Featured INSIGHT Alumni: Pimple Perfect

Featured INSIGHT Alumni: Pimple Perfect

By: INSIGHT Alumni Date: January 5th, 2022

2019 INSIGHT Alumni Andrew Oh published his first book titled, “Pimple Perfect: A Child’s Introduction to Acne.” Pimple Perfect is the story of William, a kid who is comes to school one day with pimples on his face. From there, he is teased by his fellow classmates. Desperate for answers, William talks to his doctor, where he learns about acne, what causes it, and how to prevent it. Still unsatisfied and unconfident, he talks to his mom, where he learns that he was beautifully made, acne or no acne. This gives him the spark to go to school, educate others on acne, and find ways to show support to those who also have acne.