MJ, Cotton BA, Fabian TC, Kerby JD, O'Keefe T, Rizoli S, Scalea TM, Schreiber MA, Inaba K; PROPPR study group Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The Pediatric Guideline Adherence and Outcomes (PEGASUS) programme in severe traumatic brain injury: a single-centre hybrid implementation and effectiveness study. Vavilala MS, King MA, Yang JT, Erickson SL, Mills B, Grant RM, Blayney C, Qiu Q, Chesnut RM, Jaffe KM, Weiner BJ, Johnston BD Lancet Child & Adolescent Health November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Emergency Department Crowding Is Associated With Delayed Antibiotics for Sepsis. Peltan ID, Bledsoe JR, Oniki TA, Sorensen J, Jephson AR, Allen TL, Samore MH, Hough CL, Brown SM Annals of Emergency Medicine November 1st, 2018 TBI
Models of Peer Support to Remediate Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: A Report Developed by the Society of Critical Care Medicine Thrive International Peer Support Collaborative. McPeake J, Hirshberg EL, Christie LM, Drumright K, Haines K, Hough CL, Meyer J, Wade D, Andrews A, Bakhru R, Bates S, Barwise JA, Bastarache J, Beesley SJ, Boehm LM, Brown S, Clay AS, Firshman P, Greenberg S, Harris W, Hill C, Hodgson C, Holdsworth C, Hope AA, Hopkins RO, Howell DCJ, Janssen A, Jackson JC, Johnson A, Kross EK, Lamas D, MacLeod-Smith B, Mandel R, Marshall J, Mikkelsen ME, Nackino M, Quasim T, Sevin CM, Slack A, Spurr R, Still M, Thompson C, Weinhouse G, Wilcox ME, Iwashyna TJ Critical Care Medicine November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Prospective Assessment of the Feasibility of a Trial of Low Tidal Volume Ventilation for Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure. Lanspa MJ, Gong MN, Schoenfeld DA, Lee KT, Grissom CK, Hou PC, Serpa-Neto A, Brown SM, Iwashyna TJ, Yealy DM, Hough CL, Brower RG, Calfee CS, Hyzy RC, Matthay MA, Miller RR 3rd, Steingrub JS, Thompson BT, Miller CD, Clemmer TP, Hendey GW, Huang DT, Mathews KS, Qadir N, Tidswell M; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung injury (PETAL) Clinical Trials Network Annals of the American Thoracic Society November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
What Do Parents Need to Know About Concussion? Developing Consensus Using the Delphi Method. Kroshus E, Chrisman SPD, Harmon KG, Herring SA, Broglio SP, Master CL, McGill CA, Putukian M, Register-Mihalik JK, Rivara FP; National Delphi Panel on Sports Concussion Knowledge Clincal Journal of Sports Medicine November 1st, 2018 TBI
Firearm Storage and Adult Alcohol Misuse Among Washington State Households With Children. Morgan ER, Gomez A, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A JAMA Pediatrics November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Child protection reports and removals of infants diagnosed with prenatal substance exposure. Rebbe R, Mienko JA, Brown E, Rowhani-Rahbar A Child Abuse & Neglect November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Public Perceptions of Firearm- and Non-Firearm-Related Violent Death in the United States: A National Study. Morgan ER, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Azrael D, Miller M Annals of Internal Medicine November 1st, 2018 Safe and Active Transport
Pain management in sport: therapeutic injections. Olafsen NP, Herring SA Handbook of Clinical Neurology November 1st, 2018 Global Health
Effectiveness of Delayed-release Dimethyl Fumarate on Clinical and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Switching From Glatiramer Acetate: RESPOND, a Prospective Observational Study. Kresa-Reahl K, Repovic P, Robertson D, Okwuokenye M, Meltzer L, Mendoza JP Clinical Therapeutics November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Hospital-acquired complications alter quality of life in adult burn survivors: Report from a burn model system. Deeter L, Seaton M, Carrougher GJ, McMullen K, Mandell SP, Amtmann D, Gibran NS Burns November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Motorcycle taxi programme increases safe riding behaviours among its drivers in Kampala, Uganda. Muni K, Kobusingye O, Mock C, Hughes JP, Hurvitz PM, Guthrie B Injury Prevention November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
