Elizabeth Killien, M.D., MPH K23 grant proposal titled “Clinical factors associated with long-term recovery following pediatric critical illness and injury,” received a score of 20, five points below the NICHD payline. The overall goal of Killien’s proposal is to identify potentially modifiable post-injury clinical factors that contribute to poor long-term outcomes after severe pediatric trauma. The project will enroll four cohorts of critically ill and injured children with acute trauma, burns, respiratory failure, or sepsis from the PICUs at Harborview and Seattle Children’s and follow them for one year, with serial assessments of health-related quality of life, functional status, family functioning, school attendance, housing and financial stability, healthcare use, and PTSD. Killien will be primarily mentored by Fred Rivara, M.D., MPH, and Scott Watson, M.D., MPH along with Monica Vavilala, M.D. and Mark Wurfel, MD, PhD, plus several others at HIPRC and UW.