Out-of-home firearm storage is recommended when someone is experiencing a period of crisis, but community members and providers need resources to facilitate locating out-of-home firearm storage options. In 2019, Colorado developed the first online, publicly-accessible map of locations providing voluntary, temporary gun storage – including firearm retailers and law enforcement agencies. Since then, other states including Washington have developed similar resources.
In this webinar, we will describe the rationale for out-of-home firearm storage and present preliminary results of a mixed methods study examining the availability of temporary firearm storage to prevent suicide. Presenters will discuss barriers, facilitators, opinions and opportunities to improve access to out-of-home storage drawing on interviews and surveys with storage suppliers (firearm retailers/ranges and law enforcement agencies) as well as potential users of storage (community members who own firearms). A firearm retailer who provides temporary storage will also join the panel to discuss their experience and recommendations.
Cohosted with The University of Colorado, School of Public Health’s Injury and Violence Prevention Center and the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
FIPRP’s Lauren Rooney, MPH, will be a featured panelist on this discussion.
When: March 8, 2022
Time: 11am-12pm PST (12-1pm MST)
Location: Virtual- Zoom
Registration Required: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VJf11djJT7ms5D_QlTV2cg