“Hot Topics & Best Practice in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury” is now available to view online. The recordings include all eight talks in the day-long webinar as well as the live Q&A sessions.
CNE credit through the UW School of Nursing also continues to be available, both for live attendees and viewers who watch all eight sessions, through June 9, 2018. The credit costs a $45 administrative fee, and participants must also complete the webinar evaluation to receive credit.
To sign up to earn CNE credit, visit UW Continuing Nursing Education’s listing for the webinar. To learn more about the credit, email cne@uw.edu or call 206-543-1047.
Presentations during the webinar include:
“Hot Topics & Best Practice in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury” is a joint initiative with Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center and the Washington State Department of Health.
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