Reducing access to firearms during times of risk is a recommended approach for suicide prevention; one option is temporary, voluntary, out-of-home storage of firearms at retailers, ranges, or law enforcement agencies. This type of out-of-home firearm storage may also be desirable in other situations, like a long trip away from home, or visiting grandchildren. In 2018, Colorado developed the first online state map showing locations willing to consider temporary storage; Washington state then developed a map, as did other states. Over the past two years, researchers from Colorado and Washington have been examining the perspectives of storage location, storage users, and organizations making state maps. Now they are releasing a “how to” toolkit that incorporates best practices, tips, and “lessons learned” about temporary, voluntary, out-of-home firearm storage. In this webinar, lead researchers will share highlights of the toolkit and practical guidance about how to create online maps, along with findings about how to build community partnerships to support firearm storage. HIPRC’s core faculty member, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, MD, PhD, MPH, is one of the panelists speaking at the webinar.
Event Details
Title: Statewide Firearm Storage Maps: A New Toolkit
Topic: Promoting Voluntary, Temporary Firearm Storage and Development of Firearm Storage Maps
Time: Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022 09:00 AM (PST)
Format: Virtual, registration is required:
Event Recording now available: