Spring 2023 UW Population Health Initiative Pilot Research Grant Awarded

Spring 2023 UW Population Health Initiative Pilot Research Grant Awarded

Nine Tier 1 pilot grants were awarded to interdisciplinary research teams representing 10 UW schools and colleges—total award value of these grants is nearly $210K including school, department and unit matching funds.

By: Alexandra de Leon Date: May 17th, 2023



Assessing for Violence Exposure and Other Health-related Social needs in Children by Pediatric Health Care Providers


Those awarded included various HIPRC members.

Anna Bender, Department of Pediatrics
Frederick Rivara, Department of Pediatrics
Anjum Hajat, Department of Epidemiology
Megan Moore, School of Social Work
Beth Ebel, Department of Pediatrics
Brian Johnston, Department of Pediatrics
Monica Vavilala, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

Project abstract:

Many children across the U.S. are exposed to physical assault, sexual assault, property crime, and/or witness violence. Effects of injury and violence exposure on child biopsychosocial well-being are profound and enduring. Social determinants of health (SDoH) and related health-related social needs (HRSN) can significantly predictive of CEV, and can also condition or transmit the effect of CEV on biopsychosocial outcomes. HRSN (e.g., housing insecurity, personal safety from violence exposure) are potentially malleable factors to reduce childhood exposure to violence (CEV), prevent negative
outcomes, and reduce health disparities.

This study will explore existing approaches for HRSN assessments conducted by pediatric health care providers in Washington state. This project is well-aligned with the Joint Commission’s 2023 mandate to reduce health disparities by assessing for HRSN across health care settings. In-depth interviews will be conducted with pediatric health care providers/staff and systems-level administrators across Washington to understand (1) current processes for HRSN assessments; (2) facilitators of and barriers to such assessments; (3) follow-up care for identified HRSNs; and (4) innovative solutions for HRSN assessment and follow-up in pediatric health care settings.

The purpose of Population Health Initiative Tier 1 pilot grants is to support researchers in laying an interdisciplinary foundation for a future project to generate proof-of-concept.