In-Country Training by the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons: An Initiative that has Aided Surgeon Retention and Distribution in Ghana. Gyedu A, Debrah S, Agbedinu K, Goodman SK, Plange-Rhule J, Donkor P, Mock C World Journal of Surgery November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Central Nervous System and Peripheral Hormone Responses to a Meal in Children. Roth CL, Melhorn SJ, Elfers CT, Scholz K, De Leon MRB, Rowland M, Kearns S, Aylward E, Grabowski TJ, Saelens BE, Schur EA The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
A Comparison of Preschoolers' Physical Activity Indoors versus Outdoors at Child Care. Tandon PS, Saelens BE, Zhou C, Christakis DA International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Task-shifting to improve the reach of mental health interventions for trauma patients: findings from a pilot study of trauma nurse training in patient-centered activity scheduling for PTSD and depression. Darnell DA, Parker LE, Wagner AW, Dunn CW, Atkins DC, Dorsey S, Zatzick DF Cognitive Behavioral Therapy November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Rapid Assessment Procedure Informed Clinical Ethnography (RAPICE) in Pragmatic Clinical Trials of Mental Health Services Implementation: Methods and Applied Case Study. Palinkas LA, Zatzick D Administration and Policy in Mental Health November 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Alcohol and Opioid Use in Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Examination of Differences in Functioning Based on Misuse Status Mark Sullivan The Journal of Pain: Official Journal of the American Pain Society October 19th, 2018 Injury Care
Injury in the transgender population: What the trauma surgeon needs to know. Morrison SD, Kolnik SM, Massie JP, Crowe CS, Dugi D 3rd, Friedrich JB, Pham TN, Berli JU, O'Keefe GE, Bulger EM, Maier RV, Mandell SP Journal of Trauma & Acute Care Surgery October 1st, 2018 Safe and Active Transport
Geriatric traumatic brain injury-What we know and what we don't. Stein DM, Kozar RA, Livingston DH, Luchette F, Adams SD, Agrawal V, Arbabi S, Ballou J, Barraco RD, Bernard AC, Biffl WL, Bosarge PL, Brasel KJ, Cooper Z, Efron PA, Fakhry SM, Hartline CA, Hwang F, Joseph BA, Kurek SJ, Moore FA, Mosenthal AC, Pathak AS, Truitt MS, Yelon JA; AAST Geriatric Trauma/ACS Committee Journal of Trauma & Acute Care Surgery October 1st, 2018 Global Health Injury Care
Haloperidol and Ziprasidone for Treatment of Delirium in Critical Illness. Girard TD, Exline MC, Carson SS, Hough CL, Rock P, Gong MN, Douglas IS, Malhotra A, Owens RL, Feinstein DJ, Khan B, Pisani MA, Hyzy RC, Schmidt GA, Schweickert WD, Hite RD, Bowton DL, Masica AL, Thompson JL, Chandrasekhar R, Pun BT, Strength C, Boehm LM, Jackson JC, Pandharipande PP, Brummel NE, Hughes CG, Patel MB, Stollings JL, Bernard GR, Dittus RS, Ely EW; MIND-USA Investigators New England Journal of Medicine October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Rehabilitation Services Use of Older Adults According to Fall-Risk Screening Guidelines. Gell NM, Patel KV Journal of the American Geriatrics Society October 1st, 2018 Safe and Active Transport
Differences in Injury Characteristics and Outcomes for American Indian/Alaska Native People Hospitalized with Traumatic Injuries: an Analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank. Fuentes MM, Moore M, Qiu Q, Quistberg A, Frank M, Vavilala MS Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities October 1st, 2018 Violence
King-Devick Test Time Varies by Testing Modality. Clugston JR, Chrisman SPD, Houck ZM, Asken BM, Boone JK, Buckley TA, Hoffman NL, Schmidt JD, Kontos AP, Jaffee MS, Harmon KG, Broglio SP, McCrea MA, McAllister TW, Ortega JD Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Impact of Factors that Affect Reading Skill Level on King-Devick Baseline Performance Time. Chrisman SPD, Harmon KG, Schmidt JD, Kaminski TW, Buckley TA, Kontos AP, Clugston JR, McCrea M, McAllister T, Broglio SP, Ortega J Annals of Biomedical Engineering October 1st, 2018 TBI
