A new study conducted by the Division of Injury Prevention, National Center for Injury Control and Prevention (NCIPC), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), looked into Injury Control Research Centers (ICRCs) impact on furthering injury and violence prevention research and practice.
The study found ICRCs are an integral component of the NCIPC, the CDC, and the Department of Health and Human Service’s missions to protect and enhance the health of Americans. ICRCs are fundamental to maintaining the research-to-practice pipeline that’s required to advance the public’s health. The work done by CDC-funded ICRCs has benefitted the field of injury and violence prevention, and continues to this day with new research, outreach, and training activities every year.
The findings were published in the Journal of Safety Research, November 2023. To read the complete publication, click here.
The HIPRC is a CDC-funded Injury Control Research Center (ICRC). The ICRC network is funded by the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control to find ways to prevent injury and violence. The HIPRC is the only ICRC in the western half of the United States. The HIPRC is a joint initiative of the University of Washington School of Medicine and Harborview Medical Center.