Each year, the HIPRC Year in Review provides an overview of our Center’s core achievements and highlights areas of Administration, Research, Education & Training, and Outreach — in addition to our Center’s projects.
We are honored to present our Center’s 2024 Year in Review.
For over 38 years, the Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center (HIPRC) has led the way in injury prevention and care research. During the 2024 fiscal year, we continued advancing efforts to prevent injury and violence while promoting equitable care and improved outcomes for those affected.
Our annual report showcases the impactful contributions of our team and partners. As we look ahead, we’re excited about the new training opportunities, community outreach programs, and research initiatives in store for this year.
We are deeply grateful to UW Medicine, Harborview Medical Center, and all our supporters for helping us make a difference.
Please consider a donation to the HIPRC.
Visit our website to Make a Gift today >>
We are honored to present our Center’s 2023 Year in Review.
For over 37 years, the Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center (HIPRC) has been a leader in injury prevention and injury care research.
In the 2023 fiscal year, the HIPRC was able to continue their work to prevent injury and violence and improve equitable care and outcomes for those who have been injured. Our annual report helps highlight these impactful contributions.
We are so excited for all the exciting new training opportunities, community outreach activities, and research grant applications planned for this new season at the HIPRC.
We are thankful to UW Medicine, Harborview Medical Center, and all of our supporters!
Please consider a donation to the HIPRC.
Visit our website to Make a Gift today >>
We are honored to present our Center’s 2022 Year in Review.
The 2022 fiscal year brought important and measurable progress towards our mission, to prevent injury and violence.
This year was marked by efforts to ensure a smooth transition from the COVID-19 pandemic to a hybrid model of work. We also worked to increase our presence across the WWAMI region, conduct rigorous science, and the development of new interdisciplinary collab—orations in order to achieve our common research, training, and public health goals. We are excited to move our work forward this year, with even greater impact.
We are thankful to UW Medicine, Harborview Medical Center, and all of our supporters!
Please consider a donation to the HIPRC.
Visit our website to Make a Gift today >>
The 2021 fiscal year brought important and measurable progress towards reducing the harm from injury and violence and in addressing injury and health equity across the lifespan.
This year, we increased our research portfolio, added exceptional faculty to our team, and trained aspiring junior faculty and fellows through our pediatric injury T-32 and other educational programs. The HIPRC became a recruitment hub for many UW departments.
As a Center, not only did we test resilience and flexibility, but our stamina across our personal and professional lives. We entered 2022 with continued resolve to be well personally, strengthen existing academic and community partnerships to support our ecosystem at the UW.
We are thankful to UW Medicine, Harborview Medical Center, and all of our supporters!
Please consider a donation to the HIPRC.
Visit our website to Make a Gift today >>
The 2020 fiscal year brought important and measurable progress towards the HIPRC re-establishing as one of the nine CDC-funded Injury Control Centers nationwide — the only one west of the state of Iowa.
This achievement allowed us to officially form three Core areas of our Center: Training and Education, Research, and Outreach.
This year, the HIPRC successfully strengthened existing academic and community partnerships to support the learning ecosystem at UW and continues to thrive through the engagement of its dedicated faculty, staff, trainees, affiliate members and advisory boards — who are all uniquely instrumental to the Center’s work.
We are thankful to UW Medicine, Harborview Medical Center, and all of our supporters!
Please consider a donation to the HIPRC.
Visit our website to Make a Gift today >>