I-HEAL: Injury-related Health Equity across the Lifespan

I-HEAL: Injury-related Health Equity across the Lifespan

By: HIPRC Date: January 18th, 2017

The iHeal logo and the phrase “Injury and Health Equity Across the Lifespan.”

We are thrilled to announce a day-long conference on May 23, 2017 at the University of Washington, supported by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences, the Harborview Injury Prevention Center, the University of Washington School of Social Work and School of Medicine, and the Harborview Medical Center titled, “Injury and Health Equity Across the Lifespan (I-Heal).” We are thrilled to announce our keynote speaker, Dr. Ana Núñez, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Professor of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine and Editor-in-Chief for the Journal Health Equity.

Due to limited progress, health equity has been called the forgotten aim of the Institute of Medicine’s influential report on the new healthcare system of the 21st century. Achieving health equity for all patients requires intervention at many levels. At the University of Washington Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, multidisciplinary researchers, medical providers, and community stakeholders have been working together to identify and address disparities in injury-related healthcare. This work focuses on injury prevention, violence prevention and intervention, improving communication, care transitions, community capacity building, and culturally relevant engagement for our most vulnerable patient populations who experience disproportionate rates of injury and multiple socioeconomic barriers to health and recovery after injury. In order to leverage and expand these collaborations towards measureable, large-scale, and sustained impact, we are hosting a day-long conference to bring together researchers from the University of Washington Schools of Social Work, Medicine, Public Health, Nursing, and College of Arts and Sciences, researchers from across the WWAMI region and country, and our community partners to create synergistic, innovative research, training, and practice agendas aimed at achieving injury-related health equity. I-Heal is particularly interested in increasing injury-related health equity and decreasing disparities for patients from historically oppressed or marginalized groups, those with comorbid behavioral health conditions, those with limited English proficiency, and those with financial or social barriers to healthcare access.

The conference has three goals: (1) To review and assess the state of research, knowledge, and practice models to address injury-related health disparities and increase injury-related health equity, (2) To set the national agenda for injury and health equity related research and practice, and (3) To build collaborations and networks to achieve the national agenda for injury and health equity.

The conference will feature speakers from across the country, from UW, and from the WWAMI region. For more information please contact Megan Moore, Sidney Miller Endowed Assistant Professor in Direct Practice, School of Social Work: mm99@uw.edu

RSVP required.

For more information, contact Megan Moore at iheal@uw.edu or mm99@uw.edu


The Institute of Translational Health Sciences. Accelerating Research. Improving Health.