The Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center and the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA are offering post-doctoral training in Pediatric Injury Research, with positions available starting July 2017. This training program is funded through a US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH) T-32 grant.Injury is the leading cause of death and acquired disability among children and adolescents in the United States, is the most expensive medical problem in the U.S., and disproportionately affects marginalized populations. Reduction of the burden of injuries requires research and intervention by well-trained investigators, of whom there is currently a shortage. The Pediatric Injury Research Training Program is designed to address this need.The concept of “injury control research” encompasses not only the primary prevention of injuries, but also the acute and chronic care of the injured child and his or her subsequent rehabilitation; this applies to both intentional (assault or self-harm) and unintentional injuries. These areas have traditionally been divided among public health, surgery, and rehabilitation, respectively. We view this as an interdisciplinary problem in which prevention is not always successful, leading to an injury requiring optimal trauma care to minimize risk of death and disability, followed by rehabilitation to maximize the child’s potential and return to the community.
All application materials must be received by the following deadlines:
Physicians and clinical PhDs – October 1, 2016
Non-clinical PhDs – December 1, 2016
Find out more and apply on the T-32 Pediatric Injury Fellow webpage.