Keeping Your Family Safe During COVID-19

Stress from the COVID-19 epidemic has led to higher risk for some preventable injuries.

These resources for families in King County and Washington State can help keep your family safe and well.

  • Critical Resources Include:
  • Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
  • Safely Storing Medications & Firearms
  • Preventing Violence in the Home
  • Helping Families Cope with Stress

Download the ‘Keeping Your Family Safe During COVID-19’ critical resources packet.

Language Support

Español: Manteniendo A Su Familia Segura Durante COVID-19

Tiếng Việt: Giữ An Toàn Cho Gia Đình Quý Vị Trong Đại Dịch COVID-19

People are feeling a lot of stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health concerns, including thoughts of wanting to hurt or kill yourself, continue to be a challenge during the current public health crisis. The stress of new health risks, lost work, and many other uncertainties may increase chances of having suicidal thoughts.

Tips to cope with stress during COVID-19:

  • Talk with others, particularly those at risk of suicide. Reach out via telephone, social media, and video conferencing (Zoom, FaceTime, etc.)
  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or hearing news stories.
  • Take care of your body.
  • Make time to unwind & meditate.
  • Lock up medications & firearms.

Mental Health & Suicide Prevention resources:

Downloadable Mental Health & Suicide Prevention information page.

Safely Storing Medications and Firearms

Safely & securely storing medicines, firearms, and other dangerous items is an effective way to keep you & your family safe.

Why safe storage?

  • Stops children from finding & using your gun.
  • Reduces the risk of accidental injuries, as well as suicide and self-harm.
  • Stops people from stealing your gun.

If families need help or resources practicing safe firearm storage at home:

Downloadable Safely Storing Medications & Firearms information page.

Preventing Violence in the Home

COVID-19 may mean that people are isolated in homes that may not be safe. We want people to know they are NOT alone during this pandemic.

Helpful tips if someone is in a crisis:

  • Reach out to trusted friends, coworkers, or family for support and to create a safety plan.
  • Practice self-care. Take time for health & wellness checks when possible.
  • Consider if you can stay with friends or family while sheltering in place.


Downloadable Preventing Violence in the Home information page.

Helping Families Cope With Stress

The outbreak of the coronavirus may be stressful for parents. Fear and anxiety about the pandemic and stress related to social distancing restrictions can cause strong emotions in children and adults. Children look to adults for guidance on how to react to stressful events.

Helpful Tips:

  • Take care of yourself and get support.
  • Offer lots of love and affection.
  • Give everyone space to share their fears.
  • Create routines, yet be flexible.
  • Talk to your children about the pandemic: offer comfort, honesty, & reassurance.
  • Model and share how to manage your feelings.
  • Focus on the positive: find joy.
  • Additional Support is available through helplines.


Downloadable Helping Families Cope with Stress information page.

Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools

Please visit our back to school page for the most up-to-date information.

Source: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Source: UW Medicine Newsroom