Impact of automated photo enforcement of vehicle speed in school zones: interrupted time series analysis. Quistberg DA, Thompson LL, Curtin J, Rivara FP, Ebel BE Injury Prevention October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The 2018 American Orthopaedic Association-Japanese Orthopaedic Association (AOA-JOA) Traveling Fellowship. Kamath AF, Kleweno CP, Gary JL, Tannoury C Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery America October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Towards a Non-Invasive Cardiac Arrest Monitor: an in vivo pilot study. Kucewicz JC, Salcido DD, Adedipe AA, Truong K, Nichol G, Mourad PD Resuscitation October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Impact of Burn-related Amputations on Return to Work: Findings from the Burn Injury Model System National Database. Carrougher GJ, McMullen K, Mandell SP, Amtmann D, Kowalske KJ, Schneider JC, Herndon DN, Gibran NS Journal of Burn Care Research October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Morbidity and Mortality Among Critically Injured Children With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Killien EY, Mills B, Watson RS, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP Critical Care Medicine October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Aortic neck dilation is not associated with adverse outcomes after fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair: Midterm results from an investigational device exemption clinical trial. Qaderi SM, Tran NT, Tatum B, Blankensteijn JD, Singh N, Starnes BW Journal of Vascular Surgery October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management: Review and Evaluation. Choi YK, Demiris G, Lin SY, Iribarren SJ, Landis CA, Thompson HJ, McCurry SM, Heitkemper MM, Ward TM Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Impact of initiatives to reduce prescription opioid risks on medically attended injuries in people using chronic opioid therapy. Dublin S, Walker RL, Shortreed SM, Ludman EJ, Sherman KJ, Hansen RN, Thakral M, Saunders K, Parchman ML, Von Korff M Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Genetic variation in the SIM1 locus is associated with erectile dysfunction. Jorgenson E, Matharu N, Palmer MR, Yin J, Shan J, Hoffmann TJ, Thai KK, Zhou X, Hotaling JM, Jarvik GP, Ahituv N, Wessells H, Van Den Eeden SK Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Urinary tract infections and bladder management over the first year after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. Stillman MD, Hoffman JM, Barber JK, Williams SR, Burns SP Spinal Cord October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The Nature of Trauma Pain and Its Association with Catastrophizing and Sleep. Accardi-Ravid MC, Dyer JR, Sharar SR, Wiechman S, Jensen MP, Hoffman HG, Patterson DR International Journal of Behavioral Medicine October 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Changes in Children's Sleep and Physical Activity During a One-week versus a Three-week Break from School: A natural experiment. Weaver RG, Beets MW, Perry M, Hunt E, Brazendale K, Decker L, Turner-McGrievy G, Pate R, Youngstedt SD, Saelens BE, Maydeu-Olivares A Sleep October 1st, 2018 TBI
Exploring the Relationship Between Surgical Capacity and Output in Ghana: Current Capacity Assessments May Not Tell the Whole Story. Stewart BT, Gyedu A, Gaskill C, Boakye G, Quansah R, Donkor P, Volmink J, Mock C World Journal of Surgery October 1st, 2018 TBI
On the Iatrogenic Risk of Assessing Suicidality: A Meta-Analysis. DeCou, CR, Schumann ME Suicide Life Threatneing Behav October 1st, 2018 FIPRP Suicide
Prior Arrest, Substance Use, Mental Disorder, and Intent-Specific Firearm Injury Mills BM, Nurius PS, Matsueda RL, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A American Journal of Preventive Medicine September 1st, 2018 FIPRP Alcohol & firearms
Risk Factors for the Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Following Hemorrhage. Robinson BRH, Cohen MJ, Holcomb JB, Pritts TA, Gomaa D, Fox EE, Branson RD, Callcut RA, Cotton BA, Schreiber MA, Brasel KJ, Pittet JF, Inaba K, Kerby JD, Scalea TM, Wade CE, Bulger EM; PROPPR Study Group Shock September 1st, 2018 Safe and Active Transport
Complete Streets and Adult Bicyclist Fatalities: Applying G-Computation to Evaluate an Intervention That Affects the Size of a Population at Risk. Mooney SJ, Magee C, Dang K, Leonard JC, Yang J, Rivara FP, Ebel BE, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Quistberg DA "Complete Streets" and Adult Bicyclist Fatalities: Applying G-Computation to Evaluate an Intervention That Affects the Size of a Population at Risk American Journal of Epidemiology September 1st, 2018 Global Health
