Breaking down new 2022 Washington Firearm Laws
Governor Jay Inslee signed three new bills into law that address firearm safety measures. The bills are some of the strongest gun regulations to be passed by the Legislature in the state of Washington. HIPRC Firearm Injury Policy & Research Program director, Dr. Frederick Rivara testified on behalf of HIPRC for Senate Bill 5078 and Senate Bill 6077, two bills with measures that restrict access to large capacity magazines.
Below are the three New Firearm Laws for 2022 and the impact they may have for firearm owners:
1) SB 5078
- Addressing firearm safety measures to increase public safety by banning the sale of high-capacity magazines in Washington. This law is set to go into effect July 1, 2022.
- Impact:
- A ban on the sale of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
- Any sale, attempted sale, manufacture, and distribution of high-capacity magazines prohibited
- Does not prohibit possession of high-capacity magazines
2) HB 1705
- New restrictions on ghost guns. Ghost guns are untraceable and unregulated firearms, often homemade, that lack a unique serial number that would allow them to be traced to a specific manufacturer, dealer, and purchaser. *This law is set to go into effect in July 1, 2022, please see below for additional start date.
- Impact:
- Restricts the manufacture, assembly, sale, transfer, purchase, possession, transport, and receipt of untraceable firearms.
- Restricts the sale, transfer, purchase, possession, transport, and receipt of unfinished frames and receivers.
- Establishes standards for marking untraceable firearms and unfinished frames and receivers with serial numbers.
* Relating to possessing, transporting, or receiving an untraceable firearm/ unfinished frames and receivers, will take effect March 11, 2023
3) HB 1630
- New restrictions on the carrying and possession of firearms and other weapons in certain areas used in connection with meetings of local government governing bodies and meetings of the board of directors of school districts This law is set to go into effect July 1, 2022.
- Impact:
- Prohibits the open carry of firearms and other weapons in local/regional government buildings in connection with local government meetings
- Prohibits the open carry of firearms and other weapons in facilities being used as a school district board meeting