The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma awarded their 2022-2023 Research & Education Fund Scholarships.
HIPRC Core Faculty Member, Rebecca Maine, MD, MPH received one of the scholarships for her project titled, Developing Metrics to Assess Disparities in Access to Trauma Care in Washington State. Her project aims to develop an index that evaluates access to trauma care incorporating distance, timeliness and quality of care to better assess disparities in trauma care access for groups that have historically had worse outcomes after injuries, including minority races and rural patients.
The AAST is dedicated to the discovery, dissemination, implementation, and evaluation of knowledge related to acute care surgery (trauma, surgical critical care, and emergency general surgery) by fostering research, education, and professional development in an environment of fellowship and collegiality. A major goal of the AAST is to provide research scholarships each year to young investigators to further trauma research and scholarships for Medical Students, Residents, and In-Training Fellows to attend the AAST Annual Meetings.