Prior Arrest, Substance Use, Mental Disorder, and Intent-Specific Firearm Injury. Mills BM, Nurius PS, Matsueda RL, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A American Journal of Preventive Medicine September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The Association Between Park Facilities and Duration of Physical Activity During Active Park Visits. Stewart OT, Moudon AV, Littman AJ, Seto E, Saelens BE Journal of Urban Health September 1st, 2018 TBI
A clinical decision rule to predict intracranial hypertension in severe traumatic brain injury. Alali AS, Temkin N, Barber J, Pridgeon J, Chaddock K, Dikmen S, Hendrickson P, Videtta W, Lujan S, Petroni G, Guadagnoli N, Urbina Z, Chesnut RM Journal of Neurosurgery September 1st, 2018 TBI
Invited Commentary on "Radiation Dose Reduction in Pediatric CT," with Response from Dr Nagayama et al. Kanal KM Radiographics September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Burn Patients' Perceptions of Their Care: What can we learn from post-discharge satisfaction surveys? Dai A, Moore M, Polyakovsky A, Gooding T, Lerew T, Carrougher GJ, Gibran NS, Pham TN Journal of Burn Care Research September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Point-of-Care Ultrasound Abnormalities in Late-Onset Severe Preeclampsia: Prevalence and Association With Serum Albumin and Brain Natriuretic Peptide. Ortner CM, Krishnamoorthy V, Neethling E, Flint M, Swanevelder JL, Lombard C, Fawcus S, Dyer RA Anesthesia & Analgesia September 1st, 2018 Violence
Behavioral Adaptations to Lane Keeping Systems: Effects of Exposure and Withdrawal. Miller EE, Boyle LN Human Factors September 1st, 2018 TBI
Vessel wall MRI characteristics of endovascularly treated aneurysms: association with angiographic vasospasm. Mossa-Basha M, Huynh TJ, Hippe DS, Fata P, Morton RP, Levitt MR Journal of Neurosurgery September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The association between sex and most childhood cancers is not mediated by birthweight. Williams LA, Richardson M, Kehm RD, McLaughlin CC, Mueller BA, Chow EJ, Spector LG Cancer Epidemiology September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Hospitalization and mortality among pediatric cancer survivors: a population-based study. Mueller BA, Doody DR, Weiss NS, Chow EJ Cancer Causes and Controls September 1st, 2018 Violence
Development of best practices to minimize wound complications after complex tethered spinal cord surgery: a modified Delphi study. Alexiades NG, Ahn ES, Blount JP, Brockmeyer DL, Browd SR, Grant GA, Heuer GG, Hankinson TC, Iskandar BJ, Jea A, Krieger MD, Leonard JR, Limbrick DD Jr, Maher CO, Proctor MR, Sandberg DI, Wellons JC 3rd, Shao B, Feldstein NA, Anderson RCE Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Reduced length of stay and hospitalization costs among inpatient hysterectomy patients with postoperative pain management including IV versus oral acetaminophen. Hansen RN, Pham AT, Boing EA, Lovelace B, Wan GJ, Urman RD PLoS One September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Impact of Chronic Opioid Therapy Risk Reduction Initiatives on Opioid Overdose. Von Korff M, Saunders K, Dublin S, Walker RL, Thakral M, Sherman KJ, Ludman EJ, Hansen RN, Parchman M, Shortreed SM Journal of Pain September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Comfort and Attitudes Towards Robots Among Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Backonja U, Hall AK, Painter I, Kneale L, Lazar A, Cakmak M, Thompson HJ, Demiris G Journal of Nursing Scholarship September 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Diagnosis and Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Children: A Systematic Review. Lumba-Brown A, Yeates KO, Sarmiento K, Breiding MJ, Haegerich TM, Gioia GA, Turner M, Benzel EC, Suskauer SJ, Giza CC, Joseph M, Broomand C, Weissman B, Gordon W, Wright DW, Moser RS, McAvoy K, Ewing-Cobbs L, Duhaime AC, Putukian M, Holshouser B, Paulk D, Wade SL, Herring SA, Halstead M, Keenan HT, Choe M, Christian CW, Guskiewicz K, Raksin PB, Gregory A, Mucha A, Taylor HG, Callahan JM, DeWitt J, Collins MW, Kirkwood MW, Ragheb J, Ellenbogen RG, Spinks TJ, Ganiats TG, Sabelhaus LJ, Altenhofen K, Hoffman R, Getchius T, Gronseth G, Donnell Z, O'Connor RE, Timmons SD JAMA Pediatrics September 1st, 2018 Violence
