Join the non-political network that’s aiming to prevent firearm tragedies in Washington state. The 2017 Spring Meeting of the WA Firearm Tragedy Prevention Network will be June 6, 12:30-4:30 p.m. at Burlington Public Library at 820 Washington Ave., Burlington, WA 98233.
Partners in the network include Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital, The Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Lok-It-Up and others. The goal of the network is to share information and resources to identify opportunities to work together to prevent firearm tragedies. Topics can include suicide prevention, safe firearm storage, violence prevention, injury prevention, community programs and more.
Organizations, businesses or individuals interested in keeping communities safe and learning more about firearm tragedy prevention are welcome to attend.
To learn more or RSVP, email