HIPRC offers both educational and work-study opportunities for undergraduate and graduate-level students, including medical and doctoral students. Options for students at these education levels include:
- INSIGHT Summer Research Training Program – Paid summer research internship open to current undergraduate, graduate and medical students. Students enrolled at any college or university are eligible to apply.
- INSIGHT REACH – INSIGHT REACH connects students globally with a shared interest in learning about Injury and Violence Prevention through an introductory free online program for undergraduate, graduate, and first-year healthcare professional students.
- Student Interest Group – A networking and professional development group for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral trainees working in injury prevention or a related field. Students enrolled at any college or university are eligible to join.
- Injury Education Courses – Online learning modules offering foundational instruction on key injury education topics for undergraduate or graduate students. Currently, only University of Washington faculty and students can access the modules.
- Certificate in Global Injury & Violence Prevention – Course of study designed for University of Washington graduate students working in any area related to injury or violence prevention, domestically or globally.