Using Decision Tree Methodology to Predict Employment After Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Stromberg KA, Agyemang AA, Graham KM, Walker WC, Sima AP, Marwitz JH, Harrison-Felix C, Hoffman JM, Brown AW, Kreutzer JS, Merchant R Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation September 1st, 2018 Violence
Evaluating variability in foot to pedal movements using functional principal components analysis. Wu Y, Boyle LN, McGehee DV Accident Analysis & Prevention September 1st, 2018 Violence
Firearm-Related Mortality: A Global Public Health Problem Rivara FP, Studdert DM, Wintemute GJ JAMA August 28th, 2018 FIPRP Lethality of Firearms
Sexual orientation, gender, and attempted suicide among adolescent psychiatric inpatients. DeCou CR, Lynch SM Psychol Serv. August 1st, 2018 FIPRP Suicide
Uptake of the World Health Organization's trauma care guidelines: a systematic review. LaGrone L, Riggle K, Joshipura M, Quansah R, Reynolds T, Sherr K, Mock C Bulletin of the World Health Organization August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Thrombelastography-Based Dosing of Enoxaparin for Thromboprophylaxis in Trauma and Surgical Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Connelly CR, Van PY, Hart KD, Louis SG, Fair KA, Erickson AS, Rick EA, Simeon EC, Bulger EM, Arbabi S, Holcomb JB, Moore LJ, Schreiber MA JAMA Surgery August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Longitudinal Clinical and Neuroimaging Evaluation of Symptomatic Concussion in 10-14-year-old Youth Athletes. MacDonald CL, Barber J, Wright J, Coppel D, De Lacy N, Ottinger S, Peck S, Panks C, Sun S, Zalewski K, Temkin N Journal of Neurotrauma August 1st, 2018 TBI
Blood Pressure Thresholds and Mortality in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Suttipongkaset P, Chaikittisilpa N, Vavilala MS, Lele AV, Watanitanon A, Chandee T, Krishnamoorthy V Pediatrics August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Two-Year Changes in Child Weight Status, Diet, and Activity by Neighborhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment. Saelens BE, Glanz K, Frank LD, Couch SC, Zhou C, Colburn T, Sallis JF Obesity (Silver Spring) August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Burden of Urological Complications in Men and Women With Long-standing Type 1 Diabetes in the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Cohort. Wessells H, Braffett BH, Holt SK, Jacobson AM, Kusek JW, Cowie C, Dunn RL, Sarma AV; DCCT/EDIC Study Group Diabetes Care August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Firearm-Related Mortality: A Global Public Health Problem. Rivara FP, Studdert DM, Wintemute GJ JAMA August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Intensive Care Unit Admission Patterns for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the USA. Bonow RH, Quistberg A, Rivara FP, Vavilala MS Neurocritical Care August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Risk Factors on Hospital Arrival for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Following Pediatric Trauma. Killien EY, Mills B, Watson RS, Vavilala MS, Rivara FP Critical Care Medicine August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Validating injury burden estimates using population birth cohorts and longitudinal cohort studies of injury outcomes: the VIBES-Junior study protocol. Gabbe BJ, Dipnall JF, Lynch JW, Rivara FP, Lyons RA, Ameratunga S, Brussoni M, Lecky FE, Bradley C, Simpson PM, Beck B, Demmler JC, Lyons J, Schneeberg A, Harrison JE BMJ Open August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Knee Osteoarthritis and the Risk of Medically Treated Injurious Falls among Older Adults: the Health ABC Study. Barbour KE, Sagawa N, Boudreau RM, Winger ME, Cauley JA, Nevitt MC, Fujii T, Patel KV, Strotmeyer ES Arthritis Care & Research August 1st, 2018 TBI
