HIPRC Trainee selected as 2024 Bonderman Fellow

HIPRC Trainee selected as 2024 Bonderman Fellow

By: Alexandra de Leon Date: May 20th, 2024

Image features Anne Massey, HIPRC Trainee selected as a 2024 Bonderman Fellow by the University of Washington.

Congratulations to the HIPRC Trainee, Anne Massey, MPH, PhD(c) selected as a 2024 Bonderman Fellow.

Each year, a select group of UW students are provided a rare opportunity to independently travel the world as Bonderman Fellows. David Bonderman, a UW alumnus, created the Bonderman Travel Fellowship in 1995, and it has funded life-changing global journeys for more than 329 students thus far.

The eight 2024 Bonderman Fellows will travel to over 30 countries, spanning four continents collectively. Each fellow will independently explore two to three world regions, traveling in six to nine countries over eight months. The broad vision of the Bonderman is to inspire individual transformation by expanding the fellow’s understanding of themselves and of the complex and interconnected world we live in. With this vision in mind, each fellow designs a unique travel plan without academic study, projects, or research.

Read more about Anne Massey & the 2024 Bonderman Fellows’ travels >>