In a new interview featured in Concussion Alliance, Dr. Monica Vavilala explains the importance of the Return to Learn (RTL) program. “Return to Learn refers to the idea that students with a concussion should have attention paid to the pace and nature of how they return to academics,” explains HIPRC director Dr. Vavilala.
With RTL in Washington State, if someone has active symptoms after having a concussion they cannot play in any organized sports per state law. Washington was first to adapt this legislation through the Zachery Lystedt Law.
RTL is based on research, clinical expertise, focus groups with school staff and surveys of students impacted by concussion and their parents, HIPRC has created a resource packet to guide schools in managing Return to Learn after concussion based on the latest evidence-based recommendations. The goal of the packet is a quick, appropriate response to student concussions that reduce the risk of long-term impact.
To read more from Dr. Vavilala’s interview, click here.
To read more about Return to Learn click here.