The relation between thyroid function and anemia: a pooled analysis of individual participant data. Wopereis DM, Du Puy RS, van Heemst D, Walsh JP, Bremner A, Bakker SJL, Bauer DC, Cappola AR, Ceresini G, Degryse J, Dullaart RPF, Feller M, Ferrucci L, Floriani C, Franco OH, Iacoviello M, Iervasi G, Imaizumi M, Jukema JW, Khaw KT, Luben RN, Molinaro S, Nauck M, Patel KV, Peeters RP, Psaty BM, Razvi S, Schindhelm RK, van Schoor NM, Stott DJ, Vaes B, Vanderpump MPJ, Völzke H, Westendorp RGJ, Rodondi N, Cobbaert CM, Gussekloo J, den Elzen WPJ; Thyroid Studies Collaboration Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Examining age-related differences in functional domain impairment following traumatic brain injury. Cheng C, Chi NC, Williams E, Thompson HJ International Journal of Older People Nursing August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Prehospital Care and Emergency Department Door-to-Antibiotic Time in Sepsis. Peltan ID, Mitchell KH, Rudd KE, Mann BA, Carlbom DJ, Rea TD, Butler AM, Hough CL, Brown SM Annals of the American Thoracic Society August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Global Mortality From Firearms, 1990-2016. Global Burden of Disease 2016 Injury Collaborators, Naghavi M, Marczak LB, Kutz M, Shackelford KA, Arora M, Miller-Petrie M, Aichour MTE, Akseer N, Al-Raddadi RM, Alam K, Alghnam SA, Antonio CAT, Aremu O, Arora A, Asadi-Lari M, Assadi R, Atey TM, Avila-Burgos L, Awasthi A, Ayala Quintanilla BP, Barker-Collo SL, Bärnighausen TW, Bazargan-Hejazi S, Behzadifar M, Behzadifar M, Bennett JR, Bhalla A, Bhutta ZA, Bilal AI, Borges G, Borschmann R, Brazinova A, Campuzano Rincon JC, Carvalho F, Castañeda-Orjuela CA, Dandona L, Dandona R, Dargan PI, De Leo D, Dharmaratne SD, Ding EL, Phuc Do H, Doku DT, Doyle KE, Driscoll TR, Edessa D, El-Khatib Z, Endries AY, Esteghamati A, Faro A, Farzadfar F, Feigin VL, Fischer F, Foreman KJ, Franklin RC, Fullman N, Futran ND, Gebrehiwot TT, Gutiérrez RA, Hafezi-Nejad N, Haghparast Bidgoli H, Hailu GB, Haro JM, Hassen HY, Hawley C, Hendrie D, Híjar M, Hu G, Ilesanmi OS, Jakovljevic M, James SL, Jayaraman S, Jonas JB, Kahsay A, Kasaeian A, Keiyoro PN, Khader Y, Khalil IA, Khang YH, Khubchandani J, Ahmad Kiadaliri A, Kieling C, Kim YJ, Kosen S, Krohn KJ, Kumar GA, Lami FH, Lansingh VC, Larson HJ, Linn S, Lunevicius R, Magdy Abd El Razek H, Magdy Abd El Razek M, Malekzadeh R, Carvalho Malta D, Mason-Jones AJ, Matzopoulos R, Memiah PTN, Mendoza W, Meretoja TJ, Mezgebe HB, Miller TR, Mohammed S, Moradi-Lakeh M, Mori R, Nand D, Tat Nguyen C, Le Nguyen Q, Ningrum DNA, Akpojene Ogbo F, Olagunju AT, Patton GC, Phillips MR, Polinder S, Pourmalek F, Qorbani M, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Rahman M, Rai RK, Ranabhat CL, Rawaf DL, Rawaf S, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Safdarian M, Safiri S, Sagar R, Salama JS, Sanabria J, Santric Milicevic MM, Sarmiento-Suárez R, Sartorius B, Satpathy M, Schwebel DC, Seedat S, Sepanlou SG, Shaikh MA, Sharew NT, Shiue I, Singh JA, Sisay M, Skirbekk V, Soares Filho AM, Stein DJ, Stokes MA, Sufiyan MB, Swaroop M, Sykes BL, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Tadese F, Tran BX, Thanh Tran T, Ukwaja KN, Vasankari TJ, Vlassov V, Werdecker A, Ye P, Yip P, Yonemoto N, Younis MZ, Zaidi Z, El Sayed Zaki M, Hay SI, Lim SS, Lopez AD, Mokdad AH, Vos T, Murray CJL JAMA August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Firearm Storage Practices Among American Veterans Simonetti JA, Azrael D, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Miller M American Journal of Preventive Medicine August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Stop the Bleeding: Educating the Public. Fisher AD, Bulger EM, Gestring ML JAMA August 1st, 2018 Global Health
Nurse practitioners' recommendations for pharmacotherapy in the management of adolescent concussion. Graves JM, Klein TA, Panther SG, Moore M, Abshire D, Graham J Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Accessory Traits and Phylogenetic Background Predict Escherichia coli Extraintestinal Virulence Better than Does Ecological Source. Johnson JR, Johnston BD, Porter S, Thuras P, Aziz M, Price LB Journal of Infectious Disease August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Availability of Concussion Information in Spanish for Parents of Youth Athletes. Kroshus E, Gonzalez LA, Chrisman SPD, Jimenez N Health Promotion and