The HIPRC Outreach Core held its first WE Stop the Bleed (STB) training session with Casa Latina, November 18, 2022. Members of HIPRC’s Outreach Core alongside Seattle Police Department held a cultural adaptation training session with 16 staff members from Casa Latina.
The training consisted of a lecture regarding the Good Samaritan Law in Washington state and hemorrhage control techniques, followed by a small group discussion with EMS providers (EMTs from Seattle PD and paramedic from MedicOne).
There was also a hands-on session where participants practiced applying direct pressure to a wound, wound packing, and applying tourniquets.
Using the American College of Surgeons’ Stop the Bleed emergency bleeding control course as a starting point, the lecture, and group activities were facilitated by bilingual instructors and with the assistance of volunteer Spanish interpreters. Our partnership with Casa Latina and Seattle PD is working to improve first aid skills, build trust between SPD and community members, and address fears some immigrant communities face when trying to access emergency medical services.
Moving forward, HIPRC will continue to collaborate with Casa Latina to offer additional WE STB trainings to its members and to the larger Latino community in Seattle. Our goal is to build capacity so that Casa Latina staff members become instructors and are able to continue providing this training to the community they serve in the years to come. We will make an announcement in our HIPRC Stop the Bleed website when this training is open to Spanish speaking non-members of Casa Latina.
Casa Latina is a nonprofit organization that advances the power and well-being of Latino immigrants through employment, education, and community organizing. Their vision is that the Latino community participates fully in the economy and democracy of this country.