Practice August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Public awareness and perceptions of palliative and comfort care. Lane T, Ramadurai D, Simonetti J American Journal of Medicine August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Avoiding MRI-Related Accidents: A Practical Approach to Implementing MR Safety. Cross NM, Hoff MN, Kanal KM Journal of the American College of Radiology August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Utilization of injury care case studies: a systematic review of the World Health Organization's "Strengthening care for the injured: Success stories and lessons learned from around the world". Tessler RA, Stadeli KM, Chadbunchachai W, Gyedu A, Lagrone L, Reynolds T, Rubiano A, Mock CN Injury August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The Impact of Acute Kidney Injury on the Risk of Mortality and Health Care Utilization Among Patients Treated With Polymyxins for Severe Gram-Negative Infections. Baradaran S, Black DJ, Keyloun KR, Hansen RN, Gillard PJ, Devine B Open Forum Infectious Diseases August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Correspondence between symptoms and preference-based health status measures in the STOP study. Gold LS, Patrick DL, Hansen RN, Beckett V, Goss CH, Kessler L Journal of Cystic Fibrosis August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
An American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) prospective multi-center research protocol: outcomes of urethral realignment versus suprapubic cystostomy after pelvic fracture urethral injury. Moses RA, Selph JP, Voelzke BB, Piotrowski J, Eswara JR, Erickson BA, Gupta S, Dmochowski RR, Johnsen NV, Shridharani A, Blaschko SD, Elliott SP, Schwartz I, Harris CR, Borawski K, Figler BD, Osterberg EC 3rd, Burks FN, Bihrle W 3rd, Miller B, Santucci RA, Breyer BN, Flynn B, Higuchi T, Kim FJ, Broghammer JA, Presson AP, Myers JB; from the Trauma and Urologic Reconstruction Network of Surgeons (TURNS) Translational Andrology & Urology August 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Costal Margin Tenderness and the Risk for Intraabdominal Injuries in Children With Blunt Abdominal Trauma Flynn-O'Brien, Katherine Academic Emergency Medicine: Official Journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine July 25th, 2018 Injury Care
Full-Thickness and Unstageable Pressure Injuries That Develop in Nursing Home Residents: Despite Consistently Good Quality Care Baker MW, Whitney JD, Lowe JR, Liao S, Zimmerman D, Mosqueda L Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Consensus recommendations for essential vascular care in low- and middle-income countries. Stewart BT, Gyedu A, Giannou C, Mishra B, Rich N, Wren SM, Mock C, Kushner AL; Essential Vascular Care Guidelines Study Group Journal of Vascular Surgery July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The authors reply. Watanitanon A, Lyons VH, Lele AV, Krishnamoorthy V, Chaikittisilpa N, Chandee T, Vavilala MS Critical Care Medicine July 1st, 2018 Injury Care Injury Care
KETAMINE AS A POSSIBLE MODERATOR OF HYPNOTIZABILITY: A FEASIBILITY STUDY. Patterson DR, Hoffer C, Jensen MP, Wiechman SA, Sharar SR International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Inducing more sleep on school nights reduces sedentary behavior without affecting physical activity in short-sleeping adolescents. Van Dyk TR, Krietsch KN, Saelens BE, Whitacre C, McAlister S, Beebe DW Sleep Medicine July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Price elasticities of pharmaceuticals in a value based-formulary setting. Yeung K, Basu A, Hansen RN, Sullivan SD Health Economics July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Doctor-Patient Trust Among Chronic Pain Patients on Chronic Opioid Therapy after Opioid Risk Reduction Initiatives: A Survey. Sherman KJ, Walker RL, Saunders K, Shortreed SM, Parchman M, Hansen RN, Thakral M, Ludman EJ, Dublin S, Von Korff M Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Risk of Infectious Complications in Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury Patients Managed with Internal Fixation and Suprapubic Catheter Placement. Johnsen NV, Vanni AJ, Voelzke BB Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Global Surgery: Effective Involvement of US Academic Surgery: Report of the American Surgical Association Working Group on Global Surgery. Mock C, Debas H, Balch CM, Brennan M, Buyske J, Cusack J, DeMeester S, Herndon D, Le Holterman AX, Jaffe B, Kandil E, Kauffman G, Mazariegos G, Merchant N, Numann P, Oleynikov D, Olutoye O, O'Neill J, Shackford S, Stock P, Tarpley JL, Tuttle T, Wolf S, Wren SM, Yang GP Annals of Surgery July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Decreased Risk of Delirium With Use of Regional Analgesia in Geriatric Trauma Patients With Multiple Rib Fractures. O'Connell KM, Quistberg DA, Tessler R, Robinson BRH, Cuschieri J, Maier RV, Rivara FP, Vavilala MS, Bhalla PI, Arbabi S Annals of Surgery July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
CT Detectability of Small Low-Contrast Hypoattenuating Focal Lesions: Iterative Reconstructions versus Filtered Back Projection. Mileto A, Zamora DA, Alessio AM, Pereira C, Liu J, Bhargava P, Carnell J, Cowan SM, Dighe MK, Gunn ML, Kim S, Kolokythas O, Lee JH, Maki JH, Moshiri M, Nasrullah A, O'Malley RB, Schmiedl UP, Soloff EV, Toia GV, Wang CL, Kanal KM Radiology July 1st, 2018 Injury Care Injury Care
Frequency of Operative Anesthesia Care After Traumatic Injury. Sunshine JE, Humbert AT, Booth B, Bowman SM, Bulger EM, Sharar SR Anesthesia & Analgesia July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Virtual Reality Analgesia in Labor: The VRAIL Pilot Study-A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial Suggesting Benefit of Immersive Virtual Reality Analgesia in Unmedicated Laboring Women. Frey DP, Bauer ME, Bell CL, Low LK, Hassett AL, Cassidy RB, Boyer KD, Sharar SR Anesthesia & Analgesia July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Patient Preference for Pain Medication in the Emergency Department Is Associated with Non-fatal Overdose History. Whiteside LK, Goldstick J, Dora-Laskey A, Thomas L, Walton M, Cunningham R, Bohnert ASB The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Is There Life After Surgery?: American Surgical Association Forum 138th Annual Meeting, April 20, 2018. Maier RV, Freischlag JA, Hoyt DB, Pellegrini CA, Torchiana DF, Zinner MJ Annals of Surgery July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Our Calling. Maier RV Annals of Surgery July 1st, 2018 Injury Care TBI
Ensuring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Academic Surgery: An American Surgical Association White Paper. West MA, Hwang S, Maier RV, Ahuja N, Angelos P, Bass BL, Brasel KJ, Chen H, Davis KA, Eberlein TJ, Fong Y, Greenberg CC, Lillemoe KD, McCarthy MC, Michelassi F, Numann PJ, Parangi S, Reyes JD, Sanfey HA, Stain SC, Weigel RJ, Wren SM Annals of Surgery July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Effects of a Behavioral Economics Intervention on Food Choice and Food Consumption in Middle-School and High-School Cafeterias. Quinn EL, Johnson DB, Podrabsky M, Saelens BE, Bignell W, Krieger J Preventing Chronic Disease July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Spinal Cord: Clinical Value, Investigational Applications, and Technical Limitations. Rutman AM, Peterson DJ, Cohen WA, Mossa-Basha M Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Associations of Race and Ethnicity With Patient-Reported Outcomes and Health Care Utilization Among Older Adults Initiating a New Episode of Care for Back Pain. Milani CJ, Rundell SD, Jarvik JG, Friedly J, Heagerty PJ, Avins A, Nerenz D, Gold LS, Turner JA, Annaswamy T, Nedeljkovic SS, Suri P Spine July 1st, 2018 TBI
Persistence of pain quality in community-dwelling older adults with chronic non-cancer pain. Thakral M, Shi L, Foust JB, Patel KV, Shmerling RH, Bean JF, Leveille SG Geriatric Nursing July 1st, 2018 Injury Care
Association of Early Myocardial Workload and Mortality Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Krishnamoorthy V, Vavilala MS, Chaikittisilpa N, Rivara FP, Temkin NR, Lele AV, Gibbons EF, Rowhani-Rahbar A Critical Care Medicine June 1st, 2018 Injury Care
The Changing Burden of HIV Attributable to Methamphetamine Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in King County, Washington. Hood JE, Buskin SE, Golden MR, Glick SN, Banta-Green C, Dombrowski JC AIDS Patient Care and STDs June 1st, 2018 TBI